
Author Topic: How To Add New Font To Xbmp?  (Read 32 times)


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How To Add New Font To Xbmp?
« on: January 21, 2003, 10:07:00 AM »

some one ??


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How To Add New Font To Xbmp?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2003, 12:09:00 PM »

minio  at xbmp forums

XBMP from version 2.1 (in fact from one of unofficial CVS versions) using TrueType Font for displaying subtitles. Along with the program in “media” directory there is included a file “subtitle-font.ttf”, it is a Unicode version of standard Arial font. With this file all English and some West European subtitles are displayed perfectly. But subtitles in other European languages have problems with specific country characters, and non-Latin characters languages like Russian or Korean totally can’t display subtitles.

Subtitles are made in normal ASCI format in national codepages, but the font is made with Unicode and XBMP can’t change codepages, so there is two ways. One, is to makes XBMP capable of change codepages, and second - to make your national font. I have chosen the second way.

In order to make your own fonts you must:
- Know your national codepage, in witch subtitles are made. For Poland it is CP1250.
- Little utility called “Character map” installed. It is distributed with Windows from 95 version but I have used it from WindowsXP because in this version, for view codepages can be changed easily (in advanced option).          
- Download “Font Creator Program” from http://www.high-logi...m/download.html – it is great and powerful font edition program.
- Original font from “media” directory as the source of characters.

Making of font:
- Install all programs.
- Run FCP (Font Creator Program) and open original font.
- Make new empty font (File, New, Unicode).
- Delete Macintosh mapping (Format menu, Platform manager) – sorry, it is nothing personal
- From original font copy all low ASCI characters, from first to $007E (~) to the new one.
- Now is the hard part. You must know the code of character which you want to make. Run “Character map” and choose your codepage (for me  - CP 1250 – also called Windows: Central Europe). Now find first national specific character, for me it is the letter S with strong accent (something like S with coma up of letter) its code is 0x8C, you can read code at the bottom of the window.
- Now in FCP in the new font find box with this code (Edit, Find, Mapping tab). Probably you can’t find it because no box is accompanied with code. But if you find it, just use it for the next step.
- Click on empty box with second mouse button and in properties, on mapping tab add a new code for this character ($008C for me), next delete old mapping code.
- Now you can copy letter from original font to the prepared box in new font.
- Now you must do exactly this same with all national letters. For a few letters it is easy, in Polish font I have made 18 letters, but it can be pretty hard for non-Latin languages – maybe even more than 100 letters are to be make.
- Now you can make some descriptions for your new Font (Format menu, naming), such as change language of font, add info, etc.
- Save your work, rename to subtitle-font.ttf and upload to proper directory on XBOX.

The version of font, which you have made, is just simple because it contains only standard Latin characters and your selected national specific characters. It may be a problem if your subtitles contain other characters like copyright or reserved. It is of course possible to make full font with all characters in selected codepage but it takes much time. This method is satisfactory for more than 95% of films.