
Author Topic: 256kbios File To 1mb Bios Conversion  (Read 60 times)


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256kbios File To 1mb Bios Conversion
« on: December 20, 2003, 05:29:00 PM »

Hi all i think its my first time posting in tsop section would first like to say thanks to all the work thats been put in i havent had to ask 1 question here until now becouse of the Excellent infromation and topics covered here.

ok my question is  

When flashing a 1mb tsop with a 256kb bios in evox it changes the 256kb bios to a 1mb bios automatically is there a command line to create a 1mb bios out of a 256kb bios that i can put in to the evox.ini file

the simplest explantion for me wanting to do this is becouse i have put together a 007 gamesave which boots to evox new hdd installer

when i click prepare hard drive it installes raincoat to E:\apps\

In the 007 gamesave directory i have added the raincoat folder from raincoat-0.501
E:\UDATA\4541000d\000000000000\Raincoat with its contents including 256kb x2 4979_06 bios named xbox.bin

i have then edited my Evox.ini to Item
"Flash Tsop With X2 256k BIOS","E:\UDATA\4541000d00000000000\raincoat\xbox.bin",ID_Flash_Bios_File
so i can flash tsops from evox using the bios file in the gamesave raincoat folder eliminating having to have 2 bios files on the gamesave

now if i have to use raincoat to flash i can press prepare hard drive and it will install raincoat to apps and then i have added this line to evox.ini
Item "reload evox","E:\UDATA\4541000d\000000000000\default.xbe"

this loads the habibi signed evox dash from the gamesave directory wich when pressed reloads evox and will then see raincoat in apps without a reboot

I can now load raincoat from launch menu i added this shortcut to my evox ini to make life easier
Item "Raincoat","E:\apps\raincoat\default.xbe"

all this has come to 7,756,876 bytes i and i think most peaple have only 8mb cards and Raincoat wont Automatically make a 1mb bios out of a 256kb bios like evox does

so i was hoping that once i put the gamesave on the xbox and boot with 007 i could if i needed a 1mb bios file to flash those pescy winbonds and such i could put another command line in my evox ini to make the 256kb bios i have in E:\UDATA\4541000d00000000000\raincoat\ in to a 1mb file?

thanks in advance sorry for the big write up im just oping for some advice peace :beer: