
Author Topic: How Do You Setup Configmagic ?  (Read 47 times)


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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« on: December 04, 2004, 05:58:00 PM »

ok... I hope this isn't the dumbest question ever posted on here ..but I need to know how to setup configmagic on my xbox... I think....

a little background... I have a v. 4 or 5 xbox, a xenium chip with the v.2 OS, evolution X dash, X2-4983.06 bios, 160GB Seagate HD that, according to the list, is lockable...

I did a lot of research/read tutorials etc on the different sites before I did any mods.. everything went fine... added dvd2xbox to the apps.. backed up some games.. they all play fine... the only real problem I've had is that I haven't been able to lock the new hard drive... the xenium OS has a option to lock the HD but it fails... the evox dashboard has the option as well but that doesn't work either... I looked around and found that my HD is lockable using configmagic but I can't find any information about how to setup and run configmagic...

I downloaded the configmagic final file (the one that has been modified by yoshihiro) ... read the "readme" file and it tells about the features of the application but it doesn't really say whether or not you put it on the xbox HD to run it (like I did with dvd2xbox) or run it from the dvd-rom by somehow burning it to a disc... I don't see a default.xbe file anywhere in the configmagic file... I found a couple of posts that mentioned running it from the dvd-rom (nothing about how to make the disc though) ... but most of the posts are focused on eeprom issues after being banned and I'm not having any problem with the eeprom (yet)... I want to get the HD locked so I can try to get on xbox live...

can someone explain to me how to get configmagic setup .. either on the xbox hd or by burning it to a disc ? or direct me to a tutorial somewhere online because I haven't been able to locate one anywhere.

any help would be greatly appreciated.



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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2004, 06:06:00 PM »

You can actually do either. Try running it like an application from the Hard drive.


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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 06:11:00 PM »

ok... but how do I do that ?

there's no default.xbe file in the configmagic file that I can find... do I put one in there ?  or do I just ftp the file over the xbox apps and add it to the menu in the evox.ini file and I'm good to go ?

I just don't want to screw anything up.. I need to know exactly how to setup this app


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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 06:13:00 PM »

Are you sure you downloaded all the files for it? it SHOULD have a default.xbe in there...


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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 09:24:00 PM »

ok.. my fault... I was actually looking at the configmagic source code file and it didn't have a default.xbe file in it... I got the right file.. put it in my apps.. started it... chose the lock hard drive from the menu .. and it gave me a message saying locking not supported... but this site "" lists my HD as being able to be locked.. my HD is a 160GB Seagate ST3160021A ... well, it actually has 3 different posts for that model HD and it appears that people have had mixed results.. one says he got it locked using unlockx .. which looks like way too much trouble to me since I'm thinking that I'm going to have to unlock and re-lock it every time I want to change anything on the HD .. I want to be able to just use the xenium options or the evox to lock and unlock so I guess I'm going to have to try another HD.. I have a Western Digital WD1200JB and that site shows a lot of mixed results for locking that one too.. I don't get it .. how can some people get them to lock and others can't ? does it have to do with the xbox versions or or the type of mod chip used or what ? this is frustrating....  


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How Do You Setup Configmagic ?
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2004, 11:05:00 PM »

Hrmm..well I've actually dealt with that exact harddrive before and it locked/unlocked FINE within Xenium/Evox/config magic! hehe