
Author Topic: Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel  (Read 71 times)


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An Update:

I've got the box booting to Slayer's EvoX Auto-Installer 2.6.  By FTPing in I've confirmed that my BIOS boot dashboard paths are correct and match the ones in the C: drive.  Furthermore, when I change all of the dashboard names, I get an Error 13 - Dashboard Not Found upon startup.

So apparently the BIOS is finding the dashboards, they are just going to a black screen.

Anybody have a clue why?  I've read some about Shadowc and how it "hides" things but I really don't know what's wrong.

Anyone know of a boot disc with a built-in File Manager so I can actually try and run the dashboards as executables?  Slayer's doesn't seem to have that feature.

Bomb Bloke

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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 12:41:00 AM »

You know how when a standard console starts, at the end of the flubber sequence you get the big X-Box logo with "Microsoft" written underneath? That MS logo appearing (or X2 in your case) is your confirmation that the system's found a file to boot.

When a softmodded console boots, it first runs the Microsoft dashboard, then that (since it's been edited by the softmod) makes it instead boot some other XBE file (such as UnleashX).

With the TSOP flashed, the console shouldn't really be trying to boot the MS Dash... Hence the softmod shouldn't be activated, and neither should ShadowC.

Did you change the default boot order of the BIOS prior to flashing?

If so, to what?

Which of the XBE files on that list exist on your console's drive?


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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 04:34:00 AM »

Well, by renaming the xb0xdash.xbe and xboxdash.xbe files to garbage and putting in a copy of EvoX renamed to mxmdash.xbe, I'm now able to boot to EvoX.  From there, I can attempt to run the UnleashX versions using their garbage new names, but I get the same black screen.

The problem could be the new filenames, but I don't think so, because they still don't work when named correctly and called from the BIOS.

At least the thing works to some extent, but if at all possible I'd really like to be able to continue using UnleashX.


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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 07:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(trickster009 @ May 7 2008, 01:29 PM) View Post

Anyone know of a boot disc with a built-in File Manager so I can actually try and run the dashboards as executables?  Slayer's doesn't seem to have that feature.

Frosty's Xbox Rescue Disc has DVD2Xbox which can be used as a filemanager.

Bomb Bloke

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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 04:24:00 AM »

Indeed, sounds like you've either got the wrong UnleashX executable there or your missing some other files.

It mostly relies on "config.xml" for it's settings so if you keep that file you shouldn't have to re-do everything.

Though you might consider using XBMC instead... Have you tried that one?


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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 06:06:00 AM »

Are you using X2 4981 on TSOP together with Ndure?

Ndure softmod usually loads the Nkpatcher kernel patcher which expects to find a stock retail ms kernel of known versions and at certain memory locations patches in the necessary support for the softmod to run unsigned code.

The flubber animation has already been changed to X2's so obviously nkpatcher is confused as it doesn't know how to deal with the X2 4981 bios.

You should cold-boot Frosty's boot disc, ftp in and backup all important files. Then use slayer's to rebuild the hdd contents and remove the softmod. Nkpatcher is not needed anymore.

Bomb Bloke

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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2008, 09:03:00 AM »

Indeed, don't make the mistake of thinking the softmod XBE is the same as UnleashX's XBE.


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Performed Tsop Flash On Softmodded Box, Now No Dashboard... Please Hel
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2008, 04:13:00 PM »

Thanks you two, that did the trick.  I just didn't really understand how the softmod works, but it's the only way I had available to run homebrew code which could flash the TSOP (I don't have a memory card).

I basically just wiped the C drive and installed the dashes manually, then transferred my config and skin files over (with slight changes because a few things apparently weren't compatible with the versions I installed).

However, it's up and running with EvoX, UnleashX, and XBMC all sitting on C, all my apps on E, and all of my F and G files didn't even have to get touched (or, more importantly backed up, because I didn't actually have the space anywhere to back them up...)

Thanks again!