
Author Topic: M8plus Bios And Logo / Dds Problems...  (Read 59 times)


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M8plus Bios And Logo / Dds Problems...
« on: June 22, 2005, 04:44:00 AM »

if i use evtool and add a .dds logo i made in adobe photoshop. my xbox will not boot up again after the flash. even some of the samples in evtool will crash my xbox but some will work good...

i found more logos work with the m8 bios then the m8plus bios....?

what am i doing wrong?? i am following the read me file in evtool.
i have tried evtool 1.04 and 1.09

"128 * 128 A4R4G4B4 DDS with no mip maps.
Exporting from Photoshop I chose 16-bit (4:4:4:4) no mip maps and left the
other settings alone."
