
Author Topic: Everything's Fine... Until I Try To Play A Game  (Read 64 times)


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Everything's Fine... Until I Try To Play A Game
« on: December 04, 2004, 07:53:00 PM »

Everything was working fine until I installed XBMP. It loaded fine, I could play some .avi files off there fine.

Then, while at the main screen which listed all my movie files, I pushed the "Y" button. It said something about doing something to the "media" in the DVD-drive. I freaked out and turned it off after a good 30 seconds or so.

When I booted back up, everything was fine - it loaded to the dash as normal. When I tried to play a game, however, it put the signal out as NTSC, although it's a PAL game which has worked many times before.

I've read through a few people mentioning changing the video in XBMP (I assume that's what I've done), but I can't find any "option" menu or anything along those lines that would have allowed me to do that.
i've read the "readme" and it doesn't seem that I made these changes by pushing the "Y" button, but that's all I can think of. Everything was working fine before this.

I've tried the "Enigmah" thing - switched TO NTSC and back to PAL, but nothing.

Again - the Dash seems to be running in PAL just fine, and any video file I run off XBMP is OK, but when I try to play a game, it puts the signal out in NTSC.

What the hell have I done?