
Author Topic: Hacking Gotham 2 Cars  (Read 88 times)


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Hacking Gotham 2 Cars
« on: August 30, 2004, 06:35:00 AM »

Poor Guy this post has been here for quite a while, and the only reason why no one has answered it is because you used the word "HACKED" in your post.

But I understand what you mean so I will tell you....

Based on what i remember, not sre if there are other ways but this is what i know so far..

1. You will need to download the game to your HDD on Xbox

2. Browse through the contents and look a folder called Dynamics, could be "Car Dynamics" (I'm doing this from memory)

3. In there should be a whole bunch of .ini files with the car names on them. Eg "F50.ini" these are the files you want to "HACK"!! Sorry should I have said Edit?
anyway you know what i mean dont you!?

4. Scroll to the bottom of each file and you wil find stuff like turbo boost and car stuff like that edit to your requirements, trial and error really to u get what u want.

5. To make it easier get a Mini Cooper car .ini and a Speed 12 .ini and copy over the Speed 12 settings to the Mini Cooper settings and now u have a Mini with a Speed 12 Engine! (also with other attributes like its wild handling!)

6. Oh yeah dont forget your going to need to have a back up of the files just in case u make a mistake or two.

All the best, P.S. there are some PGR2 file editors and Car Dynamics in the forum here u can download and look at for ideas.