
Author Topic: Ind-bios 5003 Problems  (Read 98 times)


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« on: January 09, 2006, 09:34:00 AM »

Hey guys, I just got my tsop ready to flash, and I flashed it with ind-bios 5003 with the config injected. I also changed the bios from 256 to 1mb for the 1.1 tsop. I used xbtool to do that, I also removed all the flubber animation and what not. Anyways my xbox wouldnt boot up with video every time. I would wait a few minutes then I'd have flubber, and sometimes it would freeze during doing that.

so It was weird stuff like that, but I managed to get to evox to reflash the tsop. So I reflashed the tsop with the same bios but, without the config injected. Now it works perfectly everytime I launch the xbox like it is supposed to.

Anyways I would like to know why injecting the config file made it so buggy.


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 10:36:00 AM »

Config injection was never properly finished, I believe.


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 11:35:00 AM »

yes some features of the injection did make it freeze up on startup
it was mainly if ya had the animation set to 0 (random i thinks ?)
(not sure if this still effected it if the animation was off tho ?? )

make sure u have the up to date config program, and bios
and then experiment (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

IMO this IS the best bios... just need minor bugs ironed out and 1.6 support !
that or x2 5035  bios need injection feature too !! (as that IS 512kb so im sure there is room)

Mick ...


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 11:46:00 AM »

Thanks for the info guys but, until config injection is mastered I'm gonna leave it the way it is. Right now my bootup time is 11 seconds, without the flubber animation. I might switch to x2 5035 if its better and has alot of cool effects. Also theres not a whole lot of info for the logo files that you can change, is there a readme or tutorial faq, or whatever for those features that ind-bios has?

Anyways thanks for the info guys, and it should be noted somewhere that the injection is beta. Mainly because I'm not going to risk deystroying a tsop.

One reason I'm using this bios, is to be able to boot my xbox on without the dvd drive.


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 11:53:00 AM »

It takes you 11 seconds without the animation!?  My softmodded box starts up in 15, that's animation, BIOS checks, kernel patching and UnleashX splash screen.  Kinda odd...


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2006, 12:03:00 PM »

yeah it is, atleast 11 mississipi seconds. Then again you got to remember that the ind-bios waits on the hdd to initiate first. it takes that long for no animation and no logo, just straight loading into the unleashx dashboard.
I really like the ind-bios logo too, so I'm gonna see sometime later why when I turned the flubber off, why it also turned the logo off.

Now whats really nice, is the IGR and unleashx dashboard loading is a whole lot smoother, even without the dvd-rom drive hooked up, the loading is way smoother and seems to be better than any other bios or softmod that I've used before.

This post has been edited by revengeismyfury: Jan 9 2006, 08:06 PM


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2006, 02:25:00 PM »

well if ya dont mind the wait, then i would use x2 .. its much more stable it all works. and there int nothing that it cannot do .. PLUS it supports 1.6v
TBH the only bad thing about x23035 is its size of 512, and ya cant inject

but if ya want what x2 can offer but dont like the splash screen of "loading", then use injected ind-bios smile.gif and play around with the injection ..

the way i done it was, get the config file how ya want it first(without the injection, as ya can play around with the config on the HDD for as long as ya want.. trial and errors etc)
then inject the config once ya got it how ya wants it ..
And make sure ya use IND-Bios_Config_App_v0.4.30 to do it all with

Just looked up about the animation being set to 0(random)
and im afiad i was wrong .. its actually when intro=0 ... and thats why it was locking up on you sometimes ..
there IS a fixed version. but its not public sad.gif i have no idea why they never made it public...
would be nice if they could review this decision.. as its been ALONG time since there last release etc etc ..
i understand if they dont continue to work on it (like 1.6 support etc)
but for them not to release summit that is already made ? i do not understand ..
(but then this seems to be a re-occering theme of the scene latly sad.gif )

Mick ...


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2006, 05:17:00 PM »

Thanks man, well unless you can have a config file that doesnt have the flubber animation but, just the bootup logo, and it works being injected, that would be great if you could send me that, and have the inner x blue. Also if thats against xbox-scene policy then atleast give me a list of what you got checked off and whatever. Or is the intro thats set to 0 the only thing that locks it up? I guess if at worse I'm gonna have to pop in my smartxx chip, which takes forever to get it to align properly, so that I can run some tests with it.

 One reason is because I'm working with a tsop and its bad to experiment with a tsop because if it locks up and I cant get back that means I just deystroyed the tsop, and I cant afford that, mainly because that would ruin my ultra mini mod that I'm gonna be doing.
I really like the way the ind-bios logo and white around the x looks, and I dont want to lose that by switching to x2. I also like how smooth it is loading without the dvd-rom mainly because I will not have a dvd-rom on this system once its ultra mini.

This post has been edited by revengeismyfury: Jan 10 2006, 01:18 AM


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 12:12:00 PM »

im sory no .. i do not have the fixed bios ...
its summit ive heard now several times in there chat room .. thats there IS a fix'ed version.
but as its only one person ya talk to he cannot give it out as the rest of the team are not there to ask ! lol lol
its a REAL: shame but thats how it is sad.gif

well depending on how ya have teh setup now ? ...
putting it simply indo-bios only locks up when intro is set to 0... so as long as ya dont do that then its fine ..
(plus if it is set to 0, when injected as ya found out, ya can get it to boot up ok eventually )

but i do prefer injected ind=bios. but if ya dont mind a bios is loading screens at start up, stick with x2 ..

OR hound the #ind-bios chat room on :efnet, and get the fixed version ! lol

Mick ..


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Ind-bios 5003 Problems
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2006, 08:11:00 PM »

well, I just tried what you guys said, and it seems to be working fine with the config injected, but it seems that it loaded faster when the config was not injected and the intro set to 0. I really like the way ind looks though so for now I'll stay with it. Also where should I go to find out how to do the .bmp and logox features, or is it in the readme, because I looked through alot of it and it didnt say much of anything for that stuff, thanks guys.