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Author Topic: New Skin Downloader!  (Read 756 times)


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« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2004, 01:54:00 PM »

no need to start the flames

i think its already started.


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« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2004, 01:54:00 PM »


You're starting a flame war here.. and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't get deleted again...  Try contacting Koldfuzion and Momdad privately to see if you can work something out with them... great work on the program... but sorry to see it come to this... Please just try to work it out privately...


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« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2004, 02:02:00 PM »

Personally i think you are in the wrong Skllz... it is obvious that this sort of software would be bad for the site and that you should have asked for permission first!


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« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2004, 02:05:00 PM »

I don't want to get in to this too much, it's between you and KF/MD..  However, you should have known of the download limits, and the problems with AXS bandwidth, they have been down a couple times before and switched servers because of this.  So, I also think your at fault, whether or not it was intentional, I don't know, doesn't matter anyway.


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« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2004, 02:06:00 PM »



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« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2004, 02:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (ub312g0d @ Mar 20 2004, 06:54 PM)
MomDad and KF SHOULD be very respected in the community although it seems that people are more ignorant than ever.

I almost agree with that statement...

The contributions that Momdad and Koldfuzion have made to the community should be very highly respected...

The few times I've chatted with momdad on IRC, he was very respectable and cool...

I've chatted with Koldfuzion several times on IRC and when he wants to be cool he is... but he also loves blowing up and calling people names.. and well so... In some ways I have a lot of respect for Koldfuzion... in others... I have little respect for him... Still I very much appreciate and respect the contributions that Koldfuzion makes to the xbox community...


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« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2004, 02:10:00 PM »

While I commend you for writing the program, I have to add my two cents in here... I think you are being far too stubborn about all this.

You have to consider the bandwidth issues when it comes to sites like AXS... it can be very expensive to run a site using the kind of bandwidth they do, and your program short circuits even the revenue stream by bypassing the small sponsorship advertising.

Perhaps you could work it out with them and create a program that works for the users AND AXS. This would probably mean cacheing of previews, databasing the items, and displaying advertising, while displaying hard limits on the user's daily downloads. It would be a welcome tool for all parties, then.


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« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2004, 02:21:00 PM »

once they fix the site

they are fixing the site to combat your program. yes your app is cool, but it does hog bandwidth from them. your not going to win this battle too many people are behind axs.


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« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2004, 02:44:00 PM »




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« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (SKllZ @ Mar 20 2004, 10:29 PM)

On March 18, I contributed to the x-s community a utility to help make it easier to download skins.  It was well received, with other members of the community asking to add features, like skin preview and multiple file downloads.  The original version did not have either of these features, but I added them because of the Xbox Scene community.

On March 20, on a topic in the MXM forum where I announced the utility, koldfuzion writes this kind comment:

"...All skins have currently been removed,   effectively leaving AXS broken until we can combat your app..."

MomDad posted this comment:

"You can thank a lame individual who goes by "SKllZ" for this.  Without a shred of forethought, this wanker created an automated mass skin downloader to list and leech not only AXS but other skin sites... Myself and KoldFuzion didn't spend over a year+ creating and building up this site to see it toyed with by an ignorant kid...  We would appreciate if users would respect our limits, and not help to spread the tool (although it has been rendered useless now anyway tongue.gif )."

Apparently, they think the only reason I wrote this utility was to bring AllXBoxSkins down, instead of writing it to give back to the X-S community.  Apparently, I'm "ignorant" and a "lame individual" for taking the time to write this utility.  They render the app useless and tell people not to use it.

Worse yet, the thread where other users requested those features that they accuse me of making just to bring their site down was DELETED from the X-S forums.

Did MomDad or Koldfuzion contact me and ask me to put a limit on the number of files downloaded at any one time?  NO.  Did any other member come to the same conclusions these two did?  No again.  Instead, people appreciated my time and efforts and contributed constructively to improving the utility.

Yet again, only hostile actions from Koldfuzion, as exemplified in this colorful post:

"I know who you are....You are the worthless piece of shlts that make all of this not worth the trouble... The real problem is you're not the Real Slim Shady just the pathetic imitations and like the song goes... there are lots more like you. Get a f**cking clue. Both of you make me sick."

It is Koldfuzion who is the worthless piece of shit.  Apparently, he thinks he owns all the skins and utilities that the members of the xbox community have spent time contributing.

Just to show that I didn't write this utility to bring their shitty site down, I'm going to add a download limit of 5 to the program.  Maybe then, that worthless piece of shit can get over himself.

You can help protest against Koldfuzion and his lame PHP site by doing two things:

1) Download from other skin sites that have much more features than the tired AXS.  Help support the X-S community despite Koldfuzion's remarks.

2) Add this banner to your signature to show your support for protesting AXS.
user posted image


lol, weak dude, weak.

Say what you want, do what you will, we're the #1 skin site out there, always have been, always will be, with more features than any other. Sure I'll boast, because we've put a lot of work into it, as have our users and uploaders, we should all be proud of it.

We didn't contact you about putting a limit in your little tool because frankly we don't want your tool out there at all.

Doesn't matter now, since it won't work from this point on anyway... Your tool has been rendered useless tongue.gif

"Protest AllXBoxSkins" lolol nice banner chief

And yes, as soon as XanTium is back, all remaining threads on X-S regarding your tool will be deleted.

Most capable people can grasp the concept of why there exists a download limit on AXS, but apparently you could not.  Feel free to visit our site and read the news item on the main page, which clearly points out these reasons. If, after reading that, you can't understand, then you have issues that extend far beyond your ignorance.

