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Author Topic: Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)  (Read 6719 times)


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #60 on: August 14, 2009, 12:15:00 AM »


Does that mean you have the fixed width text as an option now too????



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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #61 on: August 14, 2009, 04:42:00 PM »

Oh... that is what that's supposed to be?  I don't think it works very well.   laugh.gif

I thought you did something.  I'll mess around with it when I see your new beta.


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2009, 06:15:00 AM »


Finally it seems to be working without any Box-killing bugs.  Word Wrap function seems to work perfectly now so if gameFaqs are cleaned up (hard returns removed, for the most part) they will be perfectly viewable in-game.


Now, madmab... for the in-game menu, since we're getting to the bottom of the whole media viewer thing.

First, when I go to the in-game options the menu line says the following:

In Game Options (17), SFX(100), mp3CDDA(100), CD.... (cuts off there)

Is there any reason we display all of that, and if not, could we just remove all of it and just leave "In-Game Options" and center it (also adding a hyphen between "In" & "Game")?

To clean up the in-game menu and make it more user friendly, I suggest we set it up this way:

Return to Game
Exit Game
Save/Load Game (Renamed from "Game Utilities" since we'd be "trimming the fat" here)
--->Save State
--->Load State
(Removing "Current State" because you can pick and choose which state to use when you're loading or saving already. Removing Recording/Playback options since this never worked (or is completely unnecessary when we have real videos now), Removing option to turn screenshot capture on/off since that can be done in the settings outside of the game, Removing "View Text File" since there will be a main menu option for that, Removing "Take Screenshot" since there will be a main menu option for that)
View Text File/Other Media (I assume from previous discussions that once in this option I can load either a movie or a picture or a text file from it so there would be no need for a sub-category here)
Cheat Codes
(I'd like to suggest that we do something to make this more user friendly.  I don't know much about cheat codes at this time, but these options are confusing as hell to a newbie)
Controller/Video Configuration (Renamed from "Configuration")
--->Controller Configuration
--->Video Configuration
------->Game Screen Size/Position (Adding the "/" character)
------->Software Filter: (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
------->XBox Hardware Filtering: (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
------->Force PAL50 Mode (PAL only): (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
------->Flicker Filter Level: (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
------->Soften Display: (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
------->10x11 Pixel Aspect Ratio: (Add ":" since it display's the filter afterwards)
(Remove "Move Menu Text" since it's irrelevant in-game.  We also may want to remove other features here as well since I'm sure we can set them up outside of the game for all games and I never use any of them besides Game Screen Size/Position and possibly Software Filter)
Take Screenshot
Reset Game
Insert/Eject FDS Disk
Select FDS Disk
Insert Coin
Toggle DIP #1
Toggle DIP #2
Toggle DIP #3
Toggle DIP #4
Toggle DIP #5
Toggle DIP #6
Toggle DIP #7
 (Without any objections I'd remove all the crap in red too.  As long as I've been working on this I've never once used any of them.  I assume they're for Play Choice 10, but who the hell wants to play a Play Choice 10 game anyways when you could just play the real game?  I've removed all that crap from my sets).


To clean it up without the notes, I suggest this be what the in-game menu looks like:

Return to Game
Exit Game
Save/Load Game
--->Save State
--->Load State
View Text File/Other Media
Cheat Codes
Controller/Video Configuration
--->Controller Configuration
--->Video Configuration
------->Game Screen Size/Position
------->Software Filter:
------->XBox Hardware Filtering:
------->Force PAL50 Mode (PAL only):
------->Flicker Filter Level:
------->Soften Display:
------->10x11 Pixel Aspect Ratio:
Take Screenshot
Reset Game

What do you think guys?


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2009, 02:34:00 AM »

Anyways as it is now.. I'd rather just work on getting the media browser up to speed (and maybe removing those extra Play Choice 10 options when not needed.  I've already (hopefully) removed the extra MP3_CDDA and CDDA options which should only be present in the TG16/PCE emulator.

I'm probably gonna be on a little programmer hiatus.  I've been hacking away quite a bit on the atarixlbox emulator lately.  As well as fixing up the little bugs in MednafenX_NES, oh and practically did a complete re-write of the unzip code because of a little issue created with Winuaex laugh.gif  and wanna take a little mini break.



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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2009, 03:05:00 AM »

The in-game options contains thoe numbers so the user knows what the volume is for the different sound elements.  Especially since we are giving them the option to adjust those.  Also since we are no longer "maximizing" the SFX volume I don't want the user being confused when they accidently lower the volume to un-hearable and wonder why.  laugh.gif  In the case of the NES, though.  I don't think the last two are even used.  They are carried over because of the PCE emulation.  I should probably put some #ifdef's in there somewhere to remove those for the NES and the LYNX.

Ahhh... I see.   There's probably a better place to put those though, don't you think?  I just think it looks a little sloppy being on the same line as the title for the In-game menu.  Valuable information though.  I just didn't know what I was looking at there.

