
Author Topic: Play Mp3's From Xbox To Pc  (Read 57 times)


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Play Mp3's From Xbox To Pc
« on: August 22, 2007, 01:01:00 PM »

Hi Guys,

I have an XBOX with a 120gig drive in it and about 100gig of mp3's. For days, I have been trying to get mp3's to stream/play from it, wether it be via ftp, http or some other app.

I have read many times that you can do it via WebDrive or Novell's NetDrive but everytime this crashed explorer in Windows XP or Windows 2003.

I have also ready many times that you can't map drives and samba won't be ported for a long time etc etc..

Well, I have found this works for me: FtpDrive on Windows XP Pro and Windows 2003 Server (x86). Now I can play my mp3's from a mapped drive (Z:\) for example and also play it at work via another freeware app that uses drives for its collection called Vibe Streamer.

So basically, if it doesn't work for you - thats not my problem, however, this works for me and I'm stoked!


Edit: Seems to play xvid's fine as well, although I haven't watched a full movie.