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Author Topic: Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*  (Read 683 times)


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #75 on: March 28, 2007, 04:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(Spaceman2004 @ Mar 28 2007, 07:53 PM) View Post

When highlighting filenames in list mode that have long file names, one can see just a bit more of the name before it starts scrolling.

It happens in PM3 and MC360. I realise it's more of a feature than a bug, but I thought I'd mention it.

It would look better if they both matched up.

File -
NH  -
H    -

NH = None Highlighted
H   = Highlighted
I hope I get my point across?!

It's because when its not highlighted it dosn't show half/incomplete letters and when it selected and scrolling it does.  You may think they are full letters but the letter might be 16pixels wide and only 14 is showing


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2007, 08:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(thedirtyshark @ Mar 27 2007, 02:43 PM) View Post

Does a clean install include removal of your user data folder? Thats the only thing I havent treid yet, and still no xbes launch.

With FTP:

- Copied new XBMC to Xbox HDD (temp location)

in XBMC:

- Deleted XBMC save (in XBMC, gamesaves)
- Deleted files E:\Cache\
- Made backup of XBMC\Userdata\

In EvoX dash:

- Formatted X: / Y: /Z: (password for format menu = Xbox)
- Deleted old XBMC (completely)
- Moved new XBMC to correct location
- Copied only the Thumbs\Music folder from Userdata backup to new XBMC (To keep my Album thumbs)


Only thing to do now is change the settings of XBMC as u like.


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #77 on: March 28, 2007, 05:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(Jezz_X @ Mar 27 2007, 03:10 PM) View Post
Its called progress  dry.gif  when you add new stuff it sometimes dosn't work 100% when you change existing stuff to let the new stuff work you sometimes break it.   If you don't like that things are broken then don't use svn builds and wait for the stable builds simple as that.  no one tells you to update on a weekly basis everytime t3ch release something, you do it because you think "Oh thats a cool new thing I want"  rolleyes.gif The SVN is the development platform for xbmc it was never never meant to be a place to upload stuff that works 100% as soon as it goes in, would be nice if that was the case but it isn't.

I know its progress smile.gif I was just wondering about the whole process in general.  I was just thinking to myself:

"if they coded all this before and it worked perfectly fine.  I would not touch that part of the code/file cause I know it's working fine."

But I didn't take into effect that once you work on new stuff in code/files, it could break/mess up stuff on a different file/code.


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #78 on: March 29, 2007, 03:41:00 PM »

sure it can.

patch welcome.


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #79 on: March 29, 2007, 03:49:00 PM »

what exactly is the xbe problem.  the only issue i've ever had is if you dont rename them to default.xbe they will show up as folders until you reach the xbe file located in the folder.  for example, i had to rename avaluanch.xbe to default.xbe and evoxdash.xbe to default.xbe.

also, am I the only one experiencing the issue with mounting of a memory card.  I even tried the keymap.xml from the previous build to no avail.  personally its not a big deal at all to me since the card still works, but since this is happening it has me intrigued to find out why.  I wont pretend to know how the coding works with XBMC, its not as easy as, say, evox, so I wont bother to throw out random ideas as to what is causing it.  one thing I know for certain though is its not the keymap.xml


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #80 on: March 29, 2007, 08:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(Bomb Bloke @ Mar 25 2007, 11:38 AM) View Post

Are you referring to the screen saver, or to the background image behind menus?

The music visualisations like milkdrop and such.

Bomb Bloke

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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #81 on: March 30, 2007, 02:45:00 AM »

That I understand. What I'm asking is: When and/or where do the unwanted visualisations appear?


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #82 on: March 30, 2007, 07:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(thedirtyshark @ Mar 28 2007, 07:24 PM) View Post

Have you suffered the xbe problem and fixed it in this way?

I'm pretty certain its not to do with the way in which I update XBMC as I have wiped the x, y and z drives, cleared specific folders from the Udata and Tdata folders, tried it with and without my userdata folder and the problem persists.  I am stumped if it is to do with the way in which I am updating XBMC.

