
Author Topic: Xboxhdm Qestion Copyin Wont Work  (Read 32 times)


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Xboxhdm Qestion Copyin Wont Work
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:25:00 PM »

hey i got into linux then i typed xbrowser and the browser came up. then i went into my xbox harrdrive. i then tried to copy a file from the hd to a floppy. it copys i think. cause when i go into the floppy directory the file is there. anywat after a suposibly copy it i go exit linux and go into windows and i go on the floppy and the file is not there. im not sure i am copying it right. i click f5 or whatever it is to copy. then a screen pops up and asksme where to copy it to. so i type /floppy and then click ok. all seems to be fine till i get into windows and the file is not on the floppy. im useing a freshly formated floppy that has fat on it.  so plzz help.


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Xboxhdm Qestion Copyin Wont Work
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 08:19:00 PM »

also is there anyway to copy the file to a cd in linux or my other windows xp harddrive?