
Author Topic: Xbmc 4 Xbox - Version 3.5.3 Is Released  (Read 1050 times)


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Xbmc 4 Xbox - Version 3.5.3 Is Released
« on: February 28, 2016, 01:07:00 PM »

Nothing better out there to use then XBMC on your original retro modded Xbox console!

It has been now 5,218 days since the original Xbox was released by Microsoft, but still there is tons of people out there using them in their living rooms as their Media Center for Movies/TV and more!


We might be using Xbox One's now, but before there was this thing called XB1 in our living room taking space, there was amazing new device released 5,218 days ago, that ended up being the de-facto standard for streaming media from our PC's and direct from the 'net, when XBMC was born.

So many things have changed in the 'scene world' since those amazing first Xbox days, so its good to see a team out there still working on the original core of XBMC and adding in little features and improvements for all those people still madly in love with the green box.

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 has been released. A smaller update again, but includes some weather and scraper fixes, and some library updates.

Changes since 3.5.1 include:

  • Improved compatibility with some Kodi addons.
  • Fixes for the TMDB scraper.
  • Fix for weather location search and data.
  • Python updated to 2.7.11 (including updated SQLite3/OpenSSL).
  • Fix for a problem with stuttering video.
  • FFMpeg libraries updated to 1.2.12 (the last of the 1.2 series).


Thanks to Dom and tim619 for contributing patches.

For more great info on this release, latest downloads, and support please visit the official links below, and remember above all else, please show them some thanks for their on-going efforts, by dropping a line here thanking them, on their forums, and if possible a small donation, as the original Xbox and our love for XBMC will be around for many years still to come, so lets support them fully!

OFFICIAL SITE: XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 is out

NEWS SOURCE: XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 is out (via) Maxconsole