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Author Topic: Emu And Skin Testing Results...  (Read 625 times)


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2009, 07:26:00 AM »

I still haven't found a good way to normalize video volume.  I don't know if it's possible on my rig.  May need a Mac that's made for things like that.  (Which means I'm out because I don't have a ton of cash lying around to upgrade now when there's so much other work that doesn't cost me more than time and electricity...)

Unfortunately, until somebody comes up with an easy solution to this problem, I think we're stuck with vids that vary (sometimes significantly) in volume.  

My hope here is to be able to lower ALL volume by default, and then be able to save those settings.  I don't even have a sound system and it's too loud for nightime at my apartment when the volume is on 16 on my TV without turning things down manually on the Box.  

As far as I can tell, there are absolutely no problems with volume not being loud enough (except for a few vids that have very low volume, but like I said, that's kind of out of our control or at least the scope of my thoughts on this issue at this point).  

The problems, and what I'm talking about having to remedy at this point, are these....

1)  When you lower the in-game volume and exit the game, it is at full volume again when you enter the game.  I would like a volume control setting for "in-game" volume that can be easily adjusted and permanent until somebody manually changes it.

2)  You can't control the volume of the videos, period.    I turn down the BGM music to the level where I could have the TV volume close to "30" without jumping for the remote when the emulator starts, but when I go to select games the video music is so loud I press exit right away until I can lower the TV volume with the remote.  Unfortunately, after I do that the BGM music is so low I can barely hear it.

EDIT:  3) Probably an afterthought, but I'm thinking it would be nice to have the same kind of manual control for SFX volume as well.  No good making all these changes and having perfect volume for your tastes on all the music and in-game sound effects, but hearing nails on a chalkboard rip from your speakers when you're bouncing from one game to the next in the game select screen.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2009, 05:02:00 PM »

Bumping this to bring it back live.   cool.gif


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2009, 05:15:00 PM »

Dayum man...

I got my work cut out for me this weekend  cool.gif

Good thing my foldermatch program didn't get infected.

I hate asking, after you went to all of that trouble, but would you mind uploading one huge file with all of the skins packed together?  It will make it much easier on me and anyone else who wants the entire selection instead of just one or two of the skins.


I'll let you know my findings when I get a chance to go through them.



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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2009, 08:22:00 AM »

Thanks bud.  Take a look this weekend if I can.   cool.gif


I managed to get through all but 4 of the skins with foldermatch and get us both up to date.  I haven't tested anything on the Box yet, but I'm sure it will look great.  I like the upgrades and newer pictures that I've seen so far.

I also noticed you cut quite a few banners out of the Genesis (I think 5 of them).  Maybe that will be enough to get MK Trilogy hack working.  If not, I'll let you know.  I'm going to try to cut out more stuff to see if we can get it to work then.  If that works, I'll let you know and we'll decide which banners to keep after we know how many we have to get rid of.

Looking forward to seeing what you do next Gilles.  When I am through, I will re-upload the skins back to you so we can both be at the same starting point for future changes.  (There were a few naming errors and things that I've cleaned up and fixed so we should try to keep the same sets from here on out after I re-upload)


EDIT 2:  

Hey Gilles.  I'm going to be wrapping up the skins you sent soon.  I noticed that you have not updated all of them at this point.  In my upload back to you I will add all of the skins that you didn't update here with the extra stuff you've added recently (like updated Madmab Edition images, Generic Preview Images, and anything else I've noticed you've upgraded).

Then from here on we can both start with the exact same set-ups for future upgrades.


Alright... got them all done and on my Box.  Haven't tested anything out yet.  

I've also updated the other skins you've made with the extra generic artwork and things that go on all the emus.

And for the big finale, I have made base Dynamic skins for the 12 emulators you haven't made them for yet.  In these, any system specific images are just black place holders, while all of the other images that are used on all skins are included, as well as all the sprite folder names and such.  Now you'll pretty much just have to drag and drop any artwork you make for them in the future into these skins and we'll have a skin for every XPORT emu on the Box!  

When I'm through testing and I'm sure I've made them all as perfect as I can make them without the images that are still needed, I'll send them your way.   They'll be in 3 folders.  "Gilles' Updates", "Other Updates" and "Needed Skins".

I'll be sure to give you my list of things I've altered and which images we still need when I'm through.

Along with that, I'm planning on releasing the NES/SNES/Genesis synopsis' that are updated to the full romsets of the current Xtras.



Seriously dude.... you and your girl better be doing some amazing stuff outside of this with those talents.  The emuload pics you're making now are killer.   cool.gif


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2009, 12:04:00 AM »

Hey madmab... I see you're up.   cool.gif

Still editing it, but I figured I'd mention to check out the top part of this thread and the Xtras.  I've re-arranged and updated quite a bit of info.  Hopefully the way I have the Xtras thread makes it easier for people to get help on videos and other things.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2009, 04:20:00 AM »

Hey Madmab and Gilles!!!!

I've finished testing all the skin and emu updates!  They look great.

Now if you look at the testing for each system, you can easily tell what is still a bug by looking at the red words.  Most emus have one or two things wrong with them, such as a missing image or mp3, or the mp3 is there but the emu won't play it, or some other minor stuff here and there I hope you guys can take a look at.

A biggie is the way the screenshot display is broken for (I think) PCE and one of the Atari systems.  Weird bug there, and it's only on two emulators.

I'm in the process of uploading the newest update for all the skins with a file inside that explains what I did.

I'll let you know as soon as I have them up.


EDIT: HERE they are.  Let me know what you think Gilles.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2009, 12:30:00 AM »

A2600/Mednafen PCE - I have not checked this since I recompiled but I don't remember having any issues wit the screenshots.

