
Author Topic: Boot To Bios ?  (Read 26 times)


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Boot To Bios ?
« on: November 19, 2004, 11:30:00 PM »

Need some help here people. I have an Executer 2.3b Lite plus chip installed and has been working great. Buddy of mine out here in Iraq tried to put Avalaunch on my box and it keeps getting hung up on the loading fonts line on boot up. My box won't boot up now cuz it automatically tries to go to Avalaunch first and won't even try EvolutionX dash that I have and am sure that it still works. I have the 4981.06 version of the Cromwell Bios, is there a way to boot directly to the Bios using the controller ?? All my discs that I built my box with are back home in the states, so I'm pretty much SOL out here in Iraq. Tried FTP'g to the drive but no luck. M$ dash doesn't support FTP and that is the only dash I can get to right now by disabling the chip. Any suggestions ????