
Author Topic: Morrowind  (Read 119 times)


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« on: October 12, 2003, 03:07:00 PM »

blink.gif  the little slowdowns are kinda annoying. im a newb to game "hacking" so i dont realy know what to do. i made Unreal go way faster by turing some settings down in the .ini so, is it possible in morrowind?
thanx in advance  beerchug.gif


  • Archived User
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  • Posts: 10
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2003, 08:39:00 PM »

[Game Files]


;Starting Cell=Magic Test
;Starting Grid X=0
;Starting Grid Y=0
;Starting Offset X=5728
;Starting Offset Y=1236

;-1 Use raw data, 0 Use Newer, 1 use Archive Only


No String Optimize=0

Clip One To One Float=1
Flip Control Y=1
PC Footstep Volume=0.7

Screen Shot Enable=0
Screen Shot Base Name=ScreenShot
Screen Shot Index=0
Beta Comment File=t:BetaComment.txt
Interior Cell Buffer=1
Exterior Cell Buffer=16
Number of Shadows=6
Maximum Shadows Per Object=1

;This section governs light attenuation. This is calcuated as follows:
;   atten = 1 / ( ConstantValue + Linear * Distance + Quadratic * Distance^2 )
;If you want to use Constant attenuation:
;   1. set UseConstant=1
;   2. set ConstantValue to some non-zero number
;If you want to use Linear attenuation:
;   1. set UseLinear=1
;   2. Choose your method of calculating the value:
;  a. LinearMethod=0 : uses LinearValue
;  b. LinearMethod=1 : uses LinearValue / LightRadius
;  c. LinearMethod=2 : uses LinearValue / LightRadius^2
;   b is most commonly used.
;If you want to use Quadraticattenuation:
;   1. set UseQuadratic=1
;   2. Choose your method of calculating the value:
;  a. QuadraticMethod=0 : uses QuadraticValue
;  b. QuadraticMethod=1 : uses QuadraticValue / LightRadius
;  c. QuadraticMethod=2 : uses QuadraticValue / LightRadius^2
;   c is most commonly used.
;You can use Linear attenuation inside and Quadratic attenuation outside
;by setting.
;   OutQuadInLin=1
;If this is present & set to 1, it overrides the UseLinear and UseQuadratic settings.
;If you want to alter the radius used in quadratic or linear attenuation,
;you can set the followind. The radius will be multiplied by these numbers,
;which default to 1.0, before the attenuation is calculated using method 1 or 2.
;   QuadraticRadiusMult=1.0
;   LinearRadiusMult=1.0
;If you leave out any of these settings, they'll default to settings hard-coded
;in TES3Light.cpp



No Reboot On New Game=0
No Reboot On Load Game=0



Company Logo=bethesda logo.bik
Morrowind Logo=mw_logo.bik
New Game=mw_intro.bik
Options Menu=mw_menu.bik

[Question 1]
Question=On a clear day you chance upon a strange animal, its leg trapped in a hunter's clawsnare. Judging from the bleeding, it will not survive long.
AnswerOne=Draw your dagger, mercifully ending its life with a single thrust?
AnswerTwo=Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep?
AnswerThree=Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events, but rather take the opportunity to learn more about a strange animal that you have never seen before?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA1.wav

[Question 2]
Question=One summer afternoon your father gives you a choice of chores.
AnswerOne=Work in the forge with him casting iron for a new plow?
AnswerTwo=Gather herbs for your mother who is preparing dinner?
AnswerThree=Go catch fish at the stream using a net and line?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA2.wav

[Question 3]
Question=Your cousin has given you a very embarassing nickname and, even worse, likes to call you it in front of your friends. You have asked him to stop, but he finds it very amusing to watch you blush.
AnswerOne=Beat up your cousin, then tell him that if he ever calls you that nickname again, you will bloody him worse than this time.
AnswerTwo=Make up a story that makes your nickname a badge of honor instead of something humiliating.
AnswerThree=Make up an even more embarrassing nickname for him and use it constantly until he learns his lesson.
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA3.wav

