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Author Topic: Stepmaniax Current Discussion  (Read 1372 times)


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2005, 10:37:00 PM »

it's cause the game itself doesn't have usb support for the pads


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #61 on: January 05, 2005, 08:04:00 AM »

Just to doesn't have USB mean SM doesn't? Or just the Xbox port of SM? And from what I understand, aren't the Xbox controllers just modded USB ports? *confuzzled* It's sad if it won't work, though. Then I'd have to buy the freakin expensive adapters...where can I get cheap ones? ^^ Are there any that have like where you buy only one adapter and can plug two PS@ controllers into it, instead of buying two single adapters?


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2005, 10:28:00 AM »

So just to nail this down, the current only solution to playing a large number of songs on Stepmania is by creating Stepmania1, 2, and so on with ~500 songs in each? But the final version will be ported soon, and will not have the song limitation?


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2005, 05:30:00 AM »

i am spanish?

stepmaniax possible VIDEOS?

in DVD is possible?



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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #64 on: April 14, 2005, 07:28:00 PM »

i tried it with my usb adapter and hooked it up with my keyboard, it worked fine. I had to set up the keys again in the option menu. can anyone confirm that a dance pad connected through the usb adapter will work? in theory it should right?


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« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2005, 03:28:00 PM »

In theory, it should. But for some reason, it doesn't. The pad will have all of the lights functioning properly and everything, but not recognize any inputs. Can't imagine why that is, though, maybe someone can update the keyboard mappings on the OS to support USB game pads? That's be nice.


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #66 on: April 20, 2005, 07:59:00 PM »

I added all the DDR steps and MP3s I had sitting around my house and it crashed StepManiaX:


Approximate sound time: sample 25640, dist 1064, closest 24960
Approximate sound time: sample 67801, dist 1241, closest 66816
ScreenTitleMenu::Input( 1-28 )
RageSound::LoadSound( 'D:\Themes\default\Sounds\Common start.ogg' )
ScreenTitleMenu::Input( 1-28 )
Sprite::LoadFromTexture( D:\Themes\default\BGAnimations\ScreenCaution background\caution.png )

Exception: CreateTexture(1024,512,pixfmt=0) failed: E_OUTOFMEMORY

RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\BGAnimations\ScreenTitleMenu free\free.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Graphics\ScreenLogo dance (dither).png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\BGAnimations\_black.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\BGAnimations\_black.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Numbers\MenuTimer 5x3.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\SMMAX2\Graphics\_blank.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\BGAnimations\ScreenLogo background\1.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\ScreenManager credits 16x16.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px [kanji 1] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px [kanji 2] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px [kanji 3] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px [kanji 4] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px [main] 16x16.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_korean 16px [jamo 1] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_korean 16px [jamo 2] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_korean 16px [jamo 3] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_korean 16px [jamo 4] 8x8.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_misc 16px 8x2.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_game chars 16px 9x1.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\Common default 2x1.png'.
RageTextureManager: deleting 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\Common Normal 16x16.png'.
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Keymaps.ini'
Writing category ranking
Writing course ranking
Writing note scores to D:\Data\MachineNotesScores.dat
Writing course scores to D:\Data\MachineCourseScores.dat
Approximate sound time: sample 306893, dist 283853, closest 23488
Shutting down mixer thread ...
Mixer thread shut down.

Current renderer: Direct3D

Theme: SMMAX2


The log says nothing past that point.  I have no clue as to why.  Any suggestions?



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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #67 on: April 21, 2005, 08:40:00 AM »

You were running it off of D? Meaning, the DVD drive? Why's that?
Anyways, don't load them all at once. Go in and load about 50 songs or so so they're in the cache, then move another 50 or so in there at a time until you've loaded them all. It takes a little while, but usually works.
You overloaded the Ram by trying to put about a billion songs in there simultaneously, when usually it reads most of the songs from a cache file and just scans for new ones.


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #68 on: April 23, 2005, 11:31:00 PM »

Actually newp, didn't load from D, put them into the normal directory.  I dunno why it shows D.

So essentially put a directory in there at a time then go from there?  Will it build the entire list once it's complete?

Also, is there a way to list all the songs in A, B, C order or do I have to make the directory list show that way?




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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #69 on: April 24, 2005, 09:35:00 PM »

I've been hearing people say that there are revisions of keymaps.ini floating around on the net that will take care of the problem of ABXY being mapped to arrows (when using dance pads). I didn't find any, so I submit this quick and dirty fix for y'all:  Just drop that file in the "Data" folder under your StepManiaX folder, overwriting the file that was there.

This makes it so only the arrows on the pad map to the arrows in the game, and the B button maps to the upper left arrow, and A maps to the upper right arrow (that's how all XBOX pads are laid out, right?), so you can play Solo mode on pad 1 or pad 2. In modes besides Solo and menus, the buttons ABXY don't do anything.

I'd be glad to know if this works for other people.


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2005, 01:53:00 PM »

I really like StepManiaX to Xbox, that was a extremly good idea. But ONE thing is bugging me.
In Alpha 7, there were a keyboard support (I'm using the little adapter you got when you ordered Xenium Ice S.P.), but the sync were terrible.
But later, the sync become really good, perfect I must say. But why in the **** world did you took away the Keyboard support. I'm a big fan of DDR and StepMania, have played DDR for almost 4 years now and StepMania with keyboard 2 years. So i'm just wondering why you took away the kyeboard support, I can spare like 0,1 MB of text or more if necessary, just so I can play StepManiaX with keyboard.
So Pleeeeeeeeease, add it back again, I must have it!

