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Author Topic: Nkpatcherv10+  (Read 336 times)


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« Reply #75 on: January 03, 2006, 06:37:00 PM »

Hello all,

I have a question about once of the under used features of nkpatcher.  I just upgraded to a large hard drive, and I want to store and play games from my hard drive as ISOs.  I know I can create the ISOs much more quickly by making them on my PC.  My question has to do with the 4GB file limit and 'sliced' ISOs.  Apparently, if you rip an ISO that is larger then 4GB, the isoripper will slice the ISO into parts.  Can this be done on a PC and then transfered over?  And can the process reversed (sliced ISO back into a burnable whole).



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« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2006, 07:49:00 PM »

you should be able to slice them (don't know of any apps to do this )
but you could use a hex editor just end one file at a $XFFFF boundary somewhere in the middle of the ISO
so the next one starts at $X0000

i know it sounds like a hard way to do it  sad.gif
but there should not be that many that you have to do that way
(4 gig to 4.7 gig iso's, have not seen any DVD9 xiso tools, so you would have to use the ISO ripper in that case)

you should be able to put them back the same way you double a bios file (DOS command)
or just FTP the actual files out when the iso's are mounted


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« Reply #77 on: January 05, 2006, 12:11:00 AM »

Hmmm... it won't let me edit my previous post.

I answered my own question, so I'm going to post the instructions here.  They SEEM to work, but I've only done basic testing.

1. Download & install WinHex.  Its a free hexedit that will also split/slice files.

2. Open WinHex and goto Tools -> File Tools -> Split... Select the iso you want to split and click "Split..."

3. For "Desired File Size" put in 4095 MB (based on rmenhal's suggestions in the drive utilities readme).  Click OK

4. Save the file segments.  Make sure the file names are numbered (ex: file1.iso, file2.iso)

5. Download rmenhal's Drive Image Utilities 1.0.1 and XBE Renamer

6. Extract Drive Image Utilities and open the "components" folder.  Renamed attach.xbe to default.xbe

7. Open the renamed default.xbe with XBE Renamer, and change the title to match the contents of the ISO

8. Upload the segmented iso and the default.xbe to F\Games or G\Games

9. Reboot your Xbox

Everytime you add a game, you'll want to use XBE Renamer to rename default.xbe to match.



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« Reply #78 on: February 06, 2006, 08:48:00 PM »

Why would you want to bother with ISOs? Why not just use Quix to transfer them to a folder in E:\Games or F:\Games and then run them from your dashboard?


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« Reply #79 on: February 06, 2006, 08:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(NerdENerd @ Feb 6 2006, 10:55 PM) View Post

Why would you want to bother with ISOs?
long file names are not allowed on the HDD file system
IE: games that have no patches


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« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2006, 07:47:00 PM »

you just need to install unleashx and format G drive.. no need to change bios or anything.. and yes, nkpatcher is the default.xbe file.. if you dont want to replace evox thats fine.. just ftp and copy unleashx to E:\apps\ and run unleashx from evox's launch menu..


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« Reply #81 on: February 15, 2006, 09:01:00 PM »

all versions of unleshx works fine in my xbox.. there was a new version out few days ago.. you will only be formatting G drive.. and since there is no data yet in your G drive, no chance of getting anything lost..


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« Reply #82 on: March 11, 2006, 05:59:00 PM »

here is the fix for the green LED not blinking when ejecting
any other color setting still will not blink (only blinks in auto mode)
    cmp    eax, 000fh    ; green value
    je    short set_auto    ; if green set to auto
    push    eax        ; must be dword size
    push    byte 0
     push    byte 8         ; led_register
     push    byte 20h    ; pic_address
     call    dword [HalWriteSMBusValue]
     push    byte 1        ; manual mode
     push    byte 0
     push    byte 7         ; led_mode
     push    byte 20h    ; pic_address
     call    dword [HalWriteSMBusValue]

     push    byte 0        ; auto mode
     push    byte 0
     push    byte 7         ; led_mode
     push    byte 20h    ; pic_address
     call    dword [HalWriteSMBusValue]


just replace set_led in NKP_top.asm with this one

also the clock check bug is due to the msdash missing one or more of it's support files
shadowC failing to load and then trying to run C:\xboxdash.xbe

this is changed to look for E:\NKP11\clock.xbe (MS xboxdash.xbe)
if not there then no clock testing will be done...
also added extra code to test for the needed files before calling the ms dash to set the clock
so far it only spot checks for some of the files need
clk_f1 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\fonts\Xbox book.xtf',0,0
clk_f2 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\xboxdashdata.185ead00\settings_clock.xip',0,0
clk_f3 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\media\content\english\locale.103',0,0

if any one wants to post a list of the files needed that would be nice smile.gif as i am short on time
and will add a test for them and release the fix



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« Reply #83 on: March 20, 2006, 08:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(qwikdraw @ Mar 20 2006, 09:26 PM) View Post

I currently have the Phoneix bio loader on my softmodded xbox but want to switch to the do i do this?