Are you saying it doesn't work when screenshot display time is set to 0.
I do have a question though.  Which setup are you using on those two?  The new media directory structure, the old screenshots directories, or both?

Atarixlbox - There is an option in the skin configuration where you select whether the song loops or not, maybe that needs to be checked.

A7800 - Maybe gilles9999 forgot to select the mp3 before saving the skin config?  Or forgot to change the name?

Winuaex - X-port turned of mp3 support in this due to memory constraints.



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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2009, 04:56:00 AM »

A2600/Mednafen PCE - Correction.  I had the Enhanced Artwork on these two and forgot about that.  I just had to switch back to my Full Tilt DX config to see all three boxes.

There is still some issues on handling Enhanced artwork that we should probably discuss.  Right now, when you press right or left on the left joystick it only advances the title/action shot.  It does not move the Box/Cart art, which still moves at its own pace.  (So if timer is set to "0", you will never see the Cart art the way it's set up now)

If we have such individual control over the boxes, seemingly we have the potential for the ability to control them in the GUI.  I would love to have that ability.  I could set the title/action shot to "0" and then it would always only show just the Title shot... Then I could set the Box/Cart to about 3 seconds and I would be able to control the Box/Cart with the left joystick, while the video played and the Title shot displayed the whole time.  

I always thought the action shots were redundant, but there was no way I was going to get rid of them.  Now people can have them turned off if they don't like them if we can do something like this.


This one is kind of odd.  I may have done something else too, but it seems like "Stop BGM Before Playing Game?" set to "No" got it working for me.....?

Oh well... not a problem anymore.  (What was actually happening before was that the game videos would just completely knock out the mp3 and it wouldn't come back until you reloaded the emu or a config.

A7800 - SOLVED

DUR!  Volume was down.  Nice song there Gilles.  Had that skin for how long and I've never heard that song right up until typing this  cool.gif

Winuaex - BUMMER

Thanks for the notes Madmab.  I'll update the thread.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2009, 07:44:00 AM »

Well... even if we never get around to doing that Favorites list thing, we should still leave controls open for that, I think.  I'm thinking the best solution right now would be to flip it so the left/right controls the Box/Cart instead, and then add that second timer so we can put it to zero.  I really don't imagine much need to scroll through title/action or even look at the action shot at all when we've got videos.  

Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

I'm really excited about seeing the other 12 emulators brought up to your new standard when you have time for that too.



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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2009, 04:03:00 PM »

Well... the idea is to host this stuff in a way where everyone would have the same directory structure who used it. Of course, we couldn't talk about that here, and it's still premature to talk about it anyways.  

Maybe we could have it scan all the roms in the sub directories of the Rom folder?  Kind of like how it scans up to 4 directories in MAME, but it will look in every folder in one specified directory instead.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2009, 12:42:00 AM »

Wow madmab!  

I just looked at the difference between the NeoPopX update and the latest XPORT emu and the new one is 220kb bigger.   You've really added a lot of code to these.  Guess I didn't relize it until I saw one that got the full update from scratch.



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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2009, 04:50:00 PM »

Wanted to let everyone know that Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy, one of the coolest and most in-depth hacks ever, is now working again in the latest NeoGenesis beta.  

Thanks Madmab!


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2009, 05:54:00 PM »


The only emu-specific issues left now are getting the synopsis working right for PCE/TurboGrafx/PSX.  Anything else that needs to be done on the emu end is for all emulators.


Any skin-specific issues are listed below each system in red. Mostly, these are just missing images.  I'd love to hear back from you on this an know that you've seen what still needs to be done and you understand my testing results.  Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2009, 07:33:00 PM »

Hey guys, I put together skins for OdysseyX and Kegs-X.  I also did skins for other xport emus that aren't being focused on such as FCEUltraX, HugoX, SMS+X and LynXbox, but realize you probably aren't interested in those.  Heck, I made skins for some non-xport emus like Xenesis, Surreal64, and xSNES9x but that's another story.

Here's some other things:
* I put together an artwork pack for the Odyssey, (scanned my game boxes and found pics for the ones I don't have).
* Did some work on an art pack for the Intellivision, but haven't finished it.  There's still a lot of gaps in the box art.
* Did a bit of work on an art pack for the Atari 5200 and a handful of XL/XE games.  I have box art for most all the 5200 games, but not for protos.
* Found a nice pic of a playstation in one of my old magazine issues from back in '95.  I made a scan of it to use in the main menu of the PCSXbox skin.

I'd like to get them uploaded somewhere once I get access to some decent internet.  I lost my internet access last spring and have been stuck on ridiculously slow 12-18k (on average) dialup ever since.  I still need to upload pics of my systems as well.  I didn't forget.  I just no longer have decent internet to upload anything, I don't have patience to sit and wait on dialup to even do much posting, and I've been too busy to get to a library.  I should have time in the near future to get some uploading taken care of.

If it's too late in the game and it won't be useful anymore, let me know.  I apologize for not posting sooner about why I haven't uploaded those system pics.


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Emu And Skin Testing Results...
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2009, 08:09:00 PM »

I don't think anyone saw my question before but I think my question is more broad this time around that it should be brought to attention.

Will the new emulations support bios support? that means genesis' tmss bios, famicom bios, sony playstation bios, etc, etc....

I'm really liking the progress you guys are getting with the emulators. The only thing I regret is that I have to put as much if not more work for snes and genesis then I did for my nes emu.  laugh.gif

Also I just saw that kega fusion has been updated to support X-men for 32X. Are you guys capable of editing the code for the rom to run on neogenesis or do you guys mainly stick to user interface adjustments?
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