Pardon my bad english, just 15 and from Sweden. tongue.gif


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2005, 11:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(wacco @ Apr 26 2005, 05:41 AM)
Hi there.


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2005, 04:02:00 PM »

As I said earlier, the only thing I (I'm bagging for this!) want is the keyboard support. Please, the only thing I miss. sad.gif


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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #73 on: April 29, 2005, 09:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(Skippydzg @ Apr 26 2005, 06:59 PM)
I, too, have that same problem with version 5. It doesn't save scores at all, and the profiles I make become corrupt after a restart.

Corellian Smuggler

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Stepmaniax Current Discussion
« Reply #74 on: May 08, 2005, 10:43:00 AM »


I downloaded and installed Stepmania X, and when I launch it from Unleashed X (latest version) I get the startup screen (the yellowish graphic) for a moment as it initalizes, and then it immediately quits back to unleashed x.  I've tried this on three different xboxes all modded with a xenium and varios versions of the MB, and same probelm.

(I've loaded songs, removed songs, used support files from a mac and PC version, and now reinstalled a virgin copy.... no luck for me at all!)

ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS WHAT'S WRONG?  I'm using a virgin copy of v5...  Here's the log:

StepMania 3.9 alpha 7
Last compiled on Wed Oct  1 23:14:10 2003.
Log starting 2005-04-08 09:50:25
Compiled Thu Oct 16 13:13:10 2003 (build 111)
Loading window: sdl
INI: Reading 'Data\MemCard.ini'
Reading 'Data\MemCard.ini' failed: No such file or directory
INI: Reading 'D:\Characters\default\character.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\StepMania.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini'
Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini' failed: No such file or directory
Initializing driver: DirectSound
Got 32 hardware buffers
Sound driver: DirectSound
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Keymaps.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Cache\index.cache'
INI: Reading 'D:\Cache\banners.cache'
Found 1 songs in 0.021000 seconds.
Loading courses.
INI: Reading 'D:\statistics.ini'
Reading 'D:\statistics.ini' failed: No such file or directory
WARNING: Could not read SM 3.0 final statistics 'D:\statistics.ini'.
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\StepMania.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini'
Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini' failed: No such file or directory
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\GamePrefs.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini'
Reading 'D:\Data\Static.ini' failed: No such file or directory
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\metrics.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\metrics.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Languages\english.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Languages\english.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Languages\english.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Languages\english.ini'
Last seen video driver: D3D
Card matches '(unknown card)'.
Video renderers: 'opengl,d3d'
Driver: Xbox driver
Description: Xbox NV2A
Max texture size: 4096

This display adaptor supports the following modes:
  640x480 60Hz, format 30
  640x480 60Hz, format 17
  640x480 60Hz, format 28
  640x480 60Hz, format 18
  720x480 60Hz, format 30
  720x480 60Hz, format 17
  720x480 60Hz, format 28
  720x480 60Hz, format 18
  640x240 60Hz, format 30
  640x240 60Hz, format 17
  640x240 60Hz, format 28
  640x240 60Hz, format 18
  720x240 60Hz, format 30
  720x240 60Hz, format 17
  720x240 60Hz, format 28
  720x240 60Hz, format 18
  640x480 60Hz, format 30
  640x480 60Hz, format 17
  640x480 60Hz, format 28
  640x480 60Hz, format 18
  640x240 60Hz, format 30
  640x240 60Hz, format 17
  640x240 60Hz, format 28
  640x240 60Hz, format 18
Testing format: display 5, back buffer 5, windowed 0...
This will work.
Testing format: display 5, back buffer 5, windowed 0...
This will work.
Present Parameters: 640, 480, 5, 1, 17, 1, 0, 0, 1, 44, 0, 60, 1
Fullscreen 640x480 16 color 16 texture 0Hz Vsync NoAA
Found 4 joysticks
   0: 'XBOX Gamepad Plugin V0.03' axes: 4, hats: 2, buttons: 16
   1: 'XBOX Gamepad Plugin V0.03' axes: 4, hats: 2, buttons: 16
   2: 'XBOX Gamepad Plugin V0.03' axes: 4, hats: 2, buttons: 16
   3: 'XBOX Gamepad Plugin V0.03' axes: 4, hats: 2, buttons: 16
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\Common Normal.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\Common default.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_16px fonts.ini'
INI: Reading 'D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px.ini'

Exception: The font definition "D:\Themes\default\Fonts\_japanese 16px.ini" assigns 13 characters to row 0 (""), but the font only has 8 characters wide

INI: Reading 'D:\Data\Keymaps.ini'
Writing category ranking
Writing course ranking
Writing note scores to D:\Data\MachineNotesScores.dat
Writing course scores to D:\Data\MachineCourseScores.dat
Shutting down mixer thread ...
Mixer thread shut down.

Current renderer: Direct3D

Theme: default

Can anyone help, or offer suggestions?  it seems incredible to me that no one seems to be having the same problem...

Thaks in advance for your help.

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