
Author Topic: Vista And Existing Xbox Softmod  (Read 41 times)


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Vista And Existing Xbox Softmod
« on: April 02, 2007, 04:49:00 PM »


I have came across an xbox that has already been modded with a previous version for EvoX, but does not currently run properly. The xbox boots up but only sits on the xbox dashboard menu. I would like to start fresh.

When trying to utilize the hotswap method, my PC (running windows vista ultimate) does not find the xbox hard drive (which is an after-market 80 gig). Even though I do see it in Windows Device Manager and the motherboards bios, it will not list the actual hard drive in "my computer". Also, "HDD Tools" properly loads but again displays "i cannot find a xbox HDD on this computer" or something relevant.

I have tried using the "pause/break" method, the "safemode" option, and even messing with the jumper settings, to get this hard drive to work.

Could this be because of Vista? or the possibility of me using SATA HDD's in my comp. Please let me know anything that would aid me in getting my xbox operational!


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Vista And Existing Xbox Softmod
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 08:49:00 PM »

as far as the operatinf system goes you do not have to load into the os to do the hotswap or ide trick to write files from the boot cd to the xbox hdd to do the softmod. What you do need is a pc with an ide controller and a bios that supports booting from cd. all the windows side stuff is done before you hook up the xbox drive. i.e. making the xbox hdm cd and or adding the ndure files and newest script.

 The method that wors the best for me is to make the iso that i burn to cd first by making sure you select the proprer settings when setting up the cd for the burn.. as in the kernal fonts and so forth and wether or not your going to use the .67 anything after 8gb is written to the f drive and enables the f drive. having an 80 gb in my softmodded xbox as well i used the .67 option and the 4034 kernal fonts bc thats the version of the kernal i have to check what version of the kernal you have its under the stock xbox dash under settings / system info .. let all the ms crapp scroll thru and ner the bottom before it scrolls thru again you will see 2 names  k:1.00.4304.01 and d:1.00.5960.01 the k refers to the kernal or retail bios thats on your xbox the d one refers to the dashboad version you are running ... for some people to do it on thier xbox they say 5960 is needed b4 trying the softmod / hotswap. mine already had 5960 on it so i dindt have to update... you can update if needed by trying to go on xbox live on any newer live enabled game and it will update the dash without having to download or be hooked up to a network cable... once you have the proper font seleted to match the second to last 4 numbers in the k string selected on the xbox hd maker install then select the .67 enabling the f drive and all the remaining space to the f drive mine ended up being around 50 gb after all the other partitions were made.... put all the rest of the files in the proper folders in the linux folder of the xbox hdm cd and click the mkae iso.bat burn that with any cd burning utility to a cd.... then the rest is all done from booting the pc off the cd you dont have to or want any hard drive hooked up but the xbox drive and the cd rom drive ... for best results place the cd rom drive on secondary master and a blank ide cable hooked to primary master... put the xbox as close to the pc as possibel so that you can power the drive from your pc's 4pin power connector ... turn on the pc turn on the xbox witht the drive's ide hooked to the xbox ... wiat for the dash to load and ethier try to read your game saves or play and pause a music track that makes sure the xbox's hd is unlocked ...  unhook the ide cable only hook it up to your pc by this time the xbox hdm is still asking you to choose between 1-4 choose option 1 and after the linux loads type in xbrowser go to the ndure folder on the right side and select the ndure script hit enter and follow the prompts 1 for adding ndure dual boot 2 for just having ndure no dualboot or xbox live acess... wait for it to say it is done hook back up to the xbox leaving the power connection connected to the pc reboot the xbox hopefully it will boot into the unleash x dash if it does then power alll down and re assemble the xbox and have fun with the proper softmod.... i got all my info from the krazies hotswap hdm maker page if followed correctly you cant srew anything up. i have softmodded 3 xboxes so far so good all but one has a bigger hard drive in there... as far as the windows box not seing the hard drive its because its in a fatx format the windows cannot read .. if you let windows format it in the computer management tab then it will be blank and useless in your xbox not to mention relocked once your pc reboots.. and without the key from it it will be an 80gb paperweight.. the only way to use  it in a pc is to permanatly unlock the drive ethier in the xbox thru config magic or thru the tools on the xbox hdm maker option 4 from the boot cd.. u can use the key if you know it unlock it do the softmod then relock the drive if you dont want to mess with the whole hotswap but u must know the key befor u can unlock it... and only way to do that is to have a modded xbox or a copy of your eeprom.bin file to generate the key... look around the board everything can be solved in these forums... hope this helps with your problem if not u can reply back or pm me and i will be glad to help you out.