
Author Topic: Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?  (Read 94 times)


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« on: December 26, 2007, 12:55:00 AM »

Hi there,

After a long and painfull trip, I have managed to get my friends softmodded xBox back to booting with the original MS Dash.  I have no idea what he did, but it was totally screwed up.  I managed to get ConfigMagic running on it before returning it back to MS Dash, so I have a backup of eeprom.bin.

He now wants XBMC installed -- along with bigger HD (he's going to owe me a few beers after this).... Is there a way of preparing XBMC and then having xBoxHDM write the files to new HD?  I have a "virgin" copy of XBMC, plus a copy FTPed from another xBox.  Can I simply build the C, E and F partitions on the \linux folder, along with the eeprom.bin and then use the ISO maker to make the ISO ... it should then be a matter of booting from this CD, and running through option 1 to create a new drive, folllowed by option 3 to lock it.... Right?


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 10:41:00 AM »

It depends on the dash he is running and where the dash is booting from.

For example, a soft mod running Evox from the E:\dashboard:

Simple way, FTP everything to the PC from the C and E drives. Replace the E:\Dashboard files with the contents of the XBMC folder. Making sure that if you had default.xbe in the dashboard folder you have default.xbe there now. If you had evox.xbe in there you need to rename the XBMC default.xbe to Evox.xbe.

I don't like that way. I like to use the shortcut maker provided in the tools section to get XBMC to load as the dash.

On the Xbox now, rename E:\dashboard\default.xbe to evox.xbe FTP Shortcut.......xbe to the Xbox as default.xbe. FTP the shortcut......cfg file over as default.cfg. Put the XBMC folder in the E:\Apps folder so that you have E:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe

Reboot the Xbox and it should go to XBMC as the dash. FTP the current C and E drives and build the drive.

Before doing anything to the Xbox, make sure you have the C and E drives on the PC as a back up. Make sure the eeprom is there too.


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2007, 05:10:00 PM »

Right now, the xBox is booting to the original MS Dash ( does that have a name? ).  I can easily take the hard drive out, and using the xBoxHDM boot disk in my PC, unlock and lock the drive.  There isn't anything else on this disk right now, other then the original C and E.

So, what I want to do is create an xBoxHDM boot disk, with a configured version of xbmc.  Are there config files or ini files in xbmc that need to be altered for it to run?


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2007, 05:59:00 PM »

The XBMC files need to be in the right place to run. Same with any other dash. You can put the Avalaunch or UnleashX files in the dashboard folder and either one would boot up.


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 03:52:00 PM »

hello iv accidently formated my hdd iv now gone and brought a 160gb hdd iv set it up using xboxhdm just i need the files that go in c and e to get the xbox to boot the xbox shows error 13 and will not read cds im using cdrw that i have used on the xbox before once i get it booted i will be able to set up using aid 4 once downloaded again

how can i get the c: files and e: files as i dop not have a backup and what other files will i need

sorry if this has been asked before but iv read loads and dont follow it much anymore


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Use Xboxhdm To Make Xbmc Installer?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 07:26:00 PM »

Read this.

Posting into a topic that has nothing to do with your problem will get you nowhere. After reading the above and you still have questions, post one in the Newbie section. Make your own topic.