
Author Topic: How To Get Xbmc In 720p Or 1080i Using Component?  (Read 40 times)


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How To Get Xbmc In 720p Or 1080i Using Component?
« on: January 25, 2006, 11:21:00 PM »

I'll start by saying I'm pretty new to this stuff (2 weeks), but I manage to softmod my xbox and put an evox dashboard on and install xbmc.  I have a Sony HD TV so I bought the xbox component cable.  When I connected the xbox to that TV it appeared to stay in 480 mode and my evox script had no way to making changes.  the xbmc settings showed 4:3 and would not allow it to be changed.

How can I change to 720 or 1080 when I'm connected to my HDTV?  I read somewhere about making that change in the MS dashboard, but now that I have installed evox I dont' see a way of switching.  

Any help would be appreciated.

