
Author Topic: Mods In Progress  (Read 95 times)


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Mods In Progress
« on: August 19, 2005, 07:26:00 PM »

tongue.gif Anyways, here's my list, with descriptions:

Halfdragon race: inspired by the Dragon Disciples mod, figured it needed a bit more oomph. The race is a cross between dragons and humans. They'll have a human body, but covered in scales. They'll start with non-functional wings that will, with time become useful. Also, they'll have a tail similar to Argonians. Also, they'll have a dragons head. Other features: strength, intelligence, and endurance bonuses, negatives to personality (to represent the fact that most people don't like them). Oh, yes, being able to breath their respective elemental breath.

Linking books: A series of Myst-like books that will transport you to various places on Vvardenfell. The advantage is that you can bring them with you.

Crossbow pack: Four crossbows: A Sniper Crossbow (+30 to Attack, high damage, low speed), Repeating crossbow (A speed of 10, very fast), Double winged crossbow (scripted so that when it fires, it fires a second one automatically, still working on the script though), Infintrator Crossbow (You fire it at a wall, not a creature. When the bolt reaches the wall, the player is teleported to the point where the bolt hit.). Honestly, the first two are already done, the second two may be impossible to script. We'll see.

Shapechanger race: This one should allow the Player to change into various creatures, more powerful with level. Not that hard, actually. Just tedious.

Why don't you guys post your projects here? Then, if any are particularly similar, there's the option to merge the projects. Just a thought...