[Question 4]
Question=There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not.
AnswerOne=This is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind.
AnswerTwo=Loyal followers to the King have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late.
AnswerThree=In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime.
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA4.wav

[Question 5]
Question=Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items.
AnswerOne=Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned money, explaining to him the mistake?
AnswerTwo=Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase items that would help your family?
AnswerThree=Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA5.wav

[Question 6]
Question=While in a market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so, the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet.
AnswerOne=Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that the only honorable thing to do is return the money to its rightful owner?
AnswerTwo=Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to get involved?
AnswerThree=Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra windfall will help your family in times of trouble?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA6.wav

[Question 7]
Question=Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his choosing.
AnswerOne=Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt?
AnswerTwo=Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of his choosing in the future?
AnswerThree=Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA7.wav

[Question 8]
Question=Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working, a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her.
AnswerOne=Position yourself between the pipe and your mother?
AnswerTwo=Grab the hot pipe and try to push it away?
AnswerThree=Push your mother out of the way?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA8.wav

[Question 9]
Question=While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it.
AnswerOne=Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for the fight?
AnswerTwo=Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friends with you and can come and take whatever he owes you?
AnswerThree=Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll, but at the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot in on the leader?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA9.wav

[Question 10]
Question=Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well-dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seems very angry.
AnswerOne=Rush to the town's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances?
AnswerTwo=Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved?
AnswerThree=Rush to the man's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances?
Sound=VoMiscCharGen QA10.wav

;Editor Alpha ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
;An alpha of 1.0 shows the water as it will appear in game.
Editor Alpha=0.25
Map Alpha=0.4
World Alpha=0.75
RippleScale=0.15, 6.5
RippleAlphas=0.7, 0.1, 0.01
NearWaterIndoorID=Water Layer
NearWaterOutdoorID=Water Layer
;DEPRECATED - remove asap
;UnderwaterSunriseColor=0.0, 0.32, 0.40, 3
;UnderwaterDayColor=0.17, 0.3, 0.32, 2
;UnderwaterSunsetColor=0.0, 0.32, 0.40, 3
;UnderwaterNightColor=0.0, 1.3, 1.35, 4
;UnderwaterIndoorColor=0.0, 1.0, 1.3, 4
;NEW and IMPROVED settings


Model 0=BloodSplat.nif
Model 1=BloodSplat2.nif
Model 2=BloodSplat3.nif

Texture 0=Tx_Blood.tga
Texture 1=Tx_Blood_White.tga
Texture 2=Tx_Blood_Gold.tga

Texture Name 0=Default (Red)
Texture Name 1=Skeleton (White)
Texture Name 2=Metal Sparks (Gold)

Cell 0=Imperial Prison Ship
Cell 1=Seyda Neen

Masser Size=94
Masser Fade In Start=14
Masser Fade In Finish=15
Masser Fade Out Start=7
Masser Fade Out Finish=10
Masser Axis Offset=35
Masser Speed=.5
Masser Daily Increment=1
Masser Fade Start Angle=50
Masser Fade End Angle=40
Masser Moon Shadow Early Fade Angle=0.5
Secunda Size=40
Secunda Fade In Start=14
Secunda Fade In Finish=15
Secunda Fade Out Start=7
Secunda Fade Out Finish=10
Secunda Axis Offset=50
Secunda Speed=.6
Secunda Daily Increment=1.2
Secunda Fade Start Angle=50
Secunda Fade End Angle=30
Secunda Moon Shadow Early Fade Angle=0.5

