
Author Topic: Xbmp As A Dashboard  (Read 87 times)


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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« on: October 16, 2003, 04:10:00 PM »



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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 04:41:00 AM »



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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 05:48:00 AM »


As far as I am aware what U need is :

- remove all data from e:/udata/0face007 and e:/tdata/0face007
- if running with evolution x, then replace your file c:/evoxdash.xbe with the latest xbplayer.xbe and rename it c:/evoxdash.xbe
- again with evolution x, do not forget to update the "xbox media player.cut" on your c: so that it points to the reel new xbplayer.xbe in your new e: directory. It has to be named this way otherwise won't boot properly

In short :
- on c: U should have evoxdash.xbe (this file is in fact the latest defauklt.xbe or xbplayer.xbe you got in the latest CVS) + the xbox media player.cut properly updated
- on e:/ apps/xbmp (or whatever dir you want) you should have the xbplayer.xbe (if it was named default.xbe then rename it !

That should be good.

remeber that 2 xbmp can not run together (you can run new xbmp with old xbmp as a dash) : it is either the old one or the new one

have fun



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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2003, 10:36:00 AM »

Yes, I've deleted all of the old settings in the folders on the E: drive.  I don't use Evox.  It sucks when used in conjunction with XBMP.  (Screws up communication, so I can't use relax.)  I use XBMP as my dashboard.  I load XBMP off of F: as my dashboard .  My .cut file is fine.

It just doesn't work as a dashboard.  I haven't tried running it as an app, I'll just wait for a month to get the new CVS of XBMP.  XBMC doesn't work on my XBox either, as a dash or as an app.  I'm wondering if maybe the LBA48 patch on my bios is conflicting with something??? <-- It's just a thought.

Anyone else have the same problems?


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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 11:24:00 AM »

I can't get the 13th october cvs working either.

run as app
120GB drive
face007 deleted



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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2003, 04:45:00 PM »

yup, i cant get the latest build working either


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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2003, 05:04:00 PM »

Use the config.xml that came with the release.

Everyone that is having problems does not have the <autovideolaunch> tag in their config.xml file - ie. they didn't update their config.xml to include the new tag that was introduced.

XBMP will not load correctly unless this tag is present.  (It doesn't matter what you set it to).

This bug has been fixed for over a week in the CVS source.

Also:  You should not have to remove the system.bin file, as XBMP has had version checking on it for over 2 months.  The only thing that could go wrong is that you might have some funny settings, but only if a dev alters the format of the file without updating the version number (not likely).


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Xbmp As A Dashboard
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2003, 02:04:00 AM »


I have similiar problems with using the CVS build. The Complex 2.4 release works when used with font exploit, but when I tried to sign the 10-13 CVS build failed on the header size check (didn't load either). I then tried to load it using PBL (renamed unsigned default.xbe to evoxdash.xbe using signed PBL 1.3), but it just boots to black screen. The XBMP loads, because it creates the 0face007-directories in U/TDATA. I read somewhere that XBMP is not supporting software exploits, but it shouldn't matter with PBL?? Are there other config files then the ones in U/TDATA that should be removed with version changes? When loading XBMP with font exploit, should I have the signed or unsigned xbe in the program directory? Is there documentation on what config tags are required (can I comment out tags that are irrelevant/not neede, e.g. southcast)? Is there something relevant that I'm missing or not understanding?

PS. When the Complex 2.4 loads, the led is blinking red. Is this an error/problem or just a feature, and can it be changed?