
Author Topic: Xbmc Upgrading  (Read 176 times)


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Xbmc Upgrading
« on: November 30, 2007, 02:24:00 AM »

I have recently had my XBOX modded and the guy how did it for me set it up to boot into XBMC. The version on there is from 2006 and I would like to install the latest T3CH build.

My problem is that XBMC is installed on the C: partition and all the guides I have found talk about the XBMC folder being in the APPs folder.

I have tried ftping into the XBOX and overwriting all the folders in the C: partition (after making a backup) and when I rebooted the XBOX I got an error about no dashboard or something (I wish I had written it down). Copying the backup back onto XBOX made it work again.

So my question to all you experts is what is the best way to upgrade my version of XBMC?

If it is just a matter of putting a XBMC folder into the APPS folder what do I need have on my C: partition?

I have included a screenshot of whats on my C: partition.


Bomb Bloke

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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 02:34:00 AM »

Delete these from C: -

Credits, language, media, screensavers, scripts, skin, sounds, system, visualisations, web, evoxdash.xbe

Copy the new build over and rename "default.xbe" to "evoxdash.xbe".

Don't do this while running XBMC itself.


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 02:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(Bomb Bloke @ Nov 30 2007, 10:34 PM) *

Delete these from C: -

Credits, language, media, screensavers, scripts, skin, sounds, system, visualisations, web, evoxdash.xbe

Copy the new build over and rename "default.xbe" to "evoxdash.xbe".

Don't do this while running XBMC itself.

Thanks for the reply.

When you say "don't do this while running XBMC itself" how would I do this as my XBOX boots straight into XBMC.

Bomb Bloke

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« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 02:54:00 AM »

I gather you can safely update while in XBMC's "recovery mode" if you don't have a spare dash installed for this kind of thing. Enter that by holding white + Y while your console is booting up.

If your current copy of XBMC is so old it doesn't allow that, FTP a duplicate copy somewhere to E: or F: and use the File Manager to execute the XBE file.

Edit: I see an "x2config.ini" file in your listing as well, are you using an Xecuter BIOS? If so, take a read through that file and look for the bit where it lists the files it'll try to load on startup. You might like to add another copy of XBMC to your drive somewhere and add the path to that INI (so the console will still have something to boot if you break your primary dash).

This post has been edited by Bomb Bloke: Nov 30 2007, 10:58 AM


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 03:04:00 AM »

Thanks Bomb Bloke, I'll give that a try tomorrow (the wife's watching Ugly Betty at the moment).


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2007, 06:12:00 PM »

I have transfered the latest version of XBMC to my XBOX and put it in F:APPS/XBMC (as a back up as you suggested).

I am still a bit confused on what to change in the x2config.ini (copy and pasted it here)


; startup xbox debug monitor (needs sdk installed)
startDebug = 0

; enable igr
igrEnabled = 1

; display flubber anim
doStartupAnimation = 1

; do dvd drive check
doDvdDriveCheck =  0

; do not reset when pressing on eject
noResetOnEject = 1

; 255 characters max here, format is :.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
dash1Name = c:unleashx.xbe
dash2Name = f:unleashx.xbe
dash3Name = f:evoxdash.xbe
dash4Name = c:evoxdash.xbe
dash5Name = c:xboxdash.xbe

; the xbe name of the title image loaded from dvd on startup, 16 chars max!
dvdBootXbeName = default.xbe

; logo colors
colorXlip = ff000100
colorXlipHighlights = ff4b9b4b
colorInnerWalls = ff216a17
colorInnerGlow = ffcbdf01
colorXboxText = ff62ca13

; patch away xbox live connectivity code
patchXboxLive = 1

; if 1 then system runs on error if clock is invalid
clockErrorCheck = 0

; flubber (blob) colors
colorBlob = ff26ff3f
colorBlobGlow = 00a0ff40
colorGreenFog = 00a0ff60
colorFogGlowStart = ff00ff00
colorFogGlowEnd = 009fff66

; 3 scene colors

; ambient
colorFlubberScene1 = ff35ff19
; diffuse
colorFlubberScene2 = ff35ff19
; specular
colorFlubberScene3 = ff35ff19