Minimum Time Between Environmental Sounds=1.0
Maximum Time Between Environmental Sounds=10.0
Sun Glare Fader Max=0.5
Sun Glare Fader Angle Max=30.0
Sun Glare Fader Color=222,095,039
Timescale Clouds=1
Precip Gravity=400
Hours Between Weather Changes=20
Rain Ripples=1
Rain Ripple Radius=1024
Rain Ripples Per Drop=1
Rain Ripple Scale=0.3
Rain Ripple Speed=1.0
Fog Depth Change Speed=3
Sunrise Time=6
Sunset Time=18
Sunrise Duration=2
Sunset Duration=2
Sky Pre-Sunrise Time=.5
Sky Post-Sunrise Time=1
Sky Pre-Sunset Time=1.5
Sky Post-Sunset Time=.5
Ambient Pre-Sunrise Time=.5
Ambient Post-Sunrise Time=2
Ambient Pre-Sunset Time=1
Ambient Post-Sunset Time=1.25
Fog Pre-Sunrise Time=.5
Fog Post-Sunrise Time=1
Fog Pre-Sunset Time=2
Fog Post-Sunset Time=1
Sun Pre-Sunrise Time=0
Sun Post-Sunrise Time=0
Sun Pre-Sunset Time=1
Sun Post-Sunset Time=1.25
Stars Post-Sunset Start=1
Stars Pre-Sunrise Finish=2
Stars Fading Duration=2

[Weather Clear]
Sky Sunrise Color=117,141,164
Sky Day Color=095,135,203
Sky Sunset Color=056,089,129
Sky Night Color=010,015,019
Fog Sunrise Color=255,189,157
Fog Day Color=206,227,255
Fog Sunset Color=255,189,157
Fog Night Color=010,015,019
Ambient Sunrise Color=047,066,096
Ambient Day Color=137,140,160
Ambient Sunset Color=068,075,096
Ambient Night Color=032,035,042
Sun Sunrise Color=242,159,119
Sun Day Color=255,252,238
Sun Sunset Color=255,114,079
Sun Night Color=059,097,176
Sun Disc Sunset Color=255,189,157
Transition Delta=.015
Land Fog Day Depth=.69
Land Fog Night Depth=.69
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=.1
Cloud Speed=2.5
Glare View=1
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Clear.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None

[Weather Cloudy]
Sky Sunrise Color=126,158,173
Sky Day Color=117,160,215
Sky Sunset Color=111,114,159
Sky Night Color=015,016,019
Fog Sunrise Color=255,207,149
Fog Day Color=205,218,239
Fog Sunset Color=255,155,106
Fog Night Color=016,018,022
Ambient Sunrise Color=066,074,087
Ambient Day Color=137,145,160
Ambient Sunset Color=071,080,092
Ambient Night Color=032,039,054
Sun Sunrise Color=241,177,099
Sun Day Color=255,236,221
Sun Sunset Color=255,089,000
Sun Night Color=077,091,124
Sun Disc Sunset Color=255,202,179
Transition Delta=.015
Land Fog Day Depth=.72
Land Fog Night Depth=.72
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=.2
Cloud Speed=4
Glare View=1
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Cloudy.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None

[Weather Foggy]
Sky Sunrise Color=197,190,180
Sky Day Color=184,211,228
Sky Sunset Color=142,159,176
Sky Night Color=030,031,032
Fog Sunrise Color=173,164,148
Fog Day Color=150,187,209
Fog Sunset Color=113,135,157
Fog Night Color=035,036,037
Ambient Sunrise Color=048,043,037
Ambient Day Color=092,109,120
Ambient Sunset Color=029,053,076
Ambient Night Color=028,033,039
Sun Sunrise Color=177,162,137
Sun Day Color=111,131,151
Sun Sunset Color=125,157,189
Sun Night Color=081,100,119
Sun Disc Sunset Color=223,223,223
Transition Delta=.015
Land Fog Day Depth=1.0
Land Fog Night Depth=1.5
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=0
Cloud Speed=1.5
Glare View=0.25
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Foggy.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None

