
Author Topic: Xchip Flashing Without Adapter  (Read 61 times)


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Xchip Flashing Without Adapter
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:25:00 PM »

hi evry1
i need to flash my xchip and i dont have the xchip adatper to use usb direct connect or to reset bios.
does anyone know of a way to flash without the adapter or where i can get a hold of that adapter with the blue wire connection.ive looked everywhere and cant find a seller
some info on my situation

xbox 1.6 xchip 250 gig western dig hd
i cant access f: or g: drive, iget err3 next to them and says 0mb free
my power button dont work anymore i have to use eject button and remove plug to recicle system
also i cant access the setup on the bootup thru the start button any more it just freezes on the xbox screen
im sure the chip is placed right and everything was working dandy till my kids messed around with the menus
im pretty sure they curropted the bios
i dont see anymore the lba48 feature to enable anywhere......
i tried using slayer 2.7 to upgrade bios thatway but it didnt access and i did upgrade, new install, change dash
etc...and it just dosnt access the f: or the G: drive which have the bulk of the hd 240 gig of it to be specific,its almost as if the system thinks i got a 10 gig hd

any help in this would be greatly appretiated to me and my kids.....

thanks in advance