
Author Topic: Cant Boot Into Xbmc Or Evox  (Read 143 times)

Trevor spencer

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Cant Boot Into Xbmc Or Evox
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:20:00 PM »

well ive been debating to change my dashboard to XBMC for a while but i was a little worried id mess it up and then not be able to FTP into my xbox ,, well guess what , i followed the instructions and now i only get the green microsoft screen and cant FTP

i have a 120gb HD
originally had evox as my dash
i have a xenium chip
and the latest build of xbmc

i used the files in the tools section of xbmc file , i renamed the shortcut xbe file to evodash and the cfg file to evodash and opened that with notepad and wrote this inside  F:\apps2\XBMC\default.xbe as thats where my xbmc is stored , i also changed my original evodash file and renamed it to default.xbe and put that back in the C:drive

heres my evox config ,  


AutoLaunchGames   = No
AutoLaunchDVD   = No
DVDPlayer   = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio   = No
AudioPlayer   = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard   = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
UseFDrive   = Yes
SkinName   = GeminiServer
IGR      = No
UseItems   = Yes
ScreenSaver   = 5
#SkinName   = RuDeDuDe2
Fahrenheit   = No
ShadeLevel   = 90
GameRegion   = 1
UseGDrive   = No
DebugTSR   = No


Start_Button   = Yes
Back_Button   = Yes
L_Trig      = Yes
R_Trig      = Yes
White_Button   = No
Black_Button   = No
A_Button   = No
B_Button   = No
X_Button   = No
Y_Button   = No


SetupNetwork   = Yes
StaticIP   = Yes
Ip      =
Subnetmask   =
Defaultgateway   =
DNS1      =
DNS2      =
SkipIfNoLink   = No
SetupDelay   = 10


JumpToMsDash   = No
JumpIfNoLink   = Yes
Use24      = Yes
SwapDate   = No
SNTP_Server   =


Enable      = Yes
Password   = xbox
IGR      = No


Enable      = Yes
Enable      = Yes


Enable      = Yes
Name      = XBOX_V1.1
IGR      = No


ROM      = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
ROM      = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
ROM      = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
ROM      = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a
ROM      = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd
ROM      = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe
ROM           = "EvoX 3.6",0xcb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0  
ROM             = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9  
ROM             = "EvoX D.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86  
ROM             = "EvoX D.6ef",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2
ROM             = "EvoX M.7ef",0xf0980189407abca8d1f8d823621beaf0
Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0x04a4,"FUJITSU - MBM29F040C",0x80000
Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000
Flash = 0xadb0,"Hynix - HY29F002",0x40000
Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0x20B0,"ST - 29F020",0x40000
Flash = 0xbfb6,"SST - 39SF020",0x40000
Flash = 0xbfb7,"SST - 39SF040",0x80000
Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000
Flash = 0x04BA,"ALX2+ R3 FLASH",0x40000
Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000
Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000
Flash = 0x015b,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
Flash = 0x01a4,"AMD - Am29F040B",0x80000
Flash = 0x01da,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
Flash = 0xda0b,"Winbond - W49F002U",0x40000
Flash = 0xda8c,"Winbond - W29f020",0x40000
Flash = 0xc236,"Macronix - MX29F022NTPC",0x40000
Flash = 0x89a6,"Sharp - LH28F008SCT",0x100000,0x20,0xd0,0x10
Current      = 0x09b2e6b0b1753f5475324600850589b7


# <Time>   =
# <IP>     =
# <Name>
# <Version>
# <CD>
# <BIOSVer>
# <KernelVer>
# <RDName>
# <Temp1>
# <Temp2>
# <SpaceC>
# <SpaceE>
# <SpaceF>
# <SpaceX>
# <SpaceY>
# <SpaceZ>
Text   =       30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,"<Time><CrLf>MB Temp <Temp1><CrLf>CPU <Temp2>"
Text   =       28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,"<Time><CrLf>MB Temp <Temp1><CrLf>CPU <Temp2>"
Text   =       620,420,0.5,0x000000,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text   =       618,422,0.5,0x808080,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text   =       620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,"<CD>"
Text   =       618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,"<CD>"
Text   =       30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
Text   =       28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
LogoType=   0


