
Author Topic: Which Game Is Better For Gamesave Exploit?  (Read 34 times)


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Which Game Is Better For Gamesave Exploit?
« on: February 04, 2004, 08:38:00 AM »

I want to buy one mechassault or 007 Agent Under Fire for tsop flashing using the the gamesave exploit, so which one is better, easier, or working for several versions, is the question that i want to solve, for choosing one from the other...

So Mech, or 007 AUF?

Bye and thanx for ur help...

2ND question, it posible to load backups before i flash the tsop with this exploits?

Ur mexican Friend: Verawarez :D  <


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Which Game Is Better For Gamesave Exploit?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 08:46:00 AM »

well newer versions of MA and 007 actually are patched so they dont work with exploits, older copies work fine, the exploit works the same, so no game is "better" for the exploit

id actually go for splinter cell, the exploit is new so it hasnt been patched yet, lol

other than that its really just a matter of which game you want to spend the money on, i eman if you hate the 007 game but love tom clancy games, it makes sense to pick up SC instead of 007

This post has been edited by lordvader129: Feb 4 2004, 04:47 PM <