Is it known if this is still a problem within XBMC that wasn't completely fixed before the t3ch build was released and is it fixed in SVN now? or is it down to the way in which I am updating from the previous t3ch build where this was originally spotted i believe?

I'm not sure which step did the trick. My problems with XBE's started when i installed the March (4-3-07?) versions.


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #83 on: March 31, 2007, 09:31:00 PM »

how come when I change a movie thumbnail in files mode it doesn't work but it works in library mode

also why is it taking so long for a new build to come, is there a guide to make new build yourself so i dont have to wait.  I dont like this build because thumbnail dont change


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #84 on: March 31, 2007, 11:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(anoobie @ Mar 31 2007, 10:38 PM) View Post

how come when I change a movie thumbnail in files mode it doesn't work but it works in library mode

also why is it taking so long for a new build to come, is there a guide to make new build yourself so i dont have to wait.  I dont like this build because thumbnail dont change

 I'll be gentle with my response as seeing your username explains your question to a 'T'. When we say Search 1st, we aren't kidding. Your thumbnail answer is LITERALLY already answered right above your post. Was a bug that was fixed in a very recent build. Which you need to build yourself if you don't want to wait til the next T3CH build. Typically a new build is almost weekly, sometimes a day or two earlier, or later. You don't have to use your current build if you don't like it. Just use an older build til the next T3CH one is released.
  Your GUIDE question building your own is answered in the 3rd pinned thread at the very top that says Important Threads and Topics!! Read! So go check that out to get your answer. A few things you will need to be able to compile your own. One is not legal, so no answers will be given to any "Where can i get the xbox XDK???" questions, in addition to posssible getting banned if at the least a harsh warning, you'll have to venture and search yourself for that. Not too to do though. But iuf you don't want ot do that, just stick with getting the T3CH builds as they come out.

Thanks to Spiff for fixing the thumbnail bug!!!!! Nice to have it working again!!!!!   smile.gif  cool.gif  smile.gif


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #85 on: April 01, 2007, 10:16:00 AM »

Kinda off topic but cant help noticing all these posts with people using really old school ways to update their builds, making discs and using flashfxp and the like. Just thought id let you guys know you can do it in about 2 mins if you have your box networked.
There are a couple of really good tuts in the forums somewhere, but you can just set up a network or even just add your box as a network place, it takes like 2 mins and to be honest i think the windows wizard does it all for you anyway. Once you done that you can just copy in from your PC, or just do it all using XBMC.

All I do is copy in my new build under the name XBMCNEW or similar, then fire up unleashx, rename my old one to XBMCOLD and my new one to XBMC and reboot. Hey presto, all done. Plus that way, you have a back up on your box in case the new build is crappy, and also you can just copy across all you userdata to the new build if you wanna keep sources and stuff.

Anyway, like i say, I find that a lot easier than using flashfxp, creating discs etc etc.
Hope it helps


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Xboxmediacenter - March 23rd 2007 Svn Rev8306 Build Proper *updated*
« Reply #86 on: April 01, 2007, 11:04:00 AM »

I agree - if your xbox isn't hooked up to your home network, you're REALLY missing out on 90% of XBMC's potential.

My upgrade procedure is a little more involved, though. I generally use a T3CH release

1) ftp into xbox booted up into UnleashX
2) rename XBMC to XBMC.bak
3) upload new XBMC folder
4) via UnleashX file manager, copy from XBMC.bak => XBMC:
* UserData folder (overwrite new)
* skins (other than freshly updated PM3)
* scripts (other than the 3 included)
* Apple Movie Trailers data folder (this doesn't always work, but saves a buttload of time when it does)

That's pretty much it. The only time to not copy your UserData folder is if you're having major problems - it holds all your thumbnails, movie info, sources, keymappings, settings, etc. Before all the settings moved into the userdata folder, I used to go thru and edit the fresh xboxmediacenter.xml with every single update - man am I glad I don't have to do that anymore.   smile.gif
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