
Author Topic: How To Switch Bioses? From Evoxm7 To X2 4983.06  (Read 41 times)


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How To Switch Bioses? From Evoxm7 To X2 4983.06
« on: November 29, 2004, 10:01:00 AM »

I've read through the recent posts regarding which bios to use to be able to use all the storage on a 160GB HD, and it seems X2 4983.06 is my choice, which puts it all on the F: drive.

I've tried searching for what I need, but I keep getting sent to Google for some reason, so bear with me if this has been answered.

To switch from EvoxM7 to X2 4983.06 bios, what will I need to do?  Do I simply remove Evox, then add the necessary files for X2, then add the item from the Xenium OS Launch menu?  

Here is my setup; Xenium Ice, Xenius OS 2.01, 160 GB HD.  I currently have games installed on the HD, will I lose those, or will changing the bios not effect that content?

Thanks for the help