you most likely have a OLD exploite installed now (UDE,UXE) you best bet is to start with Kingroaches's NDURE installer for PC it uses the newest NKpatcher (11-U02 with a mod for xonline dash switching)
you would just FTP a "new" C:\ and add some files to E:\  
his installer is well made and user friendly   wink.gif

once you have that done it will be easy and safer for you to make any changes that you might need/want
to do with NKPatcher itself



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« Reply #84 on: March 21, 2006, 07:30:00 AM »

so far it only spot checks for some of the files need
CODEclk_f1 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\fonts\Xbox book.xtf',0,0
clk_f2 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\xboxdashdata.185ead00\settings_clock.xip',0,0
clk_f3 : db      '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\media\content\english\locale.103',0,0
if any one wants to post a list of the files needed that would be nice  as i am short on time
and will add a test for them and release the fix

today I ran xboxdash with apilogger and this files seems to be needed:

C:\fonts\xbox book.xtf

now.. I am not sure if settings_list.xip is needed or not.. it only used for settings panel but if you can go to straight to clock settings then may be you wouldnt need it.


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« Reply #85 on: April 09, 2006, 11:12:00 AM »

;;; 48-bit Logical Block Addressing and partition table settings:
;;; LBA48 = Enable. Allows use of disk space beyond 137 GB. Only 32 bits are
;;;         actually used so maximum used disk size is now 2 TB.
;;; PARTITION_METHOD #method_num = Select partitioning scheme,
;;;         where #method_num is:
;;;         0, for only standard Xbox partitions i.e. no F or G drives
;;;         1, for partition 6 (F drive) takes rest of the drive (after standard)
;;;         2, for partition 6 takes up to 137 GB, partition 7 (G drive) rest
;;;         3, for partition 6 takes up to 137 GB, no partition 7
;;; Note that method 1 results in ".06 bios" and method 2 in ".67 bios".
;;; IGNORE_HD_PARTITION_TABLE = Don't use harddisk partition table even if it
;;;                             exists (on the first sector of the drive).
;;; LBA48 and partition table not enabled by default.

%define LBA48

from the



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« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2006, 07:13:00 AM »

nkpatcher doesn't support PC partition tables, it supports oz_paulb's custom xbox partition table format. Linux doesn't support this, and Linux's support for PC partitions will in fact overwrite the xbox partition table (they both go in sector 0).

You can partition the xbox's hard drive with a custom layout using xbpartitioner (from xbins) and nkpatcher, or most modchip bioses, will read this and have the F and/or G drive as whatever you specified - but Linux won't have a clue, and if you try and create native Linux partitions it will overwrite the table that xbpartitioner created.

I wanted this same setup on my box (though I have a 300GB disk - I have F up to 127GB, but then G only using part of the remaining space, with the rest for Linux) - so I patched the xbox-linux kernel to support oz_paulb's xbox partition table format. I've only done the patch for linux 2.4 at the moment, but I could port it to 2.6 pretty easily.

Feel free to email/IM me if you want to try my patch - I've offered it to the xbox-linux developers but they don't seem to be interested (they believe that there is no legitimate reason to have an F or G drive and as such it's sufficient for xbox-linux to support taking all the space after E for native partitions).


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« Reply #87 on: April 15, 2006, 12:09:00 PM »

i am sure this has already been answered... what i dont get... is with the files it tells you what to do for the the installation... but i still dont get it... sorry for being a complete newbie... but where do i put these files on the xbox, and which ones???


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« Reply #88 on: April 15, 2006, 03:20:00 PM »

there is only one file that is used on the xbox "default.xbe"
all the other files are support files, you need to edit the
to set the options you want to have then run the make file to recompile

now you may need to rename default.xbe, then place it where
the hacked font files look for a habibi signed xbe to execute
it could be:
or you can hex edit the font file to point to anywhere you want on C:\ or E:\ (or view it to see where it will look)

there is also a option to use a config file (E:\NKP11_config.bin) if you want to make some
option changes without recompiling and replacing the "working" xbe

two file named override functions:



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« Reply #89 on: April 23, 2006, 01:29:00 PM »

SilentBob1638 check you other posts.. smile.gif

now back to the clock check problem
after carefull thought there is 4 ways to fix this;

1. disable clock check (no one wants it)

2. have it test every file that is needed first (update to NKP needed)

3. change the time/date that is used as a minimum test to 15min after the time the fonts set (06/06/2004)
that way if there is a msdash file problem you only have to wait 15 min then reboot
and you will be fine....(update to NKP needed)

4. change the minimum time the fonts set to 15 min before the time NKPatcher test's (09/20/2005)
(no update to NKP needed)

NKPatcher's test
    dw 2005    ; Year
    dw 9    ; Month
    dw 20 + 1; Day
    dw 0    ; Hour
    dw 0    ; Minute
    dw 0    ; Second

new time the fonts could set
    dw 2005    ; Year
    dw 9    ; Month
    dw 19 + 1; Day
    dw 23    ; Hour
    dw 45    ; Minute
    dw 0    ; Second

you can hex edit ernie.xtf starting at offset $96 you will see
00 00 00 00 D4 07 06 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

change to (untested as of now)
00 00 00 00 D5 07 09 00 14 00 17 00 2D 00 00 00

any comments ?

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