[Weather Overcast]
Sky Sunrise Color=091,099,106
Sky Day Color=120,125,131
Sky Sunset Color=108,111,121
Sky Night Color=029,032,035
Fog Sunrise Color=091,099,106
Fog Day Color=142,145,148
Fog Sunset Color=108,111,121
Fog Night Color=029,032,035
Ambient Sunrise Color=084,088,092
Ambient Day Color=093,096,105
Ambient Sunset Color=083,077,075
Ambient Night Color=057,060,066
Sun Sunrise Color=087,125,163
Sun Day Color=163,169,183
Sun Sunset Color=085,103,157
Sun Night Color=037,059,105
Sun Disc Sunset Color=128,128,128
Transition Delta=.015
Land Fog Day Depth=.70
Land Fog Night Depth=.70
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=.2
Cloud Speed=2
Glare View=0
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Overcast.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None

[Weather Rain]
Sky Sunrise Color=085,082,081
Sky Day Color=146,150,152
Sky Sunset Color=082,083,083
Sky Night Color=038,038,042
Fog Sunrise Color=085,082,081
Fog Day Color=146,150,152
Fog Sunset Color=082,083,083
Fog Night Color=034,035,036
Ambient Sunrise Color=097,090,088
Ambient Day Color=105,110,113
Ambient Sunset Color=088,097,097
Ambient Night Color=050,055,067
Sun Sunrise Color=131,122,120
Sun Day Color=149,157,170
Sun Sunset Color=120,126,131
Sun Night Color=055,067,106
Sun Disc Sunset Color=128,128,128
Transition Delta=.015
Land Fog Day Depth=.8
Land Fog Night Depth=.8
Clouds Maximum Percent=0.66
Wind Speed=.3
Cloud Speed=3
Glare View=0
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Rainy.tga
Using Precip=1
Rain Diameter=600
Rain Height Min=200
Rain Height Max=700
Rain Threshold=0.6
Rain Entrance Speed=7
Rain Loop Sound ID=Rain
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None
Max Raindrops=450

[Weather Thunderstorm]
Sky Sunrise Color=035,036,039
Sky Day Color=098,104,115
Sky Sunset Color=035,036,039
Sky Night Color=029,029,029
Fog Sunrise Color=070,074,085
Fog Day Color=097,104,115
Fog Sunset Color=070,074,085
Fog Night Color=029,030,032
Ambient Sunrise Color=054,054,054
Ambient Day Color=090,090,090
Ambient Sunset Color=054,054,054
Ambient Night Color=049,051,054
Sun Sunrise Color=091,099,122
Sun Day Color=138,144,155
Sun Sunset Color=096,101,117
Sun Night Color=060,081,115
Sun Disc Sunset Color=128,128,128
Transition Delta=.030
Thunder Frequency=.4
Thunder Threshold=0.6
Thunder Sound ID 0=Thunder0
Thunder Sound ID 1=Thunder1
Thunder Sound ID 2=Thunder2
Thunder Sound ID 3=Thunder3
Land Fog Day Depth=1
Land Fog Night Depth=1.15
Clouds Maximum Percent=0.66
Wind Speed=.5
Cloud Speed=5
Glare View=0
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Thunder.tga
Using Precip=1
Rain Diameter=600
Rain Height Min=200
Rain Height Max=700
Rain Threshold=0.6
Max Raindrops=650
Rain Entrance Speed=5
Rain Loop Sound ID=Rain
Ambient Loop Sound ID=None
Flash Decrement=4

[Weather Ashstorm]
Sky Sunrise Color=091,056,051
Sky Day Color=124,073,058
Sky Sunset Color=106,055,040
Sky Night Color=040,042,044
Fog Sunrise Color=091,056,051
Fog Day Color=124,073,058
Fog Sunset Color=106,055,040
Fog Night Color=035,037,039
Ambient Sunrise Color=054,042,037
Ambient Day Color=075,049,041
Ambient Sunset Color=048,039,035
Ambient Night Color=036,042,049
Sun Sunrise Color=184,091,071
Sun Day Color=228,139,114
Sun Sunset Color=185,086,057
Sun Night Color=054,066,074
Sun Disc Sunset Color=128,128,128
Transition Delta=.035
Land Fog Day Depth=1.1
Land Fog Night Depth=1.2
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=.8
Cloud Speed=10
Glare View=0
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Ashstorm.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=ashstorm
Storm Threshold=.70

