
Author Topic: Dvd2xbox & Craxtion Question  (Read 30 times)


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Dvd2xbox & Craxtion Question
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:40:00 PM »

hey peeps,

Q1 : I backed up a game to my xbox hdd with dvd2xbox. The program creates a file default.xbe_orig. Does anyone know what this is? The reason I ask is that I know dvd2xbox patches the xbe file(s), and I want to ftp the backup to my pc to burn. Does this new file need to be deleted if I am going make an iso?

Q2: In craxtion4, there is an option to patch xbe files and iso files. My question is does it matter which I use? Can I patch the xbe files, then make iso, and patch the iso as well?

Does anyone know of a tutorial/guide for patching games?
