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Author Topic: New Release Date?  (Read 245 times)


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New Release Date?
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2006, 01:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(twilightelliot @ Apr 8 2006, 05:47 PM) View Post

I definately don't think your first skin deserved such a high score. Project Mayhem is wayyyy better, but MC360 definately looks like the best XBMC skin ever made. I have to add something, not bitching, complaining...just wondering...Why not release beta? Why release a few unfinished copies to a few people and then...

"If anyone PM's any of the winners asking for the skin, bribing them etc, they will be dealt with accordingly. The skin will be finished and out soon enough. Each skin is marked and traceable. Its no sense to leak it, but if any of you try to get them to, as I said, measures will be taken.

Thank you."

How could you deal with them accordingly? I don't understand, this is a modding scene. Things get passed around, leaked. You're not Bill Gates. I mean no offense, but I've read that you don't understand all the hype surrounding this, but on your site you play it up with the Golden Ticket! Then you offer to leak it out to a few "chosen" individuals and ambigiously threaten anyone who tries to get it from them! Don't flame me, I'm just asking a legitimate question. Also, I doubt each skin is marked and traceable. I'm eagerly awaiting this skin, and I haven't pestered anyone about an early copy...but still it's just a skin.

Legitmate questions arent usually swimming in smart ass comments.

You don't need to worry yourself about leakers, because there wont be any. Each copy of the released skins had water marked textures and code differences, so if it did leak they would all be traced.

This is the final time I will say this, no beta will be released public because I don't want an unfinished product out in the open. I want it finished before its released. I will not comment any more on this or the contest from pansy ass sore losers.

No more discussion on public beta's or how unfair you think the contest was.
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