
Author Topic: Show The Scene Your Custom Boot Screen/logo  (Read 159 times)


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Show The Scene Your Custom Boot Screen/logo
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:50:00 PM »

So i thought it would be cool if people showed what they had for their boot screen (if any people are still doin custom boot screens?). and people could trade off etc. got the idea from GoTeamScotch's post in the tsop forum and thought it was a cool idea (MODS if you feel it belongs in a different section then please move it for me. as it is a bios related matter i thought it belonged here).

heres my x2 5035 config

; startup xbox debug monitor (needs sdk installed)
startDebug = 0

; enable igr
igrEnabled = 1

; display flubber anim
doStartupAnimation = 1

; do dvd drive check
doDvdDriveCheck = 0

; do not reset when pressing on eject
noResetOnEject = 1

; 255 characters max here, format is <drive>:<path_to_xbe>.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
dash1Name = f:apps\XBMC\default.xbe
dash2Name = c:evoxdash.xbe
dash3Name = c:xboxdash.xbe
dash4Name = f:apps\dvd2xbox\default.xbe
dash5Name = d:default.xbe

; the xbe name of the title image loaded from dvd on startup, 16 chars max!
dvdBootXbeName = d:default.xbe

; logo colors
colorXlip = ffffffff
colorXlipHighlights = ff7a7aff
colorInnerWalls = ff0000d6
colorInnerGlow = ffccccff
colorXboxText = ff7777ff

; patch away xbox live connectivity code
patchXboxLive = 1

; if 1 then system runs on error if clock is invalid
clockErrorCheck = 0

; flubber (blob) colors
colorBlob = ff263fff
colorBlobGlow = 00a040ff
colorGreenFog = 006460ff
colorFogGlowStart = ff0000ff
colorFogGlowEnd = 000000ff

; 3 scene colors

; ambient
colorFlubberScene1 = ff0000ff
; diffuse
colorFlubberScene2 = 000000ff
; specular
colorFlubberScene3 = 006460ff

; do random flubber
randomFlubber = 1

; flubber animation number, 0 - 14
flubberAnimationNumber = 12

; speed of xbox fan, value 10 equals 20%, value 50 equals 100%
fanSpeed = 30

; display flubber blob in wireframe mode
flubberWireFrame = 0

; display the TM logo
displayTmLogo = 0

; define the xbox logo background color
xLogoBackgroundColor = ffffffff

; enable VGA patch (currently not working)
enableVgaPatch = 0

; stop bios to boot DVDs
disableCdromBoot = 0

; xbox LED color, 0 = off, 15 = green, 240 = red, 255 = orange, 83 = cycle
ledColor = 0

; blob radius * 10
blobRadius = 10

; do blob "pulse"
blobPulse = 1

; do fast animation
fastAni = 0

; apply interlace filter on startup
iFilter = 0

; enable transparency on mslogo
msLogoTransEn = 0

; ms logo transparency color
msLogoTransColor = 00ffffff

; no flubber machinery
noFlubBg = 0

; no startup sound
noSound = 0

; show ms logo
showMsEn = 1

; show x logo
showXEn = 1

; do spikey blob
spikeyBlob = 1

; slow motion blob (ugly)
slowMoBlob = 0

; release all debug monitor memory after launching xbe
useAllMemory = 0

; no x logo light
noLightEn = 0

; color of x logo light
xLightColor = ffffffff

and my x2 logo

IPB Image

I love lamb of god if you cant tell

i thought this would go awesome with a clear or white xbox with blue leds (havent gotten that far yet though)

i call it LoG Icebox

hope yall like it and i hope to see more of your unique designs