[Weather Blight]
Sky Sunrise Color=072,032,032
Sky Day Color=090,033,033
Sky Sunset Color=074,030,030
Sky Night Color=044,014,014
Fog Sunrise Color=090,035,035
Fog Day Color=128,019,019
Fog Sunset Color=092,033,033
Fog Night Color=044,014,014
Ambient Sunrise Color=061,040,040
Ambient Day Color=079,054,054
Ambient Sunset Color=061,040,040
Ambient Night Color=056,058,062
Sun Sunrise Color=180,078,078
Sun Day Color=224,084,084
Sun Sunset Color=180,078,078
Sun Night Color=061,091,143
Sun Disc Sunset Color=128,128,128
Transition Delta=.040
Land Fog Day Depth=1.1
Land Fog Night Depth=1.2
Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0
Wind Speed=.9
Cloud Speed=12
Glare View=0
Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Blight.tga
Ambient Loop Sound ID=ashstorm
Storm Threshold=.70
Disease Chance=.050

Font 0=century_gothic_font_regular
Font 1=century_gothic_big
Font 2=daedric_font














color_magic= 53,69,159





Cursor 0=cursor
Cursor 1=cursormove
; Use item
Cursor 2=cursor
; Place item
Cursor 3=cursor_drop
; Drop item at feet
Cursor 4=cursor_drop_ground

[Level Up]
Level2=You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.
Level3=You realize that you are catching on to the secret of success. It's just a matter of concentration.
Level4=It's all suddenly obvious to you. You just have to concentrate. All the energy and time you've wasted -- it's a sin. But without the experience you've gained, taking risks, taking responsibility for failure, how could you have understood?
Level5=Everything you do is just a bit easier, more instinctive, more satisfying. It is as though you had suddenly developed keen senses and instincts.
Level6=You sense yourself more aware, more open to new ideas. You've learned a lot about Morrowind. It's hard to believe how ignorant you were -- but now you have so much more to learn.
Level7=You resolve to continue pushing yourself. Perhaps there's more to you than you thought.
Level8=The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration.
Level9=Everything you do is just a bit easier, more instinctive, more satisfying. It is as though you had suddenly developed keen senses and instincts.
Level10=You woke today with a new sense of purpose. You're no longer afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new.
Level11=Being smart doesn't hurt. And a little luck now and then is nice. But the key is patience and hard work. And when it pays off, it's SWEET!
Level12=You can't believe how easy it is. You just have to go -- a little crazy. And then, suddenly, it all makes sense, and everything you do turns to gold.
Level13=It's the most amazing thing. Yesterday it was hard, and today it is easy. Just a good night's sleep, and you forget how to be stupid.
Level14=Today you wake up, full of energy and ideas, and you know, somehow, that overnight everything has changed. What a difference a day makes.
Level15=Today you suddenly realized the life you've been living, the punishment your body has taken -- there are limits to what the body can do, and perhaps you have reached them. You've wondered what it is like to grow old. Well, now you know.
Level16=You've been trying too hard, thinking too much. Relax. Trust your instincts. Just be yourself. Do the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.
Level17=Life isn't over. You can still get smarter, or cleverer, or more experienced, or meaner -- but your body and soul just aren't going to get any younger.
Level18=The challenge now is to stay at the peak as long as you can. You may be as strong today as any mortal who has ever walked the earth, but there's always someone younger, a new challenger.
Level19=You're really good. Maybe the best. And that's why it's so hard to get better. But you just keep trying, because that's the way you are.
Level20=You'll never be better than you are today. If you are lucky, by superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But sooner or later, you're going to lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail -- and you'll be gone forever.
Default=The results of hard work and dedication always look like luck to saps. But you know you've earned every ounce of your success.

that is the entire ini, but i have no clue what to do