
Author Topic: From: Blackwar's Auto Installer  (Read 127 times)


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From: Blackwar's Auto Installer
« on: February 17, 2005, 08:36:00 AM »

ok, I hope I am not stepping out of bounds on this but I really need to clear this up before a fatal (ban) mistake is made.

I have completely read the rules regarding the posability of making my installer release public, and what I read all state the same from the rules:

No posting of warez
No posting of bios roms/RC4 keys
No direct linking to MS copyrighted content
No posting of links/information on how to obtain or direct links to games or roms of games
No torrent links containing MS copyrighted content/games
No links to newsgroups\kazaa\favorite download client\ect that contain MS copyrighted content\games\roms

So, from what I have read, I can post a link of my website (NOTE: a website link, not a link to any MS copyrighted files), and that is still allowable under the rules, correct?

I have made this conclusion from reading the global rules found here and the in-board rules found here.

I do plan on submitting it to the usual places, but until approval I still would like to make it available for those that would like to try it. Once it is up in the usual places I will take my site back down (my websites upload speed is very limited).

If I missed any portion of the rules that conflict with my reasonings then please post that section of the rules here so I may be corrected on this. <