
Author Topic: Help! Sondtrack Manager Problem!  (Read 44 times)


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Help! Sondtrack Manager Problem!
« on: June 26, 2005, 05:33:00 PM »

sorry, but i think you're screwed.
Although, while looking through the song in your "music" folder, you may find another tdata, or music, or somthing folder.
what i mean is, it will look somthing like this:


and there will be another st.db file in there. the st.db files tells the xbox what songs you have.  I think that could be a backup of the one in the first music folder, or maybe the program just makes two bad ones, i don't know.

try replacing the normal one with the one inside more folders.

see, the program messes up your st.db file.  So you need to make a backup next time so it can't ruin your songs, like it did to me, and many others.

I'd wait untill they release a stable version before using the program.


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Help! Sondtrack Manager Problem!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2005, 02:04:00 AM »

Ok thanks! So the best thing is to chill out until the release of new version...