I'd rather not mess with the default "In Game" options ( Return to game, Exit Game, Configuration, Cheat Codes, and Game Utilites).  They are kept to a minimum for a reason.  Each emu is different on how many extra options it adds so the less clutter the better.

Whoops... I don't think you understood what I meant here.  This was all about paring things down to a minimum.  I'm definitely not talking about adding things.  I think there is a ton of stuff in the in-game menu that is cluttering it up needlessly.  I think the current setup is far from "minimum".

Not necessarily..  It's there in case the user has "Always display save state menu" set to "No" and a button mapped to load and save states.  They need a way of changing the "slot" used.

I suppose that could stay there then, although I don't know why somebody would choose to do it that way.  I still think the Game Utilities should be changed to "Load/Save Game" and just have "Save State", "Load State" and "Current State".... removing all the other options in that menu.

This does work and it does not record video.  It records all controller input from a certain save point and can play that back.  I use it all the time..  tongue.gif

Ah.... what for?  Testing purposes?  I don't understand enough about the benefit of having this in there for the average user who isn't testing stuff.

I don't think the user would be too happy if screenshot capture was on and they loaded a game and had no way of turning it off quickly.  I've used this to capture Miner 2049'er shots for my miner skin (which is now defunct btw).  laugh.gif

Assuming that people have my Xtras there shouldn't be any need to ever have screenshots on, except for a possible very rare occasion, so it should be off by default.  At the very least, people should have my artwork packs if they don't want the videos.  And if they're too lazy to do that even, I doubt they'd use the screenshot feature at all in the first place.  My Xtras aren't going away like the repository did.  I plan on using every outlet I can to get them out there when I'm ready for release.  Short of government intervention I think the Xtras are going to long outlast emulation on the XBox.

I dunno.. Have not really decided what to do with this.  I thought of changing it to something like "Media Browser".  But I know we discussed the option of having a seperate menu so it can dump the user in specific directories (for example Faqs or documentation), and hopefully at or close to the game being played.

Before having used the feature in-game when you fixed the word wrap I thought we'd need something like this.  If you can code it, it would be great, but don't you think that would be at least as difficult as coding the alternate favorites or the sort/filter feature?  I don't think we'll ever have enough of a Faq collection built up to justify your time coding that feature, and I really can't think of any other category which would benefit from it.  If I wanted to look at the artwork/movies, I'd just scroll through the games.  I actually kinda like how it just opens right into your media folder now and you can choose which media you want to look at from there.  I'm definitely open to new ideas on this if you have any though.

Not sure what to say about this.  I think it is just about as easy as it can get.  I did add descriptions for the code Types which used to be just numbers only.  I always thought that the "Add Game Genie Code" should be moved up.

Maybe it is.... It's still a freakin' pain in the ass though.  Way too many options, and they're extremely verbose without saying anything.  They often tend to do what I dont' expect them to do.  Good thing I won't use them much since I generally hate cheats when it comes to any game but Snake Rattle 'n Roll since that game was designed by the same company as Game Genie and I'm convinced it was made only to push more Game Genie sales.

Not sure why this is in there.  Although I do remember using it at on point to move the text so I could see it, but I honestly forgot.

Yep... can't see a use for it after the Dynamic Skins are created for all the emus.  Menu text shouldn't need to be fixed... especially in game.

I'm not gonna remove menu options just because I don't use them.  Actually on occasion I have.  But as I have found with the beta issues that just because I don't use a feature does not mean other people don't.  "Show screenshots while scrolling" and "0 seconds on Auto-Advance" anyone?

I'm not saying remove them completely... just from the in-game menu to de-clutter it.  You can still get to any "removed" options through the regular menus.

I think there are actually a couple games in the RessX set that use the FDS.  Anyways I was planning on having those only show up when a game that uses them (Play Choice 10) is running.  So for all intents and purposes they will be gone.  Just had not got around to it.

Yeah... I forgot to address the FDS stuff separately.  I never used the in-game menu for that though.  I had the black and white buttons set so you could eject a disk, flip it, then re-insert it right in the game.  I can't remember if the emulator was set up that way standard or if I did that on my own, but it works like a dream and since the NES barely uses any buttons they were open for this task.

Do people really play Play Choice 10 games?  Why?  Completely useless roms in my book.  They were all ditched when it came to the Xtras, and I'm pretty generous with what I actually allow in my sets compared to BP on MAME.

Anyways I added the "/" and ":" in.  I figured someone would ask about that eventually.  laugh.gif

Good man.  I never noticed how silly that looked until yesterday when I was plotting this out.

Anyways as it is now.. I'd rather just work on getting the media browser up to speed (and maybe removing those extra Play Choice 10 options when not needed. I've already (hopefully) removed the extra MP3_CDDA and CDDA options which should only be present in the TG16/PCE emulator.

I'm probably gonna be on a little programmer hiatus. I've been hacking away quite a bit on the atarixlbox emulator lately. As well as fixing up the little bugs in MednafenX_NES, oh and practically did a complete re-write of the unzip code because of a little issue created with Winuaex laugh.gif and wanna take a little mini break.

