
Author Topic: Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed  (Read 42 times)

Bomb Bloke

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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:30:00 AM »

If you originally modded via hotswapping,

hotswap again to Xplorer360 and fix the files from there.

Of course if you backed up your EEPROM data you can use an XBoxHDM disc to unlock the drive manually and skip the dangers of hotswapping.

If you originally softmodded via a save game exploit,

boot that up again and there's your FTP access.


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 05:54:00 AM »

Or you could boot Frosty's Rescue disc, or Slayers, or CASH, and that would give you ftp access.

Bomb Bloke

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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 08:56:00 AM »

What happens if you turn the console on from a cold start with AID in the drive?

If that doesn't work, check your save game list for data related to these titles:

007: Agent Under Fire

Any odd looking saves there? If so, see if you can get the relevant disc and load 'em up. For example, if your console was modded using MechAssault, odds are you'll see a save for that game called "Run Linux".

If you see no odd save games (or don't have the game discs required to use 'em), you'll need to either hotswap or build an EEPROM reader. Try the above first, see how you go...

Bomb Bloke

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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2008, 01:27:00 AM »

You'll need to put the drive in a PC and fix the files from there.

The X-Box HDD has a lock on it which means that only the X-Box can access it. There are two ways to get around this.

One, build an EEPROM reader. This lets you grab the relevant key data off your X-Box motherboard so that your PC can bypass this lock itself. There's a link in my sig detailing how to make one.

Mind you, if you already have your EEPROM backed up, that's great. It always pays to do this as soon as you get your hands on a modded system (as it's much easier to do it before the system runs into trouble such as this).

Two, hotswap. This process involves booting up the console (so that it temporarily unlocks the drive), then without letting the drive lose power, transplant it into your PC. The XBoxHDM link in my sig has more info on how to do this as safely as possible.

Once you've successfully hotswapped, you can use Xplorer360 (check my sig again) under Windows to make any changes required to get the system booting again.


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 04:42:00 AM »

Did you try cold booting as Bomb Bloke suggested? Putting AID in after the MSdash has loaded won't work - you need to start the xbox with the DVD already in the drive.

What colour is the LED around your eject button once the box has booted?


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2008, 08:29:00 AM »

If the cfg is the only file missing, I'm quite certain the color of the led is anything but green and the softmod is operational. Cold booting AID/Frosty's or any boot disc will work. Especially if the OP didn't touch any of the msdash files. Of course things will turn out different if the C drive msdash files were messed around with.

@heimdall: You learn really fast  biggrin.gif


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 04:06:00 AM »

It should do, so long as all that is missing is the .cfg file.


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 05:16:00 AM »

What colour is the eject LED when you get the Error 13?

How are you burning the DVD? You need to burn the iso as an image, not burn it as a file. I've never used anything other than DVD Decrypter to burn Xbox ISO files, so I'm not sure which of the other burning tools will burn Xiso properly, or how to use them if they do! A quck Google will lead you to DVD Decrypter......


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 03:22:00 PM »

Yes, Xiso is just an iso format that the xbox likes! (Not sure what the difference is.....)

Slower speed burning is good.

I don't have a softmod xbox in pieces to play with so I can't confirm this, but I'd sort of expect the LED to be green during power-up, then to turn yellow as the softmod kicks in (if it's a relatively recent softmod), before doing the alternating red-green as it displays error 13. Is that what's happening?


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 04:24:00 PM »

Looking at the lights closely I'd say it's green during start up, and then goes red/green (long red, short green). I managed to convince myself it was yellowy-green during start up, but I think i'd just been looking at it for too long.

I've now tried Frostys iso and Slayers 2.7. Neither would load. Both went to the error screen, though I noticed that it sometimes went to error 13 and sometimes to error 14.

Should I give up on these rescue discs? Would you have thought these would work?

The guy who modded my box has said he'll look around to see if he still has the game disc (a James Bond one as I recall) and the save game pack. If he has, and I'm able to boot the game (as I was Half Life 2) my hope is I can get FTP access again.

Is that my best hope?


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2008, 05:15:00 PM »

Yes' I'd have thought the boot discs would work. Redoing the mod is probably quickest, if you can't get a boot disc to work.....

You might want to ask the guy who modded it if he has any spare working boot discs that you can have, in case this happens again. smile.gif

Bomb Bloke

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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2008, 02:15:00 AM »

One thing to keep in mind about error 13's is that if you unplug 'em from the mains for an hour or so, they forget the time and refuse to boot game discs until you set it again (which you can't, 'cause the dash is busted). You'll get an error 16 if that happens.

One quick fix that you can sometimes carry out is to boot off a Live compatible game, and try to log on from there. You don't need an account, or even an internet connection set up - The idea is that the disc will try to update your dash to the latest version, causing the box to then act like a healthy (albeit unmodded) system.

Halo 2 and anything later installs the final version of the MS Dash.


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2008, 04:50:00 PM »

Thanks for your help guys.

I managed to get hold of the Agent Under Fire game and a memory pack with the save game hack on it. From there it was simple to get my dash back.

I won't be fiddling with the set up again!

Bomb Bloke

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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2008, 02:03:00 AM »

Was AUF able to boot the save from the memory card, or did you somehow get the save onto your console first...?  huh.gif


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Help: Attempt To Make Xbmc The Default Dashboard Failed
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2008, 04:24:00 PM »

QUOTE(Bomb Bloke @ Oct 9 2008, 08:39 AM) View Post

Was AUF able to boot the save from the memory card, or did you somehow get the save onto your console first...?  huh.gif

I think it got it from the memory card, but it all happened so quickly I'm not certain. I didn't have to choose a saved game file - the softmod menu just popped up. I wondered whether it was getting it from the memory card or whether the saved game exploit was saved on the hard drive from the first time it was modded.