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Author Topic: Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48  (Read 111 times)


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« on: September 02, 2003, 05:40:00 PM »

If you read the other threads, this has already been said.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2003, 06:01:00 PM »

I KNOW it was previously mentioned that it was based on the evox d6 bios, and that there was a media fix, but I don't think anyone mentioned that the media fix was copied directly from x2's bioses.  



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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2003, 06:03:00 PM »

QUOTE (stealth @ Sep 2 2003, 10:01 PM)
I KNOW it was previously mentioned that it was based on the evox d6 bios, and that there was a media fix, but I don't think anyone mentioned that the media fix was copied directly from x2's bioses.

Not surprising I guess.

:::sigh::: It's getting really ugly.  sleep.gif


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2003, 06:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (stealth @ Sep 2 2003, 10:01 PM)
I KNOW it was previously mentioned that it was based on the evox d6 bios, and that there was a media fix, but I don't think anyone mentioned that the media fix was copied directly from x2's bioses.

I JUST reopened that other thread so you could clarify that exact point for me and everyone else.  laugh.gif  Thanks.

Merging threads now.

EDIT:  I had expected this and had posted in the other thread asking Ubergeek to confirm, but he hadn't had not got around to it.  I'd like to see their justification for stealing a bit X2's code, too.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2003, 06:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (Mage @ Sep 2 2003, 10:12 PM)
Ah in that case lets see what Ubergeek has to say on the matter.
A response from dominion x would be interesting to hear also...though highly unlikely to happen.

They gave a response.  It's the moaning and sobbing that's plastered all over the front page.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2003, 06:27:00 PM »

I was just saying that I think that's the only response we'll get from them.  We could say, "Yeah, you can say after the fact that it was meant to be D.6, but how do you justify that the only changes made to D.6 were X2's IGR and the oz_paul's LBA48 patch", and I'm pretty sure their only response would be, "It's f**ks like you who ruin the scene!"

I think I've heard just about enough accusations regarding the ruin of the Xbox scene from people who stole code and glued it together with peanut butter.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2003, 06:30:00 PM »

I hear MatrixMan is going to come out with a BIOS. It features IGR, LBA48 and a RED LOGO!

Just ignore the "Xecuter2" under the logo.... he added that himself, just to make X2 users more comfortable. Most importantly, he's going to include an NFO, and diss Complex for their poor Debug BIOS releases (because the Evo-X Debug features are better, anyway).

If anybody says boo about it, he'll pitch a hissy fit and leave the scene forever! (or at least until he comes up with another name) We'll all be soooo much poorer for having chased him off.  rolleyes.gif


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2003, 06:41:00 PM »

QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Sep 2 2003, 10:38 PM)
Why is everyone in X-S so anti-competition, kinda acting like MS.  I got the impression than most people on here liked open soucre stuff, so others could improve on it, isnt thats what they did.  Though they probbally should have been more clear about the make up of their bios

You misunderstand...we're PRO competition...but this was not competition!!!

Dominion-X was a couple of guys that kind of stole code from EvoX, definitely stole code from Xecuter, and borrowed code from PaulB...and passed it off as their new BIOS.  They lied, and changed their story as it unfolded.

I can't stress it enough...I'm glad they've now stepped aside so a serious developer or two (just like PaulB!) can come forth and make a REAL contribution.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2003, 06:42:00 PM »

QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Sep 2 2003, 10:38 PM)
Why is everyone in X-S so anti-competition, kinda acting like MS.  I got the impression than most people on here liked open soucre stuff, so others could improve on it, isnt thats what they did.  Though they probbally should have been more clear about the make up of their bios


It was deception. Had they simply stated "we mated the X2 media patch with an Evo-X BIOS and ran it through the XBTool to add LBA48 support" - well, it wouldn't be earth-shattering, but it also would not be DISHONEST.

I hate fakes.

Why are people defending them?


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2003, 06:44:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Sep 2 2003, 10:42 PM)
Why are people defending them?

/me throws his hands in the air...

I wish I had an answer for ya, BenJ.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2003, 06:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Sep 2 2003, 07:38 PM)
Why is everyone in X-S so anti-competition, kinda acting like MS.  I got the impression than most people on here liked open soucre stuff, so others could improve on it, isnt thats what they did.  Though they probbally should have been more clear about the make up of their bios

Look it is one thing to say you put some other people's work together to make it easy for non-techies, and it is another to pass that off as your own work and act all arrogant.  Though once you've been found out you act nice and then 'gracefully' take your leave.

It'd be like slayers saying they wrote the whole program, and then when it was found out they used evox they'd just quit... tongue.gif


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2003, 06:46:00 PM »



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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2003, 06:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Sep 2 2003, 10:46 PM)
Ok, mabye i giving them more credit than they deserve, it seems like they were trying to improve an existing bios.

Ive have seen many post criticizing newcomers to the scene mainly in regards to the dms chip, i know its not everyone i didnt mean to say everyones anti-competitive


Geez.... for one thing, that mod chip developer has been terribly aloof with the community, unlike Team Xodus and Team Xecuter. The great news for them was that Team Xecuter validated the need for modchips GREATER than 1MB, and I think that's been said before. USB interface is also nice.... given the problems with other modchips LPT interfaces.

How have we been negative here, anyway? For keeping speculation to one thread on a mod chip that's STILL not out? Or is it because we gave them an ENTIRE FORUM here at X-S, even though DMS is nowhere in sight to provide juicy details our members are jonesing for?


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2003, 06:58:00 PM »

Put it in perspective.  I feel bad for the guys like Aladdin, Akira, and Apple-X....they're actually trying to push their chip.  They are being honest with their details and have great pricing.  Unfortunately, the market just isn't receptive.  As a result, they get bundled into the "All Other Modchips" forum.

DMS on the other hand is being a little sketchy on the details.  They are also not being very positive about their representation to the public and are certainly not proactive about developing a presence in the forums.  From what I understand, they're tough customers when it comes to providing promotions.  And yet the market IS receptive to them and they get their own forum because of their exposure in the PS2 scene.

Can you fairly say that the X-S staff kills all newcomers?  Of course we have our opinions, but ultimately it's the public that decides who wins and who loses, and even then the best man does not always win.


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Dominion X = Evoxd6 + X2 Media Patch + Lba48
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2003, 01:18:00 AM »

QUOTE (Mage @ Sep 3 2003, 03:12 AM)
Ah in that case lets see what Ubergeek has to say on the matter.
A response from dominion x would be interesting to hear also...though highly unlikely to happen.

I couldn't care less where they got it from tbh

our code is public domain so its fair game - although any old school scener knows you have to give credits - this is the unwritten rule. Anyone who thinks otherwise had a P4 2ghz as their first computer system and thinks BBS is something to do with car Accessories.

What is lame is them saying evox d6 is their opinion of only stable bios. Which is horseshit.

I know exactley why they didnt use any X2 bios - they know why too. Also saying IGR had issues is such rubbissh. It isnt IGR itself that has issues - you just see the net cable crash sympton when using IGR - IGR itself is full working code. And the net cable issue is pretty much resolved now anyway as a non bios issue.

But who cares - its a bios ffs. By having 13 pages of bullshit discussing whos dick is bigger just goes to show how pathetic any game scene can get - it also shows me how lame I can get by getting involved in such rubbish. Why I started to post here this week I don't know - back to work and away from this drivel.

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