
Author Topic: Gungriffon Allied Strike  (Read 28 times)


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Gungriffon Allied Strike
« on: December 27, 2004, 11:51:00 AM »

Taken from the gamefaqs message board.

A serious thing, the game is only 30 FPS(most time ,,Lower than 30 FPS ,20FPS) . now, I found that there is a file named "xboxautoexec.cfg" in the game path(game disc).

open it, you can change many thing like a pc game.

"MaxFPS" "30.0000" to "MaxFPS" "60.0000"

"FogEnable" "1" to "FogEnable" "0"
"optimizesurfaces" "1" to "optimizesurfaces" "0"
"DetailTextureScale""1.0" to "DetailTextureScale""0.5" (0.1~0.9 ,choose yourself)

"ModelShadow_Proj_Enable" "1" to "ModelShadow_Proj_Enable" "0"
"VSync" "1" to "VSync" "0"

"FPS""0" to "FPS""1" (you can see the FPS in the game)

at last,save it. then run the game,you can found that the game run with 60 FPS( most time 50~60FPS),and the graphics also looks good as the past(little lose).



Not surprising though. The first versions of this game shown were on Windows 2k at a South Korean PC game expo. It was called Gun Griffon Divide at that time. are right. there is a file called "GGD.XBE"in the game

Anyone tried this? I'll have a go and take some screenies as well