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Author Topic: Turning Xbox Into A Gps  (Read 249 times)


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Turning Xbox Into A Gps
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2005, 03:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(Jerry-kun @ Dec 4 2004, 02:30 PM)
So, it turns out the problem was not the software at all, but the dumbass user on the other end.  Installing on my windows-based PC and copying over seemed to work just fine, but chances are I lost something important in the process.


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Turning Xbox Into A Gps
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2005, 03:26:00 PM »

Heh, sorry... life getting in the way again... I start in college next month and I rolled my car on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere, totaling it.

That kinda made the project a little irrelevant, unfortunately.

As for the results of the live test... minimal success.  It identified my position after about 10 minutes of sitting stationary in a parking lot, so I set it to take me home, at which point it told me, "Please proceed to the nearest road."

I made it all the way home, with the box thinking I was sitting in that parking lot the whole time.

But, for the record, it does work... just not as fast as it needs to be.  One of these days I'll start from a Gentoox Pro install, go over my soldering job (I think my USB port might be failing) and try again.

I'm just more than a little tied down at present, especially with everyone I know shoving xboxes in my face to mod or repair.  I think it's about time I started telling them to piss off and learn to do it for themselves.


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Turning Xbox Into A Gps
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 04:05:00 AM »

good luck with this prodject. it has awesome potential. and sorry to hear bout the car. that sucks.


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Turning Xbox Into A Gps
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2005, 11:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(m1lk @ Jan 19 2005, 06:09 PM)
Here is a FAQ I wrote on the different questions I received about my XBox.  Some of the questions are around how to set up GPS on the XBox and how I got mine to work:

What I had to do was set up USB to serial to get the GPS antennea working.  Forgot if I had to recompile the kernel for that or not, just check if USB2Serial is included in Ed's most recent Linux port.   Best (and I think only GPS device that will work....earthmate would not work for me) is a Deluo USB.
The problem with GPS Drive is that it is not vector based, thus not allowing for SLR (Street Level Routing).  SLR is what it is all about IMO, so GPS Drive needs to majically become vector based or you might want to look into WineX and some windows software....allot of good Windows GPS apps out there.

Sorry to dig up such an old thread.
I have read your FAQ page on the xbox-gps setup with great interest, and am interested in doing a similar sort of thing. I've got a hard-modded xbox that I am thinking to set up gentoox on, with a USB receiver like the Holux GM210 (can't find the Deluo).
To possibly fast track the whole thing for me, can you make an .iso image file available for downloading with your whole linux/gpsdrive setup? That would really help out a lot.
Cheers and thanks in advance,

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