
Author Topic: Unable To Load Xbmc  (Read 329 times)


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Unable To Load Xbmc
« on: February 03, 2020, 05:25:00 AM »

I was successfully running a very old build of XBMC.  I upgraded to a November 2007 build successfully.  My problems began when I attempted to upgrade to the 12-23-07 release.  The upgrade failed so I deleted the entire XBMC console directory and re-copied it via Xenium OS v2.0.1 SMB.  This did not resolve the issue.  I deleted the XBMC directory again and FTP'd the data to the console via Xenium OS v2.0.1 FTP server.  This also did not resolve the issue.  I deleted the XBMC directory again and also deleted the two "0face008" directories as instructed on the site.  This also did not resolve the issue.  I also tried FTP'ing the data to the console via Avalaunch's FTP server however this usually causes my PC to reboot midway through.

At this time I'm at a loss of what's causing my issue and how to fix it.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as currently I'm dead in the water.

Bomb Bloke

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Unable To Load Xbmc
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 06:18:00 AM »

If FTPing to your console makes your PC reboot, I'd advise downloading a different client for your computer...

You might consider burning XBMC to CD and having Avalaunch copy the files from that.

If that doesn't help, then when you say the "upgrade failed", what on earth do you mean? What did XBMC do when you tried to load it? Did it write anything into it's log file? If so, what did it say?


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Unable To Load Xbmc
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 07:09:00 PM »

I was using the FileZilla v2.2.3 FTP client.  I've since switched to SmartFTP.

I'll try the CDROM, Avalaunch copy method and let you know how that goes.

When I tried to load XBMC I get a pause, a brief black screen followed by a reload of Avalanch.

After copying the directory via CDROM and Avalaunch I'll enable the debug log and post it in my next reply.


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Unable To Load Xbmc
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 08:34:00 PM »

I believe I've resolved my issue and identified the source of the issue.  Apparently there were about 6 files associated with the Project Mayhem III skin that were not transferring to the console from my PC properly.  For whatever reason when I attempted to FTP these servers to the console via the dashboard my desktop PC would crash.  I tried this using two different FTP clients.  I'd suspect the crashing issue is with my PC and has nothing to do with my console nor Avalaunch.  Having said that I attempted the FTP to the console from my laptop.  This is where I saw that about 6 files were failing to transfer.  I resolved the issue by keeping the files in my laptop's FTP client queue, rebooting my console, reconnecting to my dashboards FTP server and then completing the remaining transfers.  After that I was able to successfulsy load XBMC.  Now why those files were so problemetaic transferring or why Avalaunch's FTP server had to be restarted in order to complete all of the transfers I have no idea.  Any insight into that would be greatly appreciated.

Bomb Bloke

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Unable To Load Xbmc
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2020, 08:54:00 PM »

When it comes to file copying, not all X-Box programs are as robust as they could be... Usually direct file transfers are ok (for eg, off a CD), but from USB devices or via FTP services things aren't always so reliable.

(XBMC's FTP server is the only one I really trust these days, used to use UnleashX but that would also fail with certain specific files).

Perhaps in future you could try doing the update via XBMC's emergency recovery console (hold white + Y when it loads). Don't try it while XBMC is running normally however, you'll find some files become read only in that state.

You could also see if there's an update available for Avalaunch, or try an entirely different dashboard-type app.


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Unable To Load Xbmc
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2020, 09:07:00 PM »

I've read the XeniumOS FTP server is unreliable however I hadn't read anything negative about its SMB server.  Additionally I don't know what it is about Avalaunch's FTP server that my desktop PC didn't like however my laptop appears to be capable of handline it (whatever "it" is).  

I've never tried performing the update via XBMC's emergency recovery console however I'll definitely consider it when performing my next update(s).

I checked for a newer version of Avalaunch however I have been unable to find one newer than the version I currently use.  I don't believe it's being developed anymore.  It's a shame too for I really like Avalaunch.

At any rate....I'm about to get to work getting caught up on all of the latest XBMC features added since I was last heavy into things (sometime last year).

Thanks again for you help.