; do random flubber
randomFlubber = 0

; flubber animation number, 0 - 14
flubberAnimationNumber = 2

; speed of xbox fan, value 10 equals 20%, value 50 equals 100%
fanSpeed = 10

; display flubber blob in wireframe mode
flubberWireFrame = 0

; display the TM logo
displayTmLogo = 1

; define the xbox logo background color
xLogoBackgroundColor = ff000000

; enable VGA patch (currently not working)
enableVgaPatch = 0

; stop bios to boot DVDs
disableCdromBoot = 0

; xbox LED color, 0 = off, 15 = green, 240 = red, 255 = orange, 83 = cycle
ledColor = 255

; blob radius * 10
blobRadius = 23

; do blob "pulse"
blobPulse = 1

; do fast animation
fastAni = 0

; apply interlace filter on startup
iFilter = 0

; enable transparency on mslogo
msLogoTransEn = 1

; ms logo transparency color
msLogoTransColor = 00ff00f6

; no flubber machinery
noFlubBg = 0

; no startup sound
noSound = 0

; show ms logo
showMsEn = 1

; show x logo
showXEn = 1

; do spikey blob
spikeyBlob = 0

; slow motion blob (ugly)
slowMoBlob = 0

; release all debug monitor memory after launching xbe
useAllMemory = 0

; no x logo light
noLightEn = 0

; color of x logo light
xLightColor = ff000000

I see the bit a t the start for the dash names but just want to make sure I don't stuff things up.

In the XBMC folder on F: I have all the folders and the default.xbe file, do I need to rename it or have anything extra on the C: partition?

Bomb Bloke

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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2007, 07:30:00 PM »

No need to rename the XBE file. Just so long as the BIOS dashboard pointer knows what it's called.

And example setup would be:

; 255 characters max here, format is <drive>:<path_to_xbe>.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
dash1Name = c:evoxdash.xbe
dash2Name = f:apps\xbmc\default.xbe
dash3Name = f:evoxdash.xbe
dash4Name = c:evoxdash.xbe
dash5Name = c:xboxdash.xbe

So the first line now points at your usual dash (on C:), the second aims at your backup copy (in F:\apps), and the other lines can stay as they are.

You could rename "c:\evoxdash.xbe" to "default.xbe" as well, so long as you update this ini file to reflect the change. Up to you.

Check to see that the INI doesn't exist in other locations around your drive. I've a sneaking suspicion it's supposed to go on the root of E:, not C:. If you find multiple copies, delete all but the one on E: and update that. Try tweaking the LED color to make sure the BIOS is actually reading the thing.

Now if you accidentally reboot while halfway through a dashboard update, it should have a secondary dash to fall back to.


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 10:51:00 PM »

This is so frustrating, I am following your great instructions but I am having no luck. My XBOX is still booting to the old XBMC.

Any other idea's?


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2007, 12:13:00 AM »

It looks to me your not installing the shortcuts, which are necessary for a current XBMC release to boot.

Try this:

Create a directory on your xbox E:\ partition and name it Apps

Transfer the XBMC folder (found in t3ch) into the Apps directory

Rename the evoxdash.xbe file in your C: partition to evoxdash.old

In the t3ch folder you'll find a folder named _tools, within that folder are two files you need to rename and transfer onto the c: partition.

Rename these files as shown and transfer to c:.

SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.xbe rename to --> evoxdash.xbe
SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.cfg rename to --> evoxdash.cfg



Bomb Bloke

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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 01:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(RadishNation @ Dec 2 2007, 04:51 PM) *

This is so frustrating, I am following your great instructions but I am having no luck. My XBOX is still booting to the old XBMC.

Any other idea's?

As mentioned, the INI settings are there so the secondary dash will be used if the primary can't be found. It's supposed to boot to your old dash. The idea behind changing the INI wasn't to tweak your boot order but to make sure your console could still start if your update went wrong.

Load up your console and goto XBMC's File Manager. Navigate to the extra copy's folder and select the XBE there. That'll boot the new version, and you can then use that to remove and replace the old.

If you wanted the F: version to be booted by default, you'd update the INI to reflect that:

dash1Name = f:apps\xbmc\default.xbe
dash2Name = c:evoxdash.xbe

Get it? When the console boots, it loads whichever dashboard is first on the list. If that can't be found, it works it's way down until it finds one that can.

I'd advise leaving the shortcuts alone for now. Your BIOS makes them redundant, they aren't necessary.


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2007, 01:41:00 AM »

LOL, as a put in the thread title "noob questions".

Again thanks for all the help so far (hopefully for the last time).

I'll let you know how I get on.


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Xbmc Upgrading
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 01:13:00 AM »

Thanks for all the help, my XBOX is now running at the bleeding edge !!  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)