
Author Topic: Winuaex Faqs  (Read 211 times)


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Winuaex Faqs
« on: August 28, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »

Read ALL of the General FAQs FIRST!
General FAQs
Read ALL of the General FAQs FIRST!
General FAQs
Read ALL of the General FAQs FIRST!
General FAQs

Q: What about CAPS/IPF support?

A: The libraries provided by the CAPS team are not usable on the XBox.  I've requested a library format that would be compatible, but the last I heard they determined that it would not be worth the effort.  It's out of my hands.

Q: What about ISO/MP3 support?

A: Not implemented yet.  Yes, I plan on doing it sometime in the future.  No, asking for it will not make it happen any faster.

Q: Can you have different settings for PAL/NTSC screen sizes?

A: The game screen size/position is saved for each game.  Therefore, you would only have to change the screen size once for each game.  If you want an easy way to switch back and forth from your favorite PAL/NTSC size for a new game you are configuring, then simply load up a previously configured game with the settings you like.  Then configure the new game.  For example, if I am configuring a new PAL game, then I would load up a PAL game for which I have already set the screen/size position to the way I like it.  Then when I configure the new PAL game, the screen size will be what it was for the last game.  This only works if no existing configuration exists.  You can press the black button to delete the existing configuration for a game.

Q: What about 4 joystick support?

A: To my knowledge, WinUAE (and Amigas in general) only had 2 joystick ports.  If you are referring to support for all 4 XBox joypad ports, then that functionality already exists.

Q: What about Action Replay and the music ripper?

A: They were cut to make room for more important things.  It's possible they may make it into a future version, but don't hold your breath.  

Q: How can I run Amiga-In-A-Box in WinUEAX?

A: Install and configure AIAB using the PC version of WinUAE.  Then upload the entire directory tree of your installation to your XBox and launch it like that.  I've done this and it worked fine for me.  I can't remember what video option I used, but the XBox output is 16bit so choose one of those options if available.

Q: What do all of these options do?

A: There are numerous WinUAE forums/tutorials on the net.  Google is your friend.

This post has been edited by XPort: Nov 1 2004, 04:11 PM <