No one claimed you were out to bring AXS down, and the reality of it is you can't, heh.  As I mention in the news item, we had prepared for a possibility of this happening at some point, and we took precautionary measures by having a system to implement if ever deemed necessary.

You're an insignificant blip on our radar as far as we're concerned, something easy to overcome.

You refer to our site as "shitty" and "tired", yet you found it worthy of specifically creating an app for downloading from, lol.  Make up you mind bro.

Writing a tool to mass-leech a site, thereby affecting it's users, it's host, and it's hosts other sites is not called giving back to the community, far from it actually.

I think I can safely say, the skinning community, partner sites, and designers out there likely side with us in this matter, and for those who don't, tough tongue.gif



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« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2004, 02:52:00 PM »

this is what axs is going to do to you...

user posted image


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« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2004, 03:04:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Mar 21 2004, 12:10 AM)
While I commend you for writing the program, I have to add my two cents in here... I think you are being far too stubborn about all this.

You have to consider the bandwidth issues when it comes to sites like AXS... it can be very expensive to run a site using the kind of bandwidth they do, and your program short circuits even the revenue stream by bypassing the small sponsorship advertising.

Perhaps you could work it out with them and create a program that works for the users AND AXS. This would probably mean cacheing of previews, databasing the items, and displaying advertising, while displaying hard limits on the user's daily downloads. It would be a welcome tool for all parties, then.

i agree


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« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2004, 03:32:00 PM »

go momdad


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« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2004, 03:42:00 PM »

Apparently, they think the only reason I wrote this utility was to bring AllXBoxSkins down, instead of writing it to give back to the X-S community. Apparently, I'm "ignorant" and a "lame individual" for taking the time to write this utility. They render the app useless and tell people not to use it.

Think about it.  MomDad stated it before, but I will reiterate,  leeching from a site that is trying to control the bandwidth they use is NOT a supportive role.

At best,  a couple dozen get to download all the skins they want,  the rest will see our "Monthly Bandwidth Usage Exceeded" screen.   Forget about NEW skins,  they wont be able to upload them.

Did MomDad or Koldfuzion contact me and ask me to put a limit on the number of files downloaded at any one time? NO.
 no we didnt,  just as you never told us about the tool until we read it here.  You do not work with AXS, you are not affiliated with AXS,  you use our name, our graphics and our BW as if you do this freely and wrecklessly all without our consent.  Since you are an outside source I would not trust the app because we have no control or any way to check for "backdoors" to allow mass leeching.

Did any other member come to the same conclusions these two did? No again. Instead, people appreciated my time and efforts and contributed constructively to improving the utility.

Does any other member work for AXS?  Maybe only the Xbox-Scene admins would give a crap out our concerns from the start,  but once our bandwidth was gone on the 5th day of each month... I could bet you they wouldnt like your tool any longer.

Yet again, only hostile actions from Koldfuzion, as exemplified in this colorful post:
"I know who you are....You are the worthless piece of shlts that make all of this not worth the trouble... The real problem is you're not the Real Slim Shady just the pathetic imitations and like the song goes... there are lots more like you. Get a f**cking clue. Both of you make me sick."

Nice shot... taken from a totally sperate thread where you was slamming MomDads MXM logo because it looked like SE's,  yet  again, look what you have done without our name/graphics and bandwidth.

It is Koldfuzion who is the worthless piece of shit. Apparently, he thinks he owns all the skins and utilities that the members of the xbox community have spent time contributing.

I have never claimed to own them,  I know better.  I appreciate the work people put in to them and i especially appreciate the users of AXS that find us worth a return visit.

I would prefer to not have a limit and allow every user to download at will,  but we dont have MSs bankroll.  We must survive on what we have and while you might think there is no limit and I am only imposing restrictions because i feel like it then feel free try to run a skin download site and charge the bandwidth to your bank account.  Then we will post a news item on X-S and see your responce once you get the bill and get dropped from your server.

Just to show that I didn't write this utility to bring their shitty site down, I'm going to add a download limit of 5 to the program. Maybe then, that worthless piece of shit can get over himself.

If it was about ME,  I would be flattered that you even made the app.  But its not about me... its about the people you referenced.. those that make skins, those that download skins  and those that host them.   You might be one of the first two groups... but until you understand the seriousness of your app and what it does to AXS dont cry about it, host it... be the third group and use your tool for YOUR site.

You can help protest against Koldfuzion and his lame PHP site by doing two things:

1) Download from other skin sites that have much more features than the tired AXS. Help support the X-S community despite Koldfuzion's remarks.

2) Add this banner to your signature to show your support for protesting AXS

We dont lash out at others until they first cause harm to us.   We sit in one spot,  spend hour after hour updating, scanning, approving, coding, backing up and answering requests......we do this because the masses have accepted us and our offerings,   the artists have accepted us to distribute thier work,  the uploaders have decided we were good enough to host thier files.

We dont beg people to use AXS,  if you like it then have at it.  All we do is help people to download responsibly so that we can exist for the next guy/gal.  

To be quite honest with you, after doing this for so long I am tired. Very tired.  Tired of the complaints of the download limits,  tired of personal critisizm when you dont even know me, tired of people asking for better and yet they curl their tail when challenged to provide better.   I'm so tired of it all that if MomDad ever says "kill it", then its dead, AXS will be life can go on without it and there will be so much more I will be able to do without it.

So if you want us gone and gone for good... just let us know.  Otherwise, dont waste your time begging for people to rally behind you.... just let us know. In the mean time, code changes have to be done and I've already wasted enough time on your latest cry.


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« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2004, 04:06:00 PM »

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