
Author Topic: So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?  (Read 412 times)


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So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?
« on: June 16, 2010, 12:20:00 AM »

I figured I might as well answer this question since there has been a bit of delay.

Well outside of real world issues which I'm not gonna go into... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)  I managed to wrap up the last batch of emu's when I was off for a week while relatives visited.  Then someone pointed out to me a version of Scummv that could browse samba networks and since I was tired of having troubles connecting to my own NAS I decided to look into it.

Hence the quest began to add in the samba code from XBMC.  Anywho I got it working and here is what the samba write up is gonna be for the upcoming releases.

New SAMBA code from XBMC

* Old SAMBA code replaced with code from XBMC.  You should now have more luck connecting to your SAMBA shares (including a NAS).  Especially shares with passwords which NEVER worked under the old code.

* Renamed to "Enter Samba Share Name" to "Enter Root Samba Share Name" since it acts more as a shortcut now that you can "Browse" SMB shares.

* "Samba Server Name" doesn't really serve any purpose at the moment but I left it in there just in case.

+ SMB shares can now be browsed.  As a result how you use Samba shares has changed slightly...  Try these steps..

1) Clear out your "Samba Share Name"
2) Use either the ROM browser or the "Change default directories" to browse to your share (Press "Y" until you see the drive list and select "SMB:\\").
3) If it doesn't work, try it again a couple times.  For some silly reason sometimes it times out.
4) If the emu thinks your share needs a password a window will pop-up asking you if you want to enter in a username and password.  Enter it as "username:password".
5) As a result of this change you can set all your definable directories to any share with any password.

6) If for some reason browsing doesn't work try entering your Samba server name in the "Enter Root Samba Share Name" under "Network/Netplay Options" format is "smb://servername_or_ip/sharename" or "smb://username:password@servername_or_ip/sharename" if the share is password protected.

7) If you enter anything into the "Root Samba Share Name" then you are stuck with that and cant use other servers unless they are on Relax.

8) If steps 1-5 don't work for you but step 6 works you might wanna consider deleting your emu_name.ini file in the SAVES directory.  I was told by one user that this cleared up his problem.

+ Some suggestions if you decide to "stream" stuff over the network.

1) Try splitting the workload.  Setup a Relax and Samba share (or even seperate servers) and divy up the workload.  They both have seperate cache's so it's more efficient.
2) Roms, Screenshots, Box/Cart art, Manuals, Commercials, and the like are great candidates for streaming.
3) If you do stream Screenshots and Box/Cart art set the timers a little higher and not the same.  For example 5 seconds on screenshots, 10 on Box/Cart art.  Or just set them to 0 (manual advance).
4) Streaming movies really depends on how good of a network you have  For example streaming movies over a wireless network aint gonna be so hot.  
    To me relax seems faster but that may have changed with the new SMB code.  You might also wanna consider bumping up the movie delay a couple seconds.

An example of how I have mine set up.  Screenshots and Box/Cart art on the xbox 5/10 sec delay respectivaly (or 0).  GameFaqs, VGMaps, etc on xbox.  
Movies on Relax share to computer connected to my Xbox (1-2 sec delay).  ROMs on a Samba share to my NAS, as well as all of the commercials and manuals.

The possibilities are endless.  Experimentation is worthwhile.  Or you could just slap a super big hard drive in your Xbox and forget all this silliness.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)


Of course during this time I was able to correct a few other issues that were reported to me..

* Fixed a problem where the media directory selected by the user replaced the wrong media directory.  Again.  Double Doi on me!  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
* Fixed the problem where the wrong synopsis description was showing when selecting a game in the favorites menu.
* Fixed odd bug where the opening movie and movies played full screen in the media browser would not display properly at 1080i

MekaX - Sorry for the big delay on this.  I wanted to add GG and AR code support.  Adding it to Snes9xbox helped alot in my understanding of this.  But I have not added it just yet.

Snes - Fixed the weird black border at bottom of screen issue.  I might have a solution for the DK slowdown.  Newer version has support for GG and AR cheat codes.

Pcsxbox - It was brought to my attention that pcsxbox can actually stream CD's across the network.  So it should benefit from the new samba code once I add it.

Vice64x - I know alot of people are waiting for this.  I'm still working on the sound stutter issue but I may have something.  In the meantime I modified the gamebase so it can be accessed across a network share.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Winuaex - Will be released real soon.  Just waiting for the wrap up of the Xtras.

I still need to add the new samba code in some but the following emu's are ready to roll out the door...  Vice64x, Snes9xbox, Vice20x (no dual skin), VicePetx (no dual skin), WinstonX, x68000x, Atari7800x, Z26x, Atarixlbox.

WinstonX may have some more work done on it as the Xtras develop for it.

Atari7800 - I had some things I wanted to try with this just had not had a chance.

Z26x - Lots of plans for this guy just can't seem to get around to working on it.

Atarixlbox - I want to add tape positioning table support for this as well as attempt to port over the new sound engine that is supposed to be alot nicer.

I think that about covers it.. so just hang in there.  We are slowly but surely getting closer..

Oh... and I may have a fix for 1.6 users.. super big thanks to FreakDave.


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So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 09:21:00 AM »

Thanks Madmab!


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So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 04:29:00 PM »

Madmab, you truly are the king of kings.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)


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So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 11:30:00 PM »

Well in my determination to get some music out of "Lemmings & Oh No More Lemmings" I corrected a minor bug in the cue loading system.  There is actually two but I have not quite figured out the deal with the second one.

Anyways while doing that I decided to give a go at making CDDA playback a fix since in alot of game the CDDA music stutters alot to the point where it is downright annoying.  I split off the CDDA buffer from the CD data buffer and got some really good results in games.  Now there is just an occasional stutter which may be hard to get around but it's a huge improvement over the old system.

Sad part is I got the music going in Lemmings but for some reason the pcsx core can't handle that so it will play the music but gets stuck in some weird cpu loop or something.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

I have something else planned but I don't wanna say anything just in case I can't get it to work like I want.


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So Where Are The Rest Of The Madmab Editions?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 01:11:00 AM »

did you fix the bug where if you change anything in the skin editor, the option:

"play sound from movie?"

switches to "yes" automatically?

or will that be in the next releases?

not that i'm eager for this just reminding you if anything. i know we talked about it once in irc.