Section "Root"
   Line "- -",2
Line "- -------------------- -",2
Section "Emulators"
Line "- This is a sample of 21,000 emulated game roms -",2
Line "- that we load up on our 120Gb & 250Gb HDD's-",2
                                                Autoadditem "f:\emulators"
Item "Xbox Media Centre","f:\apps2\xbmc\default.xbe"
Item "Dongle Free DVD Player","f:\applications\dvdx2\default.xbe"
Item "Play Game in DVD Drive",@5
Section "Play Ported PC Xbox games"
                 Autoadditem "f:\XBOXGAMES\"
Section "Play Game From HDD"
                 Autoadditem "f:\HDDLoader\"
Item "Store Game on HDD","f:\Applications\HDD Saves\default.xbe"
Section "Applications"
Autoadditem "f:\applications"
Autoadditem "f:\apps2"
   Item "Back to MS Dashboard   ","C:\xboxdash.xbe"
   Item "Reboot",@5
   Item "Power Off",@10
   Section  "Launch Menu"
       Section "Games"
      Item "Copy Games to Hard Drive","f:\Applications\HDD Saves\default.xbe"
      Line "- Games on Hard Drive -",2
      AutoAddItem "f:\HDDLoader\"
      AutoAddItem "f:\Games\"
      Section "Applications"
Autoadditem "f:\applications"
Autoadditem "f:\apps2"
      Section "Emulators"
                                                Autoadditem "f:\emulators"
   Section "System Menu"
      Item "Settings",@9
      #Item "Flash BIOS",@1
      Item "Backup",@11
      Item "Skins",@13
      Item "PAL / NTSC Selector", "f:\applications\pal_ntsc\default.xbe"
   Section "Chameleon Mode 1",ID_Chameleon_Mode_1
   Line "Mode 1 (4x256k)"
   Item "Switch To TSOP (Disable Chameleon)",ID_Chameleon_Release_D0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 0",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 1",ID_Chameleon_Bank_1,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 2",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 3",ID_Chameleon_Bank_3,ID_Full_Reboot
   Line "-=*-*=-"
   Item "Flash Bank 0",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "Flash Bank 1",ID_Chameleon_Bank_1,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "Flash Bank 2",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "Flash Bank 3",ID_Chameleon_Bank_3,ID_Flash_Bios
   Section "Chameleon Mode 2",ID_Chameleon_Mode_2
   Line "Mode 2 (2x512k)"
   Item "Switch To TSOP (Disable Chameleon)",ID_Chameleon_Release_D0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 0,1",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 2,3",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Full_Reboot
   Line "-=*-*=-"
   Item "Flash Bank 0,1",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "Flash Bank 2,3",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Flash_Bios
   Section "Chameleon Mode 3",ID_Chameleon_Mode_3
   Line "Mode 3 (1x1024k)"
   Item "Switch To TSOP (Disable Chameleon)",ID_Chameleon_Release_D0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Line "-=*-*=-"
   Item "Flash Bank 0,1,2,3",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Flash_Bios
   Section "Chameleon Mode 4",ID_Chameleon_Mode_4
   Line "Mode 4 (2x256k + 1x512k)"
   Item "Switch To TSOP (Disable Chameleon)",ID_Chameleon_Release_D0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 0",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Full_Reboot
   Item "Switch To Bank 2",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Full_Reboot
   Line "-=*-*=-"
   Item "Flash Bank 0",ID_Chameleon_Bank_0,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "Flash Bank 2",ID_Chameleon_Bank_2,ID_Flash_Bios
   Item "-------------------------","e:\nosuchfile.xbe"
   Item "Back to Standard Dashboard   ","C:\xboxdash.xbe"
   Item "Reboot",@5
   Item "Power Off",@10




so now my xbox is useless , im trying to find a quide on how to make a recovery disc so i can FTP into my xbox and maybe sort this out .. is this pos ? please tell me i can access from the CD drive

please help

Trevor spencer

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  • Posts: 53
Cant Boot Into Xbmc Or Evox
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 05:16:00 PM »

omg thanks god for slayer ,, i managed to get into my FTP .. it was me all along i F***ed it cant believe i was so careless , i named the evoxdash as evodash  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

well thank god for that , i had my heart in my mouth for a few hours there