
Author Topic: Mac To Xbox Ftp Sometimes Works  (Read 76 times)


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Mac To Xbox Ftp Sometimes Works
« on: December 07, 2007, 03:26:00 AM »

Firstly I'd like to say that XBMC is constantly blowing my mind - top effort to those who have had anything to do with it!! Certainly beats the pants of any M$ effort :-)

Anyways, I have a mac connected to a router/modem which is connected to my Xbox1. I can access my Xbox via Cyberduck, or most other FTP programs. I would like to be able to run movies from my large 250gb Xbox hard drive on my mac, I thought if I mapped the Xbox via FTP in the actual core 'Finder' (equivalent to Explorer.exe) then I would be able to achieve this.

However I cannot connect to my Xbox using Finder ... any suggestions why? When I ftp://XBOXIP using a web browser it says I cannot view this page as I do not have the right authentication, even though I typed it as: ftp://xbox:[email protected]


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Mac To Xbox Ftp Sometimes Works
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 06:38:00 PM »

You need to share out the HD with SMB sharing... Look at this example....

Then use add sources>add network location>SMB>choose you share you just made

Use Transmit...