
Author Topic: Step Guide Needed!  (Read 117 times)


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« on: December 17, 2003, 12:02:00 PM »

Hi, Im new to this xbox modding.  I have read a bunch of the forums on here on how to TSOP flash.  I have an xbox ready to be modded (v 1.5) and a 120gb HD, and EvoX 1.8.3285 burned in the Xbox format.  Im confused as the order to complete all the steps.  Do I flash the Tsop first? and then install the HD? or the other way around? How do I install the HD? Also, what is the AUF trick and do i need it to flash the TSOP? (I want to flash it w/o a modchip). I just want it in the end to be set up so when I turn the xbox on it boots up the EvoX screen.  Any help would be appreciated.


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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2003, 03:10:00 AM »

Hey there, I don't want to sound harsh but there's really lots of tutorials and articels on
I realize it's not easy to dig through all this information and of course I'll try to answer some of your questions, but most of them are also and better answered in those tutorials:

1) You need to flash TSOP first so you can put in a different HDD. Otherwise the box won't recognise the HDD, let alone boot from CD-RW/DVD-RW. So first thing to do is figure out how to flash TSOP (by readin the tutorials)

2) Basically there are is just one way, if you don't wanna buy a modchip that is:
You need to get either 007-Agent under Fire or Mechassault (original version). Then you need a modified savegame on a memory card, there's multiple ways to get it onto the card, again I have to refer to the tutorials.
You run the game, load the hacked savegame, and you machine will drop to evox or linux, depending on which hack you use. Both evox and linux can be used to flash the TSOP, after you soldered the correct points on the motherboard. Note that you _have_ to use linux if you want to flash a winbond TSOP.

3) It's always a good idea to do backups before you do any of those steps. E.g. save your bios to file using raincoat (a linux app), save your original HDD via FTP as soon as you get evox to run.
Sorry I lost track... after flashing TSOP everything else is a piece of cake: run your evox-CD, backup HDD to PC, remove original HDD, put in new one, run evox-install-cd (the one capable of partitioning and formating the HDD),
format new HDD, FTP back old HDD's content to new HDD.
You can then install evox or any dashboard of your choice via FTP.

Good luck, if you have specific questions make sure to check the tutorials for each step, it's not too hard since all that information is available (somewhere) on

Regards, Zak


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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2003, 10:25:00 AM »

awesome..thanks.. that clears up a lot of confusion....ya, it does take a while to look trhough all the forums..i agree...but you help is greatly appreciated!


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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2003, 11:42:00 AM »

QUOTE (xboxnewbie123 @ Dec 17 2003, 10:56 PM)
Hi, Im new to this xbox modding.  I have read a bunch of the forums on here on how to TSOP flash.  I have an xbox ready to be modded (v 1.5) and a 120gb HD, and EvoX 1.8.3285 burned in the Xbox format.  Im confused as the order to complete all the steps.  Do I flash the Tsop first? and then install the HD? or the other way around? How do I install the HD? Also, what is the AUF trick and do i need it to flash the TSOP? (I want to flash it w/o a modchip). I just want it in the end to be set up so when I turn the xbox on it boots up the EvoX screen.  Any help would be appreciated.

xboxnewbie ...

how did you do the soldering...

i'm new to tsop.. and not that good with soldering.. but as i see the points are real close it should be possible...

how did you do it so nothing would be damaged... have you taped the surrounding area... or how?

i want to try a tsop but i just want to be sooooooooo careful not to damage anything...


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« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2003, 03:01:00 AM »

haven't actually done the tsop mod yet...but i know the two square of solder RIGHT NEXT to each other are supposed to connected...just drop a piece of solder in there to connect them on the top and on the bottom.  Ya, i would just tape around the edges so nothign else gets screwed up.


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« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2003, 05:01:00 AM »

Your best bet is to just tape off a three by three inch square around the two points you have to solder.  Then make sure to use a 15 watt soldering is extremely difficult to mess something up with this weak of an iron.  Also the best way i've found to solder is to try and get a bead of solder to form on the tip of the iron.  Then just touch the iron to the spot needed.  With some steady hands it is super fast!



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« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2003, 06:04:00 AM »

If I have i just use the same solder points as versions 1.2 and 1.3?


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« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2003, 06:22:00 AM »


Will i need to copy the xboxdash.xbe (the evo-x dashboard) file to my original HD first before i load the saved game it is able to drop to evoloution-x when the hack is loaded? or is all the stuff (evo-x dash, etc.) included within the saved game?  thanks..
