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Author Topic: Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)  (Read 199 times)


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2003, 04:02:00 PM »

BJ.. if I wanted a random song to play each time my menu was started up, can I put the <Random>On</Random> in MXM_Skin.xml?  Will it override any settings by the MXM.xml?  Or would wanting a random song to play each time require that it be set within MXM.xml?  I've had luck, of course, with setting it in MXM.xml, but I think for the skin's sake, it would be better if the skin was able to override the main MXM.xml.   (Less work for the people installing the skin)

Also, I read that random was a bit buggy.  Is that with Xbox soundtracks only?  Or any media in any directory?  Or has it been fixed?  What were/are the symptoms of this bug?


Wait, I have more questions...  
Or does random have nothing to do with the startup song but only the order of the rest afterwards?  Is the song that starts up with a menu the last one played?


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2003, 04:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (StrongBad @ Mar 6 2003, 08:02 PM)
BJ.. if I wanted a random song to play each time my menu was started up, can I put the <Random>On</Random> in MXM_Skin.xml?  Will it override any settings by the MXM.xml?  Or would wanting a random song to play each time require that it be set within MXM.xml?  I've had luck, of course, with setting it in MXM.xml, but I think for the skin's sake, it would be better if the skin was able to override the main MXM.xml.   (Less work for the people installing the skin)

Also, I read that random was a bit buggy.  Is that with Xbox soundtracks only?  Or any media in any directory?  Or has it been fixed?  What were/are the symptoms of this bug?


Wait, I have more questions...  
Or does random have nothing to do with the startup song but only the order of the rest afterwards?  Is the song that starts up with a menu the last one played?

Hmmm... Random isn't supported in the skin definition, at the moment.

I'll be looking at offering a lot more control when the new stuff is rolled out.

As for the bugs.... it's more 'flaky' than a matter of bugs. It should be starting on a random song, but the only way to be sure is to run a bunch of tests. I did some things to clean it up a couple of releases ago, but you never know what might be lingering.



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2003, 09:00:00 AM »

BJ, how about the possibility to enable sound from the background video?


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2003, 09:29:00 AM »

ben jeremy i have a idea:

how about you create a simple WINDOWS app that does all the work for you e.g. after you have got your game directories you simply select the folders you want adding to the mxm disk, enter the names and choose the picture/video you want to use. Then this app moves all your games you selected to the DVD001 folder along with all the screenshots/pictures/videos you selected.

Also if you want to use this as a dashboard is there any way to get this to auto add? as in like evo x does?

thanks in advance

BTW to Bad:

Is it possible you can up your 80mb file to #xbins?as some people don't have access to newsgroups!damnit!


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2003, 09:47:00 AM »

QUOTE (RolfLobker @ Mar 7 2003, 01:00 PM)
BJ, how about the possibility to enable sound from the background video?

Patience biggrin.gif - these RenderGadgets I'm creating will give skinners a lot of power; I can easily add control tags for the configuration of these bad boys. They will require a reference manual before I'm though... sound support will be there for image sources (videos) of any nature onscreen.



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2003, 09:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (chilin_dude @ Mar 7 2003, 01:29 PM)
ben jeremy i have a idea:

how about you create a simple WINDOWS app that does all the work for you e.g. after you have got your game directories you simply select the folders you want adding to the mxm disk, enter the names and choose the picture/video you want to use. Then this app moves all your games you selected to the DVD001 folder along with all the screenshots/pictures/videos you selected.

Also if you want to use this as a dashboard is there any way to get this to auto add? as in like evo x does?

thanks in advance

BTW to Bad:

Is it possible you can up your 80mb file to #xbins?as some people don't have access to newsgroups!damnit!

Actually, there are several tools people have written to create MXM config files. The main reason I have not encouraged more development, or created something myself is that until version 1.0 comes out, the design is still being updated and changed.

It's likely many tools might not work in future versions.

There are other complications, of course... mostly in the 'how' of doing these things. I think the best bet for user configuration (non-skinner) would be to integrate complete MXM support into Craxtion as an all-in-one tool. It would be better to build on an existing, well-used app than start from scratch. LepPpeR  has mentioned many times about adding MXM support. The latest MXM alleviates the need a bit by being compatible with MenuX, but it would be nice to have it set up a specific MXM configuration, giving the user more options to play with, such as the help screen support and disc title info.

Auto-config is coming.... there is still more work to be done so the menu system can handle multi-level menus, too. It won't be too hard to add the ability to auto-config on other directories; it's just a matter of having some other things set up to get it done.


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2003, 12:59:00 PM »



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2003, 01:09:00 PM »

biggrin.gif ) so would rather just grab the smaller file.

Either way, it's much appreciated StrongBad, I can't wait to check it out.

