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Author Topic: Vice64x Current Discussion  (Read 1020 times)


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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2008, 09:17:00 AM »

Hey man,

If I remember right, I didn't have any of that intro screen hacker crap on mine.... at least for the most part.  64 is an emu I've barely dove in, but I got that flying taxi game and some others to work for a friend of mine who really loved his C64 back in the day.  Why don't you try different roms without that stuff.  I recommend finding an no-intro set if there is one. (no-intro means no introductory hacker crap like that.)



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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #91 on: November 09, 2008, 09:33:00 AM »

Hey R,

Yes, I did think about NO-Intro, but - at least on amiga - these "untouched" original
games has a lot of copy protection, and this way you can't play without the correct
passwords and keys provided back then in the manuals and official documents.

I did got a huge Amiga set in the past and I abandoned the emulator because
most of the games were asking for "look on the manual chapter 3, page 2, line 12, word 15".
Luckly later a friend shared with me a bunch of ADFs and HDFs and finally I was abl
to play the wonderful AMIGA stuff.

This morning I decided to try Vice64x for the first time and got many
nice games (around 150 plataformers)... but then the problems started.

Anyone knows if the C64 games had those kinda "copy protection" stuff on most
of the games? I know were to get the complete NO-Intro thing, I just need
to know if I will be able to use it. (Well, it worth a try!)

Thanks R,
Let's see what the other guys can say about my problem.

PS. I forgot to mention, in some games (Like GIANA, TURRICAN) I got also
several pages with text presenting the game history, tips, blá blá blá and I can
even navigate thru these pages... but no way to exit them and really get into
the game.



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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #92 on: November 09, 2008, 11:37:00 AM »

For some reason:

I don't know what I did, but after my lunch I did turn on the Xbox back again
and tried for the second time and all the games I picked are working! Very strange...
The virtual keyboard is fine again.

I loved GOONIES!

One thing I did notice:
I use everything on POINT FILTERING, very very sharp, with flicker in ZERO.
When I call the virtual keyboard, the screen get some kind of blur, like flicker 1,
and to make the graphics to be sharp again the only way is to exit the game and

The correct aspect ratio resolution I found to run the games without distortions is: 768x544.
(I am running on a NTSC TV, 480i, 720x480 mode = ON [equal to 10x11 pixel ratio = ON])

Incredible games.
Loved the ones I played until the moment.



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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #93 on: November 13, 2008, 11:26:00 AM »

Good to hear you got it sorted out Cospefogo.
I've been away for a few days and was not able to answer your question.
Anyway, SPACE bar is used to skip cracktros and in some rare cases the firebutton on the joystick.

Btw if you happen to have the GameBase 64 v05 collection you can use it with Vice64X.
I made updated dats and converted all the screenshots to XBOX format some time ago.
You can get the files here.
I included a readme with info in the archive.

Also you mentioned untouched/unaltered Amiga games, these games are IPF images and you can't use them with WinUAEX because the emulator don't recognize IPF images.
Me and some other members of EAB requested that the guys at The Software Preservation Society (SPS), formerly the Classic Amiga Preservation Society (CAPS) made an XBOX port of their WinUAE plugin, but that never happened.
Anyway, that's not important as long as WHDLoad games work. wink.gif


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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #94 on: November 13, 2008, 12:45:00 PM »

Is the source available for this plugin for IPF files?  Or is it one of those .dll file thingies?


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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #95 on: November 13, 2008, 01:02:00 PM »

Yeah I think the source is available, just check the link I posted above.
Look for the Developer Distribution. smile.gif


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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #96 on: February 20, 2010, 11:29:00 AM »

GameBase64 v07 is now running in Vice64X. smile.gif

Download here.
Contains v07 dats and screenshots for Vice64X.

Instructions are included in archive.


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Vice64x Current Discussion
« Reply #97 on: September 09, 2011, 02:14:00 PM »

GameBase64 v08 available for XBOX. wink.gif

Download here
Contains v08 dats and screenshots.

Instructions included as usual in archive.
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