
Author Topic: Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.  (Read 63 times)


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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« on: June 01, 2003, 01:10:00 PM »

I have recently installed xbmp 2.4, and i must say its a great piece of work, kudos to the developers. But the problem that i seem to be having is when i try to use IMDB i get a cannot conenct error. The same thing happens when i try to connect to a shoutcast server using a file from my xbox's hardrive. But i can connect to a shoutcast server when i play the .pls files from my computers hard drive. Anyone have any ideas why? or how can this be fixed.


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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2003, 01:37:00 PM »

sounds very much like a firewall problem (and/or NAT related)


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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2003, 04:51:00 PM »

nope no firewall, just DSL sharing its connnection to my xbox via nic.  Nothing else on my "network" lol.


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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2003, 02:56:00 PM »

ohmy.gif to find a solution for the same problem. I'll try to explain my config. I've got an ADSL connection to the internet with DHCP since my ISP do not give static IP's. I've got a hub wich both the Xbox and my PC is connected to. (I've got Xindows XP bth) The PC via XP's ADSL connection. Then I got a local area connection which also uses DHCP, BUT this connection has an alternative IP config. With this connection I can FTP files between my Xbox and PC and also SMB works great. The problem is Shoutcast, Imd, as a matter of fact connecting to the internet. I've tried turning off the firewall as well, with no luck.

It looks to me that I'm missing something with the gateway, IP forwarding? or something like that. I've also got a tip that my hub doesn't support this type of connection, but a broadband router migth do so...

blink.gif Please help us out here, please!!!


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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2003, 02:57:00 PM »



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Strange Xbox Media Player Problem.
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2003, 08:16:00 PM »

Shoutcast and IMDB are the 2 features that require an internet connection.  Even tho your PC and XBOX are networked through a hub does not mean your XBOX has an internet connection.  If your primary internet connection (you dsl) is connected to your pc or your hub, then you have set it (the PC) up as a gateway for your xbox, either through Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or some other type of proxy software.  Search for 'Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)' on google or something.  

This solution is also a pain in the ass, cause the PC always has to be on in order for the xbox to have internet access.  Your best bet is to get a router/firewall combo, which only requires that the router be active in order for any device connected to it to access the internet.  Routers are really cheap < $30 USD these days.  Get ONE!