
Author Topic: I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...  (Read 149 times)


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I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...
« on: July 08, 2004, 12:43:00 AM »

Well I don't own PSO, I do not own or ever plan on owning XBL!
So I can't be much help to you there. I think (eventhough you mentiond PSO spcifficly), that this is the worng Forum for this question. In so far as this Forum
is only for PSO in general.

But I'll try to answer some of your questions.

First off a Modchip is a Device that bypasses the on-board BIOS (called TSOP) on the XBOX. What this does is it allows you to load up another 'modified' BIOS that will let you bypass the Security features that would otherwise allow you to play backups, beit on a DVD or a much larger HDD. On the font page of Xbox-Scene there's a link at the top of the page that will go into more details about the various Modchips and there features and there average retail price.

Ok all I will tell you about how to hack Games is that you'll need to get either the Complex or the newer Gueux Devloper BIOS's. The main difference to say an Xecuter2 or an EvolutionX BIOS is that you'd need to have the XDK (XBOX Devloper Kit) installed on your XBOX (this would be then ran much like any other Dash (Avalaunch, Evox ect..). You'd also need to have Visual Studio .net (VS 7.0) to be installed on your PC too...

The problem is One Program costs like $2000USD (or more no reall clue though!) and the other is only given away to registerd XBOX Devlopers. So that should be enough to start off with. I think most People can work out where they can get these Filez. So enough said there!!


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I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2004, 07:23:00 AM »

To mod your box without a chip, check out the XBE EXPLOITS forum, and read up on the UDE. Get ldot's ude memcard installer (ltools 1.6)

To hack PSO, check this thread

birds eye view

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I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2004, 05:26:00 PM »

that thread really doesn't show you how to hack witout using a modchip. How do you get the files from your computer to your xbox if not using AR?


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I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2004, 03:26:00 AM »

This will let you access EVERYTHING from C: to Z: (H: I: For Memcards i.e. AR)
It's the only way to go. Well AR and any other Mempack will only access the
E: Partition (for Saves).

C: OS Partiton
D: DVD Drive
E: Save Game (Sub-OS)
F: & G: (For Drives over 10GB and 137GB Respetfully)
H: & I: Memcard
X:, Y: & Z: Cache (RAMDrives)

Basicly without FTP access you would have a very difficult time trying
to Hack anything. To be honest I never heard of anyone hacking anything
without some kind of Modchip (or Software Hack e.g. MechAssult or 007AUF).
which would also everntualy open FTP up. But, before doing that I'd HIGHLY
RECOMEND YOU GET A MODCHIP. Yes Softhacking works! Yes it's cheaper then a
Modchip. No it's not easy to do and you can seriosly F+CKUP your XBOX if you
do not know what you are doinig!


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I Know I'll Probably Get Nothing...
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2004, 08:10:00 PM »

most people that you see online are not hackers. They just follow the tutorials like everyone else. I don't know why they are so secretive, since everyone else knows everything.

I would suggest that you go here:

The forums has some detailed tutorials on doing a softmod specifically for this game. And how to use hacks by hexediting supplied files.