Enjoy.  My OCD doesn't afford me that luxury.  If I walked away from this it would be two weeks before I latched on to some other unhealthy obsession and you guys would never see me complete this work.




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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #65 on: August 16, 2009, 06:32:00 AM »

I got away from it completely for about 5 days.  That's a personal best for me for quite a while.   laugh.gif

Don't piss off the better half man.  My old man did that once.......

.... once.

I liked those ideas for the media directory before, but they seem a bit extravagant now given the other things we still need.  Also, since then I've made some personal leaps in directory structure that gets very little discussion here.  Actually, when I used this last beta and used the in-game text viewer for the first time it worked great... dumping me in the very folder I have my videos, screenshots, enhanced artwork, gameFaqs, and even saves.  Anything else I have will go in this folder too.  I love having everything together like this.

So..... I'd not worry about that feature at all now.  Once we get the in-game menu completed and the ability to look at media stuff is a direct option it pretty much works perfect now.  (I didn't even know there was an in-game "text" viewer before since it was buried).

The only thing that could be fixed on it is to get a better fixed width font and I think we're set.....

Oh, wait... I forgot about the image viewer.  That could probably use some work when we get the in-game option working better.  So... text is near perfect, I'm sure videos are great... just might need work on the image viewer.

What semantics on the favorites need to be worked out?  I didn't think it was much more than how we'd select it.  I forget most of that conversation so I hope you took notes  cool.gif


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #66 on: August 19, 2009, 01:24:00 AM »

You guys may or may not have noticed I've been snatching up the hot-potato for a lot of the synopsis files.  I've done a lot of cleanup work that I won't be uploading here until we're nearing a new beta release or somebody specifically asks for it.  

PLEASE... remember that I have the hot potatoes on things before you guys do work.  We haven't been getting much assistance in that area at all recently so I figure it doesn't matter.  Just wanted to give you all a heads up.


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2009, 02:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(ressurectionx @ Aug 16 2009, 08:32 AM) View Post

What semantics on the favorites need to be worked out?  I didn't think it was much more than how we'd select it.  I forget most of that conversation so I hope you took notes  cool.gif

For some strange reason I cannot seem to find the conversation where I mentioned them.  I'm wondering if it was in the old MednafenX-NES pre beta thread over on that other place before they changed forums.

It had to do with how the interface would operate based on the functions that we wanted.  Since most of the buttons are already used in the favorites list we really only have back and Y free a seperate menu would have to be brought up.

My brain is kinda fried tonight...   blink.gif


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2009, 03:09:00 AM »

I'm cool with a separate menu for that.   I figure once the ability is programmed there would probably be some interest out there to make Top Lists off of magazines and internet sites.  Also we could pack releases with favorites lists that the major contributers have come up with.  For most of the major emulators I would think that there would be enough alternate lists used to warrant that extra menu.


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #69 on: August 19, 2009, 06:15:00 PM »

Hey madmab..

What do you think about a new option in the General Settings "Display Game CRC? Yes/No"


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2009, 12:44:00 AM »

And if it the user sets it to "YES" where is this game CRC supposed to be displayed?


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2009, 01:03:00 AM »

"Display Game CRC in Synopsis? Yes/No"   laugh.gif


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #72 on: August 20, 2009, 04:01:00 AM »

Is that when it does or when it doesn't find a match?  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by madmab: Aug 20 2009, 11:01 AM


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #73 on: August 20, 2009, 04:40:00 AM »

I was thinking just to have them always on or always off instead.  I thought it might be easier to code.  Whatever is easier for you.


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Mednafenx-nes - Nes Emulator For Xbox V10.5pb (public Beta)
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2009, 08:31:00 AM »

Just a little update on the latest happenings...

I finally did it. I implemented a "Rewind frameskip" option whereas rewind can be set-up to "skip" X amount of frames before it creates a "snapshot".  Got this idea a while back when x-port said he used it in GBAX.  Well now I have it set up so it can be used for any emu....

So what?  Do you say?  Well here are some of the advantages...

1)  Allows games that have performance problems when rewind is activated to still be able to be run with rewind on.  Atarixlbox was particularly borderline with this one.  5200 games typically ran great but other titles with a larger "footprint" tended to have performance issues.

2)  Systems that had problems with rewind, or where it may have not been feasable may just be feasable now.

3)  For you filter freaks.  If there is a filter that creates a "performance hit".  Between it and rewind it may slow a game down.  Now with a "Rewind frameskip" this can be alleviated a bit.

4)  Because I said so!  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

At this point rewind does not really affect MednafenX-NES that much.  But if I succeed with what I am doing with atarixlbox, that may not be the case in the near future.  Let's just say I got something working on atarixlbox.  Just not sure how well it will "translate" to other emu's.  This is a bit new to me.

On a side note as X-port mentioned.  There seems to be a little bug with the compression code used by the rewind code where if the compressed size ends up larger than the compressed data it will freak (aka lock) while rewinding.

I put in a minor tweak to fix 1 specific issue.  But I also placed a little debugging info in there to make it more obvious when and how often it is happening.  So maybe I'll be able to fix the bugger.
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