
Author Topic: Can't Turnoff Igr...  (Read 231 times)


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« on: August 28, 2010, 02:18:00 AM »

I have a 'new' softmodded xbox. I downloaded a softmod pack and installed it. It installed UnleashX.

The bios that it came with are biosloader and nkpatcher.

Well, i have quite a few games that aren't loading, and just sending me straight back to the dashboard when I try to launch them via hdd or disc. I am thinking this is an IGR issue...

the games, to name a few are;
silent scope complete
reservoir dogs
petitcopter - japanese retail
psyvariar 2 - japanese retail
voodoo vince

There is not an option to just turn off IGR in the UnleashX dashboard and I don't have a clue about messing around with bios.

i have tried searching around. i found a tutorial about how to change the bios, but it didnt go in depth enough for me to be certain that it wont brick my xbox.

thanks for any help!


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 05:53:00 AM »

Which softmod?

Don't try changing the BIOS - it's unlikely to work.

Clear the cache and the X, Y and Z partitions.


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 10:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heimdall @ Aug 28 2010, 12:53 PM) View Post

Which softmod?

Don't try changing the BIOS - it's unlikely to work.

Clear the cache and the X, Y and Z partitions.

Umm... I don't know which. I used Mech Assault and hit Run Linux. I know that.

I know I can hit L+R+Black+Back for IGR. I want to turn that feature off though. How can I find out to tell you?

I have tried clearing the cache using UnleashX. It boots up when I press the eject button, but if I hit the power button it boots XBMC. I set it to that.


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 05:29:00 AM »

How can you not know which softmod you used? You downloaded it, look at the name of the archive file, read the readme or the notes.

Did you clear the X, Y and Z partitions?


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 01:36:00 PM »

Right now I do not have a X, Y, or Z partition... Kinda weird. I used XBHDM to format my 250 GB Hdd and the only partitions I have are C, E, F, and G.

The games listed were not working on my stock hdd.

I no longer have the installation files for the softmod. Unless I can pull them off the memory card, or xbox hdd some how. I don't know how though, or there location is a mystery to me.

Any tips?



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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 02:17:00 PM »

You can't see X, Y and Z from XBMC. Launch UnleashX and do it from there.


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Can't Turnoff Igr...
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 03:33:00 PM »

All right I launched UXE and took a look. Then deleted the files in the X, Y, and Z partitions. It didn't make a difference though.