Oh, and your list of preview movies looks cool! Did you do them yourself or convert files from websites like IGN etc? I'm glad I could do my own, having the Medal Of Honor video showing the storming the beach stage is perfect wink.gif I took all afternoon setting up good scenes in stuff like Splinter Cell, Buffy, and well, everything else I had wink.gif



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2003, 01:27:00 PM »

well if you do decide to distribute on Emule tell me what your nick is!


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2003, 02:54:00 PM »

QUOTE (StrongBad @ Mar 7 2003, 04:59 PM)
To Chillin_Dude and all,

Give me until tomorrow to pack up the next release of Generator skin.  I've done a lot to polish the skin up, and I'm pretty happy with it now. The skin was completely overhauled sporting a bit of a design change and used cleaner, more efficient encoding.  It now has 5 different background soundtracks and includes over 40 preview movies to use to save you time from encoding.

It will probably be the last update until BJ changes the skinning engine.  Then maybe I'll try to come up with something new.

So the skin will be posted to the usual places tomorrow.  If you have trouble, contact me (PM or email), and I will provide you with the files personally.  #xbins could be an issue since the file is rather large.  Although, I could rip out the preview movies, what do you think?

Anyways, here is the tentative nfo:
MXM Generator Skin v1.02 nfo

I'm glad that there's a lot of excitement for MXM in the air!  biggrin.gif

My suggestion would be to release the preview movies seperately. I have a growing collection myself... they might make their way to usenet shortly.

That would make the skin manageable, and people could pick and choose the previews or grab them all, based on their bandwidth and storage capabilities.


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2003, 03:06:00 PM »


And hey BenJeremy

Any news on making MXM the default Dash
I tried and Put MXM on the c drive and renamed MXM to xboxdash.xbe then evox to
evoxdash.xbe, but it starts on default mode because it says "cant Find MXM.xml" even though
its there, but it still detects the 2 dashes I had on C:, wich was the original and evox so I was just able to choose evoxdash from the menu and presto I was back to the evox dash.
This is what I wanted but It wont get whats on the MXM.xml

MXM WIll be The best Dash, and untill it has ftp capability you can just link
evox in one of the menu items and viola!

Cant wait!    beerchug.gif



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2003, 03:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (ray12944 @ Mar 7 2003, 07:06 PM)
Can hardly Wait!!
Generator Skin Will be the best add-on To MXM, I Bet!! jester.gif

And hey BenJeremy

Any news on making MXM the default Dash
I tried and Put MXM on the c drive and renamed MXM to xboxdash.xbe then evox to
evoxdash.xbe, but it starts on default mode because it says "cant Find MXM.xml" even though
its there, but it still detects the 2 dashes I had on C:, wich was the original and evox so I was just able to choose evoxdash from the menu and presto I was back to the evox dash.
This is what I wanted but It wont get whats on the MXM.xml

MXM WIll be The best Dash, and untill it has ftp capability you can just link
evox in one of the menu items and viola!

Cant wait!    beerchug.gif

THANKS FOR THE INSIGHT!!!!!  biggrin.gif

Now I know EXACTLY why it will not work as a dashboard!!

I will try and get it fixed, but it may require a bit of work. The problem, now that you've described a few things for me, is simple: MXM expects to "live" on D: but dashboards are launched differently!

Anyway, I will start looking at that as soon as I can. Hopefully, it will be easy enough to fix and get everything working for the next release, after I finish the skinning stuff.  wink.gif


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2003, 10:07:00 AM »

QUOTE (pntless @ Mar 8 2003, 01:39 PM)
First off, Thanks for the excellent program BJ and great skin StrongBad.

BJ: with wm8eutil, exactly what command are you using?  I have tried with a few different videos, and when i try to scroll to that listing in MXM, the xbox locks.

Here is the line I use in a batch file called "MKWMV.BAT" placed in my path:


wm8eutil -a_setting 64_44_2 -v_bitrate 250000  -input %1 -output %2

Just call like so:


MKWMV MyPreview.avi MyPreview.wmv


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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2003, 11:34:00 AM »

QUOTE (pntless @ Mar 8 2003, 02:50 PM)
Did exactly as described.  Tried it on 2 different computers, one has wmp9 installed, other still only has 8.  the premade vids with the generator skin work perfect, load quicker than the jpg's, but the ones i try to make lock the box.  Any ideas?

Dunno... you do have sound in them, right? Even if it's silence, you still need an audio component. Something screwy with the way the decoder works. I put a bit of time into trying to fix it, but came up empty.



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Media X Menu 0.9h (beta)
« Reply #44 on: March 08, 2003, 12:50:00 PM »

Same thing happened to me

and BenJeremy is right  ,  it was because  my original videos had no sound

so I just kept the audio pport open when I captured video even dough
it didnt record the sound
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