
Author Topic: Hdd Loader Help Needed  (Read 33 times)


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Hdd Loader Help Needed
« on: January 10, 2004, 08:52:00 AM »

I've got a v1.1 box with X2.2pro.

Running 4980.06 on original hdd
Also running Evox 3935.
Px-hdd1.3 from CDRW

I get HDD running fine from the CD.  I'm not sure if the amount of free space is (both Evox and hdd see no free space on the F or G) represented correctly but hdd tells me I don't have a chip capable of running the eject fix/trick when I know I do.

I don't know how it tells but I have the correct HEX in evox.ini which is spotting the 4980.06 just fine.

I even get an original game dvd into the tray (without a reset) and hdd analyses it but when I press A to copy, it tells me I don't have an eject fix modchip.

Could it be a bug in HDD or have I forgotten something?

PS What is the .svf file that I also downloaded from the directory containing HDD loader?

