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Author Topic: Fceultrax Current Discussion  (Read 893 times)


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2004, 07:38:00 PM »

Just a quick question about high definition video modes.  I noticed that FCEUltraX does not save the high definition mode that is configured.  The general FAQ mentions that by saving the video mode it would make more problems for most people than solving problems for high definition users.  Ok, no problem... now I figured that XBoyAdvance wouldn't save high definition modes either but to my surprise, it actually did save it.  So I'm wondering if both are using the same GUI code, why does one save the mode and the other not?  Is it a bug that XBoyAdvance is saving the video mode?  Or is FCEUltraX a little behind with the generic GUI code?


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2004, 01:09:00 PM »

QUOTE (Koitsu @ Oct 3 2004, 01:43 AM)
one of those things are far more likely to happen than xport messing with j-red's skin himself.

Ahem.... you mean messing with boo_se´s skin?  wink.gif I guess i could edit that for a future release. havn't really noticed the loud volume myself though... it's a catchy tune smile.gif


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2004, 08:52:00 PM »

October 29, 2004

No new *official* releases of FCE Ultra will be made. I mean it this time. :b

The forum has been closed, as I will not be available to moderate it any longer, but the old posts will be viewable indefinitely.

Crazy people may download http://fceultra.sour...pre.src.tar.bz2 which was intended to be 0.98.13. It should be stable, and fixed several major bugs present in 0.98.12, but I have neither the time nor desire to do thorough tests for regressions, and thus it will not be an official release.

So now is the best time to start from scratch with the latest official FCE Ultra source code, as there is no longer a need to worry about forking of the code base.  There have been many significant improvements in the official source tree, and it is one of the most popular XPort projects.  I realize you would probably have to start from scratch, but then again, once the new port was finished, all that would be needed from then on would be a rare bug fix release every now and then.  Oh, and doing a new port would also raise your karma biggrin.gif


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2004, 10:01:00 AM »

EDIT: oops, I gave you the wrong palette!  sorry

I've found great documentation for a palette that works in FCEU that looks closer to the original than any other palette available.  This would be perfect to implement in your emulator that actually displays on a TV.  

for NTSC: (final revision 2 seems more accurate, at least for super mario bros.)

for PAL: Matrixz's palette (can't find the url), also maybe this one.

Also, in FCEU, a pixel aspect ratio of 1.212 would be exactly like the original NES.  

Thanks for the great emulator, and thank you for your time.


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2004, 06:22:00 AM »

OK -- I just installed this emulator yesterday.  I want to use it in my xbox mame cabinet.  I am having a very odd issue with the emulator.  The green/A button works fine as expected to make menu selections when I have an xbox controller plugged in.  When I try to use my MAME cab, and here's the odd part -- the green/A button works fine to make selections on every menu EXCEPT choosing the game to play from the favorites menu!  This is really bizzare.  unplug the mame control, plug in the regular control, and I can selected, plug back in the mame cab control, and that button works in the games themselves.

Any clues?

As for feature requests -- I would love to see the ability to remap the controls for menu navigation.  My mame cabe only uses left thumb (stick) for up/down/left/right, the "auto scroll" feature of this emulator is a workaround, but isn't it kind of odd?  Why not make every flavor of "up" (i.e. both left and right sticks) do the same thing as up on the pad?  Its just for menu navigation in the emulator.  Then you can eliminate the auto scroll thing which is just plain annoying.

Just for fun, here's my cab:
user posted image


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2004, 02:01:00 AM »

i have a super quick and a super dumb question... in what folder do i place the roms so i can play them?

Using Slayer's EVox 2.6
Apple x-iii mod chip
4981.67 bios




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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2004, 11:25:00 AM »

QUOTE (uiibaa @ Nov 30 2004, 07:04 PM)
I've found great documentation for a palette that works in FCEU that looks closer to the original than any other palette available.  This would be perfect to implement in your emulator that actually displays on a TV. 

Also, in FCEU, a pixel aspect ratio of 1.212 would be exactly like the original NES. 

I have tried to match the overscan of FCEUX compared to a real NES both hooked up to the same TV.  When I get home I will post the exact numbers that I got.  We should all compare overscan numbers to see what he most accurate settings are for FCEUX.


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2004, 08:35:00 AM »

I have two quick and simple questions.  :-)

1) I read that FCE supports ZIP files.  Is this any zipped file, such as .7Z or .rar?  Or is it only .zip files?  Also, can there be multiple roms in a zip file or will it only recognize single rom zips?

2) You mentioned to never change the .ini by hand.  Does this include paths and such?  Don't see how changing the paths could throw things off.  Also, I read that the .ini file is stored on E:.  Is this path adjustable or is it coded in the .xbe?



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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2004, 01:47:00 PM »

Is it possible to get more information on the ZIP file handling?

Many rom packages such as GoodNES, etc all package a ton of roms into compressed files. Each zip has various versions of the same ROM, varying language, versions, hacks, etc.

A great feature would be once you select the zip file, the emulator would give you an option to select an embedded ROM. Right now it autoselects one ROM, you dont have a choice.

Anyway, Xport will figure this out, the dude is a PIMP.



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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(iamthird36 @ Dec 17 2004, 05:38 PM)
I have two quick and simple questions.  :-)


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #40 on: December 24, 2004, 01:13:00 PM »

hey, how do i install this and where do i put my roms? I have my xbox connected via FtP and im not sure where to put the FCE Ultra folder and furthermore where to put the roms. Can anyone help?

madd russian

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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2005, 09:56:00 PM »

Sorry if this have beem asked before, but in Fceultrax I can't play 2 player mode for some reason. I tryed pressing buttons, configuring the controllers and nothing worked so far. Please help!!!!!!!!


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2005, 09:51:00 AM »

I've been digging around and haven't been able to find the answer to this but does anyone know how to get game genie codes to work in FceUltrax ?  I enter the codes and then it just says you must restart the game for these codes to take effect and the only thing I can do is exit out of the game and then reload it and it won't save the codes.  am I missing somthing?  I even tried with a straight game genie rom and it won't work.


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2005, 10:19:00 PM »

I finally figured it out.  I had to Force reload *.ini from the Configuration Menu.  You have to go to Configuration->General Settings->Force Reload D:\*.ini Settings, then Return to Launcher, then restart the emulator.  It IS in the fceultra_v16.txt but you really have to look and figure it out.

Phew, that problem was really bugging me.  I figured it out all by myself.


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Fceultrax Current Discussion
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2005, 11:47:00 PM »

i've got 2 requests:

1.  add option to remove file extentions (this is already available in xboyadvance)

2. this is more of a request for all ports that support cheats...  would it be possible to add quick buttons below the on-screen keyboard when entering the descriptions for cheats?  using the controller takes forever.  it'd be nice to have buttons for comonly used words like infinite, lives, weapons, ammo, start, level, health, points......

or adding phrases like "start with" or "player 1" or "start on level" and simply finishing the cheat description with the keyboard.  its would really speed things up.
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